Status: finished, [:

Black Heart

chapter seven

I looked at him the whole ride back to my house. We sat in silence, he would look at me every once in a while, and we would both smile. He laughed once, and I looked at him confused. “What’s so funny?”

He glanced at me. “Oh it’s nothing.”

I sighed. “Cade, if it made you laugh, it has to be something.”

He smiled. “I was just thinking about something.”

I smiled too and figured I wasn’t going to get a straight answer. “Oh okay then.”

We were silent for the rest of the ride, until we finally arrived at my house. He got out after stopping the car, and opened the door for me. I was about to get out also, but he picked me up and carried me to my room. I smiled as he put me sitting on my bed. “I could have walked.”

He smiled too. “Yeah I know, but I felt like carrying you.”

“Okay then?” I laughed.

We sat in silence once again. He stood up, and started looking around my room.

“Don’t mind the mess..” I stood up and kicked a pile of clothes into my closet, and closed the door.

He looked at me and laughed. “It’s okay. My room’s messier.”

I smiled as I could feel a light blush of pink arising on my cheeks. I was watching him look around, and I looked at my dresser. My eyes widened as I noticed my razor was out in the open, and Cade was just about to look at it. I walked over, my back facing the dresser.

“So, you like Paramore?” he asked as he looked at some of the posters on my wall.

“Yeah, they’re like the greatest,” I smiled.

His back was facing me, so I took the razor off of my dresser, and hid it. He turned and looked at me.

“So, what now?” he asked as I sat back down on my bed, and he sat next to me.

“Um.. No idea,” I sighed.

“Well, I have an idea, but I don’t think you’ll agree to it,” he blushed a little.

I smiled and kissed him. “Was that it?”

He nodded and kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued kissing. His arms were around my waist, so I pulled him closer. I stopped kissing him, and he looked confused.

He was laying down on top of me. “Um, Cade?”

He looked at me with his innocent gorgeous eyes. “yeah?”

I sighed and took a deep breath. “I don’t think we should go any further..”

He blushed a light shade of red. “Please Sam.”

“No,” I sighed

He sat up and I sat up too. He was looking down at the floor. “Sorry..” I whispered with an apologetic look on my face.

He looked into my eyes and sighed. “No it’s okay. We don’t have to do it until you’re ready.”

“Well if you’re ready, I guess we can..”

He shook his head. “No. I don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to do.”

“It’s okay Cade, I want to,” he laughed.

"Make up your mind woman!" i laughed too.

Then we looked at each other for a few seconds , and went back to where we left off at.