A pirate's Ward

ten years

We were stuck on land. A storm was about to come and Father said there was no way we would survive on the sea in that storm.
I decided to explore the town we were stuck on since my father was busy doing some stuff with Kyne, and no one knew where Caleb had gone off to.
The town was small and quiet. Honestly, I was really bored. I tried climbing some trees, but the branches were too tall for me to reach. I tried to swim in the lake, but it looked marshy and I’m pretty sure I saw an alligator in it. Not like I was scared, but if I died, my father would be crushed! I also tried to talk to some people, but everyone pretty much ignored an unfamiliar ten year old boy. I finally rested on a bench.
I was looking down and noticed a pair of feet no bigger than my own. At the ankles was the end of a black dress with pale arms sticking out of them. Where the dress ended at the top was a neck and a head belonging to a girl. Her long black hair reached down to her hair and her black eyes were big and innocent.
“Can I help you?” I asked her rudely.
“You look familiar…Have we met before?” She asked tipping her head.
“Doubt it,” I stood up. “I’m a pirate. I don’t associate myself with girls!”
“Wait! Say that again!”
“Say what?”
“I’m a pirate! Say it.”
“I’m a…pirate?”
“No convincing!”
“I’m a pirate…”
“Um…..Is your name…Miles?”
I looked at her hard trying to remember the face. “Yeah…who are you?”
“I’m Kathy remember?” She came closer.
“We met like five years ago. I helped you deliver a package to Mr. Wrinkles!”
I did remember. She was that creepy girl I had met in the forest. And suddenly thinking of her reminded me of what that one woman had said.
“Yeah…I remember you,” I walked away.
“Hey wait up!” She ran towards me.
“What are you even doing here?” I asked her, still trying to get away.
She kept up with me. “I’m here visiting my Aunty Jane. Wanna meet her?”
“No,” I moved one way but she grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
“Hey! Let me go!” I tried to escape her grasp.
“You gotta meet her! She’s real amazing and I know she’ll love you!” Was her reply to my demand.
She pulled me along to the blue house on the hill.
“I don’t want to meet the insane people whom you sprouted from!” I told her.
“Don’t be silly,” she chuckled. “They’re awesome!”
She pulled me through the little door that opened up into a small kitchen. There was a little stove in the corner that was burning coal. It produced a layer of smoke that was sucked into a small chimney. A small table was pushed against the wall and three chairs sat around it.
“You have to meet Aunty Jane, she’s really cool,” Kathy pushed me into a chair and brought over tea.
“Pirates don’t drink tea,” I said crossing my arms and looking away.
“Don’t you ever get tired of being a pirate?” She asked me.
“Of course not!” I shot back.
“Who’s there Kathy?” A voice said.
A woman entered the room. She was tall and thin and reminded me of a ghost with her pale skin and rich, black hair.
“Aunty Jane this is my friend Miles,” Kathy said.
“I am not your friend!” I spat at her.
“Ah young love,” the woman sat in the other chair.
“I don’t love her either!” I shouted.
“Oh, it’s confusing isn’t it deary?” she asked Kathy.
“Tell me about it,” Kathy agreed. “I thought I’d never see him after that one time.”
“I hoped we wouldn’t!” I told them.
“Don’t be silly Miles,” Kathy said. “Aunty Jane knows her stuff, she can sense things.” Kathy drew her chair closer to mine. “And we’re gonna get married!”
I fell out of my chair and scrambled out the door.
“See you later honey!” Kathy shouted after me and the two started laughing.
I ran away as fast as I could. I saw my father and figured that sitting at the inn would be okay seeing as the storm was beginning to rain on me. I walked in and sat at the table everyone else was at.
“Trouble lad?” My father asked.
“This girl Kathy keeps following me,” I told him.
“Ah, to be young and in love,” Mr. Ash said.
“I don’t love her!” I explained.
“Good,” Mr. Kendig said. “Women are nothing but trouble.”
Everyone grunted in agreement.
“My mom was a woman,” I whispered.
All the men looked to my father and I sheepishly looked up at him. I knew he was uncomfortable with the subject of my mother. I knew he didn’t want to talk about her.
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“Idiot!” Mr. Harld said. “Pirates never apologize!”
The men agreed again.
“Oh,” I said. “Right. If you don’t mind I’m a bit tired.”
After making sure I wouldn’t be missed I walked upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed. I couldn’t get the thought of Kathy out of my head even as I feel asleep she haunted my dreams.
In my dream I was older. I was about thirty and it seemed like I was a captain of my father’s ship perhaps. I was on trial and all the pirates sat on one side of the court, the king and his men on the other side. I recognized and older version of Kathy sitting up on the judgment table looking at me.
She hammered on the table and she started talking, but I couldn’t hear any of her words. Two men came and dragged me out kicking and screaming. I was thrown into a jail cell where there was an old man sitting in the corner. Subconsciously I recognized him as my father.
He started coiffing violently and I noticed blood flowing from his mouth. I sat down next to him and couldn’t move after that. He stood up and it seemed to me like he was starting to die. I tried to get up, but my body was still stuck. All I could do was watch as he died in front of me.
Kathy, dressed as an executioner, walked in soon after and pulled my body up and dragged me to a slicing table. My hands were tied behind my back, and my head was forced down. I could see Kathy raise up a large knife and swing at my head.
I woke up shaking and crying. My body quivered and I was glad no one heard me screaming.
I fell back to my pillow fortunate no one had walked in seeing my tears.
Pirates don’t cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
As you begin to see, Miles is slowly getting less arogent, becomes more clear in the next chapter.