Can I Ever Really Love You

No More Engagement

The next few weeks were a living hell. Every time me and Frank went out we saw his mom and my dad. We finally decided to stay in and not go out cause we would have to see them. Me and Frank still did what we always did with each other. We would kiss each other and other things. But once we found out more about my dad and his mom we slowly stopped doing that. We were still engaged and I knew that for long we wouldn’t be engaged anymore. One day I finally decided to do the right thing and get out of Frank’s life so that he didn’t have my dad as a parent. I wrote him a note. I know this is really wrong to do cause I have left him so many times but this time it will be for good. I grabbed the gun from the dresser draw and ran out of the house leaving the note for frank behind. I had to do this.

Franks POV

I got out of the shower and I saw that Sarah was gone. I walked down to the kitchen and there was a note from Sarah.

I’m sorry I have to do it this way but Its what is for the best for you. Today while you were in the shower I decided that I am gonna leave this world forever. You don’t need me in your life or my father and I don’t want him in your life either. Maybe if I’m not with you anymore he will leave you alone and your mother. We both know what was going to happen. My dad was planning on marrying your mother and breaking us apart and its working so far. I’m basically telling you that we aren’t engaged anymore and we wont be ever again. My life was fun while it lasted and now it must end. I love you more than words can describe and I hate myself for doing this to you but we both know it’s the right thing to do. just promise me one thing. You will move on and get over me. Goodbye forever my love.


Shit no she cant kill her. I ran back upstairs and threw some close on and ran out the door. I have to find Sarah before she does something bad. I ran down the street and a distance away from the house I saw a piece of Sarah’s shirt. I ran faster than I ever imagined I could. I couldn’t find her thought. I finally went to Gerard’s house.

“Gerard have you seen Sarah” I yelled
“No I haven’t seen either of you” he said
“Shit” I said
“Shit” I said and ran to the TV
One witness said that he saw the young lady floating in the river. He ran to her and found out she was dead. We have yet to know who this young lady is because she shot herself.” The news lady said.
“I didn’t get to her in time” I said crying
“Who” Gerard and Kayla asked
“Sarah she killed herself”
“What no” Kayla said crying now
“Yea she left me this note” I said and handed it to them.
“Frank she really loves you to be trying to keep her father away from you” Kayla said
“I ….. I have to go” I said and ran out of the house and back to my house and ran into my room and looked in the draw were our gun was and it was gone. I broke down again and cried she shot herself. God I cant do this any more.