Can I Ever Really Love You

Im miserable

Chapter 70

Franks POV

So Sarah has been gone for a month. I know I was an ass to her but I mean Bob likes her and I bet he thought he had a chance with her. I’m sick of her doing this to me. I loved her and I think I still do but I’m not crawling back to her. Everyone knows that Sarah was really sad when she left. But what was I suppose to do forgive her I haven’t even talked to Bob since the incident. But I do know some of the things Sarah is doing down in Florida. Jenni calls me from time to time. She told me Sarah is on the radio now.
Jenni says she cries at night. I hope shes getting over me. That’s what I’m trying to do. It doesn’t seem like its working for me though so I don’t know if I can stay away. I know that I said I can’t go crawling back to her but I think I might just have to do that.

“Frank this is Vicki my neighbor” Ray said
“Hi Vicki I’m Frank” I said
“So where’d you move from” I said trying to make it sound like I wanted to talk to this chick. She was beautiful yes but she was no Sarah. Fuck get her out of my head she probably has moved on I bet she has I mean she has a radio show now I would have if I was her and I did to her what I did.
“Frank you there” Vicki said waving a hand in front of me
“Yea sorry I was just thinking”
“Ok so do you wanna go to the movies with me” she said
“Um… I don’t go to the movies with people I go by myself” I lied I really didn’t want to go to the movies with this chick or even hang out with her.
“Oh that’s to bad” she said and started to walk away.
“Wait Vicki” I said
“Yea” she said and turned to face me
“Why don’t you ask Bob he loves to go to the movies” I said
“Is he as cute as you”
“Yea I think he’s a bit cuter than me though”
“Oh ok well I have to meet him first” she said
“Ok well he’s inside Gerard’s house”
“Ok well lets go” she said and we walked to the door and walked in.
“Bob there’s someone here to meet you” I said
“Vicki” I said and she walked into the living room.
“Hey Vicki I’m Bob”
“Hey you are cute you wanna go to the movies with me” she asked him
“Sure that sounds like fun” he said and I saw them leave the house. I walked into the living room and sat down.
“Gerard what was that for” I said
“Hey you need to get over Sarah she’s not coming back she told us that because she thinks its gonna be to hard to see you…. But hey were all going down there in a few weeks maybe you should come with us and see her” he said
“I don’t think she wants to see me”
“She might she might not but you’ll never know unless you go” he said
“Fine just tell me when so I can make sure I have free time”
“Frank you always have free time”
“Shut up Gee that’s not true”
“Right you keep telling yourself that”
“I will until I know its not true”
“Ok sounds like a plan to me” Gee said and got up and left.

“I heard that you’re a huge ass” Kayla said
“I’m not a huge ass”
“Right then if you were really sad about Sarah you would have called her and tried to get her to come back” she said
“She wont answer her phone for me anyways” I said
“Have you tried to call her”
“No but I get calls about her”
“So your making sure she’s ok by having her friend call you and tell you what’s going on in her life right”
“Yea something like that… Jenni sort of did that on her own though so you can thank her” I said and got up and left. I went back to my house and just laid down on the couch. It is so quiet with out Sarah around. God I’m a retard that’s it I gotta get over her she wont want me back and I know that.