Status: Hopefully the updates are worth the wait<3

I'm breaking all the rules

No dignity

<<Mitch's POV>>

"Are we good? Can you hear me?" She looked towards the camera then towards the screen to look for my reaction.

"Yeah, I think we're good. It would be better if-"

"Tell her I'm here! Tell her I say hi, no wait! Tell her I say hello." Kyle rushed, but didn't dare get close due to the fact I had already snapped at him. I couldn't control it, I am a horrible horrible person when I'm nervous. Or completely under pressure, such as under pressure to be A) nice B) charming C) likable andD) sexy as hell to even the playing field.

"Hi Kyle." She smiled and did a little wave guessing he could see her.

"Oh my god, Mitchell," He gripped my shoulder tightly while the other hand went to the chest. "she talked to me. Did you hear it?" Gasping he sat down on my bed directly behind me so she couldn't see him.

"I was there Kyle. I think you stunned my friend, can I sue for this?" She cracked a smile then stuck her tongue out at me with the dignity only a 5 year old could posses.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Kyle, I don't bite. It's ok." Emma cooed from the screen making Kyle poke his head out from behind my chair and slowly come forward. It was quite the site, Kyle being cautious like an innocent adorable animal and Emma actingcute a bit ridiculous.

Rolling my eyes I got up and walked out of my room and down to the kitchen. I poked my head in the fridge, where it was surprisingly refreshing, and grabbed myself a coke as my pocket started to vibrate.

Where'd you go? I miss your face!

You can't help but smile at that! How do you resist that?

"Kyle, out!"

"But she and I were connecting!" His index finger wouldn't stop pointing from her to him, he seemed to be a tad bit, how should I put this? Confused?

"Kyle, I will twitter you if you let me speak with Mitch." Next thing I knew Kyle was out my front door and into the minivan.

"Wow." Sitting down I gave her a look which she returned and began to laugh.

"It's easy to just smile and bat the eyelashes." She pulled a face and shrugged making me chuckle.

"Well it's easy to fall for it." I mumbled and scratched the back of my head.


"What'd you say?" I smiled and looked up from my phone to his placid face.

"I said what happened with the toaster? There is no way your friend Connor had laser beams coming from his mouth!" He chuckled and gave me a look suddenly making me feel self-conscience.

"Well, you see-" I stopped as someone ran into the room and flung themselves on my bed. "What the fuck!" Snapping I turned around, blocking the screen from the individual who was currently face down and limp. Possibly getting drool on my pillow.

"Hey to you too." Came the muffled reply from the figure on the bed. Judging from the short blondish/reddish hair it could be none other than...

"When the hell did you get back in town Jess?" I eyed the mess of hair as she sat up and gave me a pouty face.

"Yesterday, around 3 in the afternoon." Cocking her head to the side I sighed and put my hand on my hip.

"And you didn't bother to call? You've been gone for a month and suddenly you can waltz in here and-"

"I got you sharpies!" She launched out trying to get me to forgive her.

"I have sharpies." I cut her off, looking her dead in the eyes.

"They're a 24 pack, and they're from Canada." She held my eye contact while I squinted for a moment before sighing and sitting down again.

"All is forgiven."

"You give in to Canadian sharpies? Can I just get you Ohio sharpies and call it even?" I jumped completely unaware he had been there the whole time.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Uh, I- and then- no!" I squeaked and covered up my computer screen.

"Is Mitchell Davis on your computer screen?"

"Hey there, Em I can't see anything."


"Holy hell Mitchell Davis is in your computer!"

"Well technically he's not in my computer." I looked around as I stepped away from the screen. Jess moved forward towering over my small frame and peered at the screen.

"Well hot damn, nice to meet you I'm Jess. And now I'm exiting stage left." Without another word she disappeared.

"That would be the cousin and best friend." I mumbled and sat down.

"She seems like a real, down to earth caring person." I just gave him a look then we both busted into laughing and kept talking, one of the subjects brought up was that he had a surprise for me instead of the glasses. This of course intrigued me and got me asking questions which of course he wouldn't answer, not even for the batting of the eyelashes.

==1 day later==

Hello, I'm Mitchell Davis. Just a quick update, thought I should let you guys know that I bought some new pants!"

"They're tight pants too!" Kyle called from the bed.

"I also have some bad news, I am no longer the top dog, if you will, on youtube. My hat goes off to StraitUpEmma and just a little reminder that this, this feud we have going on here, is not over. You may have won this battle, but you haven't won the war!" He cleared his throat before looking at Kyle, who nodded, signaling it was a good line for the occasion.

"Oh on another note I'm going to the carnival next week for the 4th of July! Oh yeah!" Kicking at the screen the logo popped up as Kyle and Mitch began talking.

"I don't know what to do with myself! I mean, I got beat!"

"Yeah, you have no dignity. By a girl no less." Sobs erupted from Mitchell as Kyle patted him on the back. "It's ok, just let it out."

"No it's not! She's not even funny!"

"Well, she does make me laugh."

"Are you trying to say she's funny? Are you leaving me for her?"

"I think so."


"Well she's hilarious."

"I don't know what to do with you."
-End video-
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Hope you guys enjoyed the update. Can I get some more banners? And a lot of comments! I want to know how you guys liked this chapter!!!
