Status: finished, [:

Black Heart

chapter one.

There I was, in my room, I was sitting on my bed staring at my open closet door.

“Great.. Another year at a new school, and nothing to wear.”

I thought as I walked to the closet and started looking through the clothes. This would be my fifth new school in the last two years, and every single school was the same. I would probably be the leper until someone brave enough decided to say hi. I grabbed my black denim jean skirt, my white leggings, and the grey aeropostale shirt my mom bought me as a going away present. Well, my mom and dad were divorced. I lived with my dad, and my mom lived with her new husband and his two sons. I put on my flats and walked out the room. I went into the kitchen, my dad was already there, and he was eating a slice of toast.

“Morning Sam.” he said as he took another bite out of the toast.

“Morning.” I smiled and grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet.

“Your mom called.” he said with a straight face.

He hated my mom, but he didn’t say anything to me about it, even though I already knew.

“Okay dad.” I said as I grabbed the box of cereal and opened the fridge to get the milk.

I sat down and poured the cereal and milk into the bowl, and ate. From there, we stayed silent, until my dad left for work, He stood up, kissed my forehead, and walked out the room.

“Bye Sam.” he said as he grabbed his briefcase.

“Bye Dad.” I took a last bite of my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink.

I went back in my room, and grabbed my bag. I looked at my dresser and wanted to grab the razor, but I restrained myself. I was trying to stop because of all the cuts I had already, but it didn’t matter, No one would notice. I looked at my arm and then at the razor. I turned quickly and grabbed my jacket that was on the floor and put it on. I left out the house and walked to my Volkswagen Beetle. If I left now, I’d be way to early for school, but I didn’t care. I got in the car and followed my dad’s instructions to the school. It was a good thing I left early, because it looked like the whole world was at school already. I parked in an empty parking space and got out the car. People were already looking at me as I walked to the front office. I walked in and the man sitting at the desk smiled at me. He looked around forty- two years old and had grayish-black hair.

“Hello. May I help you?”

I looked at him and returned the smile. “Um.. Yeah. I’m new here. My dad called the school to enroll me.”

He looked down at a paper. “Samantha Fields?” he looked up at me with a paper in his hand.

“Yeah that’s me.”

He handed me the paper and I looked at it. It was my schedule.

“Thanks.” I said as I walked out the door.

“Have fun on your first day!” I heard him say as the door closed behind me.

I looked at my schedule again and saw I had World History first hour. I sighed and walked around the school campus looking for the class. I wasn’t looking where I was going when I bumped into someone.
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alrightyy, i know i had already started posting this story on here, but i finished typing it all and i edited some things. so im reposting it. [: