The Connection

Smells like him

There gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies in the books, to make a citizen out of you. Because they sleep with a gun, and keep an eye on you—

“Hello?” I groaned into my phone, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

“Hello sunshine!” A bright man said. I scowled and began to put the phone under my pillows again and go back to sleep, “Don’t you dare hang this phone up on me, Miss. Sydney.”

“And why not, Franklin?” I asked gently. I heard him curse me out under his breath, but I figured Bob was close behind him so he couldn’t do it out loud. I giggled, and sat up, putting my fingers through my knotty hair, “Why are you calling me at…” I paused to look at the clock on my phone, “12:45?”

“Because, Bob is driving. And he hates to be on his phone when driving.” Frank answered simply.

“And where are you all heading?”

Watch where you’re going!” Someone screamed from the background. I heard Bob retaliate,

“If you don’t like my fucking driving, why did you wanna come in the first place!”

“Where are you guys going?” I asked Frankie again, with a bit more fear in my voice. Frankie just gave his giggle.

“Just be ready about 1:30 ish.”

“You’re coming to get me? What about the tour? It hasn’t been three weeks, hell it hasn’t three days.”

“Well we got a week off, and we weren’t that far…”

“Yeah, we are only 12 hours away and Bob’s like, lets go visit Sydney!” The same person screamed from the background.

“Who is that?” I asked Frankie,

“Mikey, scared as usual.” He answered uncaringly.

“Well at least I didn’t get food poisoning, again!” Mikey heatedly shot back. I lay down in my bed and sighed, almost afraid to ask where he was.

“So…um,” I blushed trying not making myself obvious, “Where is everyone else?”

“You mean Gee and Toro?” Frankie said with a singsong voice. I glared and rolled my eyes,

“No the fucking Easter bunny, and Santa Clause.” I barked at him,

“Ohh! Bob! She swore! When we get there, you will have to spank her.” Frank giggled. I sighed and shook my head. Why do I even put up with him, its way to early for my mind to be trying to understand his over caffeinated over sugared mind?

“Tell Bob that the key is in the usual place and he can let himself in when he gets here.” I said hanging up the phone. I shoved it under my pillow and closed my eyes, letting the sleep come over me again.

“Sydney…” someone whispered in my ear. I blushed and smiled gently,

“Yes, dear?” I asked, turning over in my bed. I saw blue eyes and knew it wasn’t him. My smile dropped a bit, but I tried to keep it up, but Bob noticed anyway. He raises an eyebrow and poked my forehead,

“What, disappointed to see me?” Bob asked.

“Yep!” Frank said, jumping on top of me.

“Ugh!” I groaned, feeling the air leave my lungs. Frankie is small and compact, but when he’s jumping on top of you, it feels like brick fell from the sky. I glared at him and with all my might; I tried to push him off.

“Get off of her Frank. You’ll kill her.” Mikey muttered, leaning on my wall. I sat up and looked at him smiling gently.

“Hey, Mikey.” I breathed, standing up. Bob looked at Frank and Frank looked at Mikey.

“What was with that greeting,” Bob questioned, crossing his arms. I got out of my bed, ignoring that question hugging Mikey tightly. I dug my head into his chest, wanting to smell him, and be close to him although he wasn’t here.

“Um? Syd…are you okay?” Mikey asked, pushing me off a bit. I blushed a bit and nodded, turning around.

“I just missed him. He doesn’t come on MSN anymore, he doesn’t answer my damn phone calls.”

“I have been on honeymoon you know.” Mikey said. I looked down, dammit. How do I say, yeah…I just wanted to smell you because you like him. How am I going to explain who him is?

“I forgot. Jeeze…I’m sorry, if it would make you feel better, I can smell you too, Bob…what about you, Frankie?” I smiled and looked at them. The rolled their eyes,

“Put some clothes on,” Bob started, “We have a long drive home.”

“We are going back to where…everyone is?” I grinned slowly.

“What is with you lately, sniffing Mikey, hanging up on Frankie. Are you on your period?” Bob asked. My mouth dropped open and walked over him and hit him,

You do not as a girl that! No exceptions! Now you all go downstairs and wait till I’m finished! And don’t touch anything!.” I pushed them all out of my room and closed the door sighing hard. I can’t believe I was that close to getting caught. Maybe I should tell Bob, wouldn’t it be so much easier?

There gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies in the books, to make a citizen out of you. Because they sleep with a gun, and keep an eye on you—

“Hello?” I asked picking up my phone,

“Are they there yet?”

“Mhm,” I said softly and then giggled, “I sniffed Mikey,” The man on the other line laughed and I could hear him shaking his head,

“I’ll see you soon okay. But I need to know, what is your idea?” He giggled and said six words,

“Who listens to me these days?” And he hung up. He was gonna get us killed, but it was so nice to know in 12 some hours, I would be in his arms.