Sequel: Romance & Revenge



I yawned. There wasn’t really anything else to you could do to entertain yourself. Hell; that could be a name for this place. Instead of Being forced to stay at his side, always at my father’s job, a place called Jim’s Bar, it should be called Hell or Most Annoying Place on Earth . Drunks, morons and the gays were the only ones that littered the area. The gays were fine, they were just as annoyed as me but the drunks and morons made it hell. “Are you breathing?” my younger brother asked standing right in front of me. I must have missed him, guess I was deeper in thought than originally planned.

I blinked. One, twice and a third time for good measure before I moved enough to show him I was alive. “Yeah—nope,” I answered wryly, my voice was flat and completely drained of happiness, interest and meaning.

“Why—“ I stopped him there with a swat at his leg.

“Get lost, twerp,” I swatted at him again lazily and leaned my head back against the counter behind me. My father’s back was to me, as well as his co-workers as they served up the alcohol to the customers. I wanted to leave but I wasn’t allowed, which basically means if I try to escape his bodyguards (AKA: bouncers or bartender named Tate) would catch me and sit my big butt in the back room. “I’m tired, twerp.”

“Stop calling me that, your going to give me a complex,” my brother suddenly sounded like my dad, I actually giggled hearing his voice. “Did—did you just giggle?”

“I’m delusional, not enough sleep,” I explained nonchalantly as I leaned my head down in his lap. “Don’t let them wake me, I need some sleep Indio.”

“I won’t, night Remy,” I smiled and let my eyes flutter closed. “Love you.”

“Love you too, bro.”


“Remy?” I heard my father’s voice calling me, maybe it was a dream but I didn’t want to open my eyes. I felt too good to open them. I felt rested, relaxed and calm—I in no way wanted to disturb that feeling of pure nirvana. “Remy wake up, baby, Indio, wake her up she won’t listen to me.”

“I’m up dad, I’m—“ I stopped when my eyes opened and no one was around. Not to mention I wasn’t in my dad’s bar anymore. Wherever I was, was dark and damp and creepy beyond imagination. I could make out buildings made of brick around me and I could see and not to mention smell a garbage bin nearby the building to my right. I stood off the damp, filthy floor with a grossed out grunt and a stumble as I looked around. “Dad?” I called out again, I was beginning to feel panic rise in my chest. “Indio, please come out. I’m going to have a panic attack and I don’t have my inhaler!”

I stopped walking in a complete circle when I heard footsteps. I did turn to the sound, seconds after it started it abruptly stopped. I held my breath as I surveyed the darkness but nothing stood out. “Hey,” I jumped at the sound of a deep male voice, I turned around to the voice, my back to the darkness and stared at two men standing about twenty foot away from me, in their hands were weapons. I stepped back clenching my fist together out of fear, they seemed on edge and it scared me. “Oh, hey lady we won’t hurt you. Just come away from the—“

The shorter of the two stopped talking and stepped closer, a look of fear on his face. I stepped back out of reflex and watched him grit his teeth together, out of annoyance or worry, I’m not sure which. “I want to go home,” I called out. I looked down at my legs and noticed then that I had blood on me. “Oh my—“

“It’s not your blood,” the taller one shouted hearing the hysteria bubble up my throat. He moved forward with his hands out. “You have to trust me on this. There is something in the darkness behind you—it will kill you if you don’t step this way. Slowly, so it can’t hear you.”

“Okay,” I whispered suddenly feeling the need to listen to the stranger with such comforting eyes. He might have been holding weapons but his voice calmed me and almost seemed to promise my complete safety if I chose to listen. I stepped forward slowly, looking at the shorter of the two who was closest. One of his hands were stretched out towards me, palm up while the other pointed a large pistol at the darkness.

“That’s it lady,” the shorter guy cheered me on, as soon as I grabbed his hand he whirled around to cover me with his body. I instinctively ducked in his arms as gunshots went off. “Sammy—it dead?”

“No, it got away,” the taller guy made his way over to me at the same time the shorter guy let me go. “Hey, I’m Sam and this is my brother Dean. Are you okay?”

“Remy Young,” I whispered looking from one guy to the other. “Where am I?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Its my second Supernatural story (first that actually seemed appropriate) and I need some comments and criticism.


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