The Connection

Better to Remember

I looked at the clock, next to the bed I was lying in. ‘3:00’ one of them will be walking in any minute to explain their relation to me, once more. As if, I am a child, as if I cannot remember what they told me yesterday. The door creaked open, and I lifted my eyes to see who was coming in. Him again. Bob stops in more than the rest of the group.

“Hello, Bob.” I said gently, putting my knees underneath my chest. His face lit up with gladness.

“Hey, Syd. How are you feeling to day.”

“The same way I felt yesterday.” I nearly snapped. Bob’s head dropped and he muttered,

“Oh,” The dead silence after that made me wince and I touched his shoulder gently, giving him a soft smile,

“I’m sure I’ll remember everything soon.” I say. I do not know if he actually believes this, but I sure as hell do not. I got out of my bed and walked over to the door,

“Have you been looking at your pictures?”

“Yes.” I say, with my hand on the knob.

“Good,” He mutters, I do not even have to look at him, to see he is nodding. I opened the door to see the hallway. The same hallway I have been seeing for the past two weeks. We are all living in a house they bought, so I can be stable. They stopped their tour for as long as necessary, what tour…I do not know. I walked to the banister and look over, and listen for anything. Normal sounds of guitar and random pieces of piano. They are all here; do they not have lives outside of me remembering my old one? I walked down the stairs and followed the music.
For living with five boys, I barely see all of them. Mostly Bob, Frankie, and Mikey. The other two, are basically non-existence from my life. So much so, I can barely remember their names. One has a beautiful smile, and a great sense of humor. The other does not speak to me enough for me to judge.

“Sydney?” I hear someone breathe, not a normal voice. I turned around and my eyes locked with hazel eyes. Thinking of the Devil himself.

“Yes?” I asked gently.

“Hey! It’s me Gerard…”

“Okay.” I say, looking around. An awkward feeling of sinking came to me, as if I am not supposed to be talking to him, “I’ve got to go” I announced quickly, turning back to the music, trying to find Frankie.

“Wait,” He announced, his eyes looking a little sad, “Why don’t you want to talk to me?”

“I never said that.” I said, turning back around to him. Gerard gave a hearty laughter and smirked at me,

“I probably know you a bit more than you think.”

“Highly doubtable, seeing that I don’t remember you.”

“You don’t remember anything.” He commented walking past me. I pouted and felt my eye brows start to knit.

“Whatever.” I muttered, walking to the music again. What he said really bothered me, so what if I cannot remember anything; it is not as if I am not trying. I want to remember him, I do, and I want to remember everyone, but it is just not coming to me! It is not fair! I want to tell Bob that I remember him and everything that we have ever done together, but sadly, the puzzle pieces are there, just not making any familiar pictures at all. I groaned and sighed harder, opening the door to the music.
It stopped quickly, and the three people in the room just looked at me like an intruder. Then once they knew it was I, smiles crossed their faces.

“Hey, sleepy head.” Mikey said with a lop-sided grin on his face.

“I wasn’t sleeping; I just didn’t feel like greeting the day.” I said with a monotone. The boys looked at me sadly and nodded,

“So Sydney still doesn’t know exactly what’s going on.” Frankie said, disappointed.

“Nope.” I turned to the one with the fro because he was playing something that seemed oddly familiar. I looked at him with wide eyes, “What was that…play that again.” Mikey looked at Frankie with a bit of hope shining in his eyes,

“Okay.” He said, plucking his strings again.

It was raining, I was soaked head to toe, but it was okay because I was going to see them. I had to seem them.

“Hey, have you been standing in the rain this whole time?” I turned around and looked a blond man,

“Bobby!” I cried hugging on to them, “I really wanted to see you guys, so I stood in the rain for a while….” I chucked a bit, shivering, His face fell a bit and he shook his head,

“You know we would’ve given you tickets,”

“Yeah, I know, but I feel better if I pay for them.”

“Oh Syd, I’ll never understand you.” ‘

I blinked twice and looked at Ray…that’s his name.

“Bob and I are best friends. From a long time ago, before My Chem became a group right?” The boys just stared at me for a few seconds and then I felt myself fall to the floor and a small man on top of me, hugging me. He feels like bricks.

“You are starting to remember.” Frankie cried, “You are starting to remember!” Ray looked down and smiled gently,

“This is very good.” I nodded and tried to sit up with him still on me. My eyes caught with Mikey’s and he looked saddened, he got up quickly and walked out of the room.

“What if it’s better for you not to remember?” Mikey muttered under his breath, only for me to hear. I looked up at him with horror, as he left the room.