Status: Getting There Slowly

Dirty Sunshine

Chapter 3

Justine's Pov

I walked into my room and took of my coat. i hung it up on the back of my door. "now when i caught myself i had to stop myself" my phone was going off. i opened up my purse and started to dig through it. it kept going off until i finally found it and flipped it open "Hello"

"what took you so long to answer your fucking phone!!?" it was Derek obviously.

"i had to find it in my purse. "

"whatever i called to say I'm sorry about earlier." i signed and sat on my bed he always said this and then nothing ever changes. its like a routine for him and I'm so sick of it. i need to get the courage to leave him before things get worse. "babe?" i was so caught up in my thoughts that i forgot i was on the phone with him. "yeah I'm still here."

"i mean it I'm sorry, come over tomorrow please i want to make it up to you."

"i don't know"


"okay i will be there around two. I'm really tired i will see you tomorrow okay"

"okay i love you"

"bye". i flipped my phone closed. and signed. i have told him i loved him too since all of this started.

After i got ready i walked over to Jacob's room and knocked on the door. "come in" he yelled from behind the door. i hesitated for a second than opened the door. "good morning" i said as i walked in. "good morning" he sat up "I'm sorry were you sleeping?"

"no just laying down." the blankets slid off his body. i noticed he was just in his boxers. his body was amazing..

**damn** was all i could think. I've seen Derek without his shirt but he had nothing compared to Jacob. "oh I'm going to Derek's house for a few hours. my mom and Gregg are at work. help yourself to anything." he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"be careful" he said

"don't worry i will. see you later Jacob."

"bye" he said sounded kind of sad. i felt bad leaving him. so i decided i wasn't going to stay at Derek's for long.

Derek answered the door and gave me a quick kiss. "hey" i said quietly. we walked over to his couch and sat down. he pulled me a little closer. i felt uncomfortable and tense. his phone went off and he got up to grab it. i took a moment to collect myself. he was in the other room on the phone for a few minutes. when he came back in the living room he looked angry, "babe lets go in the room i want to talk to you about something." i should have ran but i knew he could easily catch me. i followed him upstairs to his room. "so i just got off the phone with Jimmy." he said closing his door behind us. "oh yeah" i walked to the opposite side of his room. "he told me he saw you walk into your house with some guy last night. didn't i just punish you before that for talking to some guy and then you bring one home.!" he says punish as in if i did something wrong. i didn't. he was yelling now and getting closer to me. i backed up against the wall. "Derek please calm down. he's just a friend and he needs a place to stay." he grabbed both of my arms and started to shake me roughly. "just a friend huh, don't fucking lie to me." I tired to push his away, but he was to strong. we struggled for awhile until he forced me to his bed. "get off of me please." i begged him. he held my arms above my head and squeezed my wrists. "Derek you're hurting me please stop. " he started to kiss my neck. his free hand unbuttoned my jean.

"please don't" i started to cry.

" whored around with some other guy last night. you're my girlfriend you only give yourself to me."

"no i didn't. please Derek stop." i lifted my knee and hit him right in between the legs. "fuck!" he yelled and grabbed himself in pain. i quickly took the opportunity and made a break for the door. he recovered quicker then i thought. he grabbed me and i screamed like i was being murdered. i pulled away from him and he loosened his grip. i fell forward and hit the side of my head on his dresser. i didn't waste my time to react to the pain i got up and ran out of his room and out of his house, "Justine!!" he yelled after me. but i didn't stop i just kept running until i reached my house.