Status: finished, [:

Black Heart

chapter two

I fell down and looked at the boy who was on the ground next to me. “Sorry. I’m so clumsy.” I said as I blushed a light shade of pink.

He looked at me and smiled.

“It’s okay. I’m Cade. You’re new here right?” I smiled back.

“Yeah. I’m Sam.” he was looking into my blue eyes and I smiled even more, blushing a darker pink.

“So, what class do you have first?” he stood up and stuck his hand out to help me up.

I gladly took his hand and stood up.

“World History.” He was still staring into my eyes as he smiled. and replied.

“Me too.” I smiled as I looked into his green eyes.

He was really hot, like movie star hot. I started having a slight blonde moment and began daydreaming, but Cade interrupted me.

“So.. do you want to go to class with me?” I looked at him and replied.

“Huh?” he laughed silently.

“Do you want to walk to class with me?” He asked with a look that hoped I would say yes.

I smiled. “Sure.”

He smiled too as we both walked to class together. We sat down in the two desk that were left open in the back of the room. We were early to class, so we started talking.

“So, where were you originally from?” he asked as he turned to face me.

“I used to live in Gadsden, Tennessee.” I looked at him as I told him. “Cool. But why would you move to a dangerous place like New York?” he asked with a look of wonder on his face as he listened to my answer.

“My dad is a businessman. He and I have been moving all over the country.” I said.

“And what about your mom?” he gazed in my eyes again.

“Her and my dad got a divorce five years ago. My mom’s remarried and has two step-sons, and my dad.. Well he’s still trying to get over the divorce.” the smile on my face had faded.

“Oh..,” he said looking at me.

His eyes were apologetic. At that point the teacher walked into the room, and everyone got quiet as he started class. The whole time during class, I would peek up from my history book, to see Cade looking at me, I would smile, he would blush, and we’d both look back down at our textbooks.

Class ended and I quickly grabbed my bag. Cade followed me out the classroom.

“Hey Sam. What’s your next class?” he asked.

I turned around to face him, and looked at my schedule. “Algebra.”

He frowned. “Oh.. I have French next, but if you want, I can show you to the class.” he offered with a hopeful smile.

“Sure.” I smiled as we slowly walked to class.

We arrived in front of the classroom after the slowest walk I ever took. He smiled and turned to leave.

“Bye.” he said as he began walking away.

“Bye!” I said, loud enough for him to hear.

He waved and I walked into the classroom. I sat in the back of the room. I was one of the only people in the room, so I studied my schedule. I heard a door open and looked up. A girl with wavy, brunette, shoulder length hair walked into the room. She sat down at the desk next to me and smiled.

“Hey. I’m Roxie. You’re new here right?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah.. I’m new here.”

She smiled. “Cool. You’re that Samantha kid.. right?”

“Sam.” I corrected her.

I had always hated it when people called me Samantha.

“Oh.. So, how has your first day been going?” she looked at me.

“Good.” I smiled at her. She smiled too, and started asking me more questions.

It had been about five minutes of continual talking, when the teacher finally walked in the room to start class. I had never been more thankful for class to start. Class felt like it only lasted ten minutes, and then as I realized it, class was over. I stood up and walked out the classroom to find Cade waiting for me.

“Hey.” he smiled.

“Hi.” I smiled back as Roxie walked over to us.

“Hey Sam. I see you met Cade.” she smiled as she looked at me for a second and turned her attention to Cade. “Hey Cade.” she smiled.

“We had World History together.” Cade answered.

Roxie smiled. “Oh cool. So what’s your next class Cade?”

“Lunch.” He answered with a curious look on his face.

Roxie grinned. “oh my gosh! Me too.”

Cade smiled. “Cool.” he looked at me. “What about you Sam?”

I smiled. “Lunch.”

Roxie looked at me. Her grin started fading. “We should all sit together!” she still had a slight smile as she grabbed both Cade and my hand and dragged us to the cafeteria.

We got in line to buy our lunches. Cade and Roxie both got a full plate of food, while I only got a bottle of water. We sat down at a empty table, and they started eating. I noticed that Cade would take continuous glances at me, while Roxie would peek up from her hair that was hiding her face, to look at Cade. I smiled as I took a sip of my water. Every once in a while, Roxie would break the silence to ask me a question. It was getting annoying because I was really enjoying the silence. Cade and Roxie finished eating, and we walked out the cafeteria. Roxie and I went into the girl’s bathroom. Roxie had to redo her make-up and she wanted me to follow. I sat on the bathroom counter as she did her make-up. Everything was going perfectly fine until Roxie asked me the worst question I could think possible.