A pirate's Ward


It was one of those nights when the sky was so dark and the moon shone so bright. The stars were bright and plentiful as a light wind blew the leaves on the trees. It just so happened that on this night a story was going to unfold. A story that will make any other story read after this unfulfilling.
It all began in a small home on the outskirts of a town by the sea. The name of the town was Rocksvile. The home in which it started housed a relatively young couple and their newly born son who was of only three days old.
The couple and their child were sleeping peacefully, like any other night, when a large bang woke the father.
He was a tall man in his twenties and had black hair with green eyes that seemed to glow in the dark of the room. He lit a candle and the beam of light covered his wife.
She too was a tall person. She on the other hand had a full head of red hair and blue eyes that were very dull and boring.
“What’s going on?” She asked quietly so as to not arouse the baby sleeping in the corner of the room.
“I think something’s going on in the town,” her husband replied looking out their window.
“Are you going to go see?” She asked worried.
“I think I should. Keep an eye on the kid,” He put his clothes on and walked out into the rain of the storm. And that was the last seen of him.
The child started crying as if he knew the second his father had reached town something bad was about to happen.
The woman got out of her bed, put on her robe, and picked the baby up in her arms. “What’s wrong?” She asked slightly swaying her arms.
The baby cried harder, his whole face becoming flushed like he was angry.
A thud came from below in the parlor and voices shouted out like they were angry, happy, and excited at the same time. A barking came from a dog and a voice shouted at it to ‘shut up’.
The woman panicked as glass shattered and footsteps began to ascend the stairs to the bedroom.
She ran into her closet and closed the door, leaving only a crack big enough to see who was invading her house.
A small man entered the room, practically smashing the door into the wall. He was short, almost like an adolescent rather than a grown man. He had beady little eyes as black as coal and hair so greasy it stuck to his face. He smiled showing yellowed out teeth.
Another man entered behind him. The man was rather tall and looked to be around in his fifties. His eyes were dark like the night sky and his hair was gray like his short beard. He walked with his hands behind his back as he strode around the room.
“Don’t seem to be anyone here,” the smaller man noted.
“It would appear so,” The other man stopped right in front of the closet.
The baby began to cry again as if he was calling out to the man. The woman tried to shush the child but by then the man had opened the closet and a few more had entered the room.
The woman cried out as the baby was snatched from her hands by the small man and she herself was grabbed by the others and pushed out of the room. That was the last seen of her.
“So uh, what we ‘sposed to do with this thing?” He asked since the particular problem has never come up.
“Kill it,” the tall man replied heading towards the door.
The baby started crying, but once the man had returned to look at him, the baby stopped crying and looked up at the man.
“Odd,” he said grabbing the child from the other man. “We could use some smarts on board for once. Take him with us.”
“Uh, what should we call him?” the small man asked.
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Started after begining to read the book Captain Warren's Wards. It's a cool book. IT WAS RAINING:(