Sequel: Romance & Revenge


That Girl

“That’s detective Gerald and detective Spoons,” Indio called out as he stood from his spot on the couch and started walking up the stairs. “I figured they’d be here today, always in a mood to trash my good day.”

“Are you Remy Young?” the first one asked, his short red hair spiked up short on his head. He was the shorter and younger of the two, the other was a brunette with a square face. He was extremely tall.

“Yes, I’m Remy. I’m sorry I keep missing you, I’ve been busy this week,” I apologized with the most sincere face I could muster. I heard footsteps and smiled when an arm wrapped around my back and grabbed hold of my hip.

“Indio tells me you’ve stopped by quite a lot, I’m sorry I’ve kept Remy away from speaking with you. I’m Eugene Simmons, Remy and I have been planning our wedding and it’s been hectic,” Dean spoke like a pro and smiled, frowned and laughed when needed be.

“Planning a wedding? That’s mighty strange seeing as the bride’s father is missing,” the taller guy, who I suspect to be detective Spoons spoke sarcastically. Great, a wise guy.

“My father was thrilled about the wedding; he wanted me to get everything done before the date. It’s been very hard dealing with all of this; please do not accuse me of not caring enough for my father. I won’t stop when I know he would have told me to keep going,” firmly stated, I looked at the nicer detective of the two. “If you were coming out to question me, you need to hurry and do it. My family and I are leaving soon.”

“Where may I ask are you going?” Gerald asked nicely as Sam walked up from behind us to glance at both the detectives with confusion.

“We’ve hired our own private detective, he has a lead and we’re following it. If you excuse us,” Dean nodded for Sam to introduce himself. While that happened Dean kissed below my ear and whispered to me. “I’m gonna go get Indio, we’re leaving.”

“It’s a small lead but it’s a lead,” Sam shrugged his shoulders and glanced over to me. “Miss Young, these two men would like to ask you some questions about your father.”

“Go ahead,” I nodded to them.

“When was the last time you seen him?” Gerald asked pulling out a pen and small notebook to jot down my answers on.

“Last Saturday, two days before he disappeared, I was taking a nap at his bar when I got a call from Eugene saying that he wanted to go over honeymoon plans. I didn’t come back until two days, when Indio called me and told me our father had gone missing,” I looked down to hide the tears. It wasn’t now just hitting me but hearing it, brought tears to my eyes, saying it just done worse. “I never said goodbye to him. I hope it’s okay though, he’ll forgive me when he comes back. I’m sure.”

“Have you heard from him?” Spoons questioned.

“No, sadly I haven’t,” I told him honestly. I wish I had, if Alora harmed him. I’d never forgive myself for kicking her ass and not asking what she did with him. "If you hear anything, will you call me?"

“Yes ma’am,” Gerard gave Spoons a look before they nodded back at me. “We’ll contact you if we find anything out; have a nice day Miss Young.”

“They gone?” Indio came running down the steps with Dean behind him; both of them were holding two bags each.

“Yeah,” I nodded my head and held the door open for them to go out. They slid through and went out to the Impala as I checked things out before shutting the door and following them.

“I packed you two bags, the Dean guy got them,” Indio told me as I slid in the backseat with him. I smiled sadly and leaned over until my head was in his lap and my legs were against my chest. He started running his fingers through my hair, a habit he acquired some years ago when our mother died; he did it when he was scared, bored or nervous. My habit was to just lie in his lap, thinking of the possibilities while trying my hardest not to cry.


“We’re here,” I woke up from Indio’s hand stop running through my hair way before he spoke, I was just trying to fall back asleep when he called out that we were here, wherever here is.

“Where’s here?” I asked sitting up in my seat, instead of being in his lap. “Here is a rank hotel, again.”

“Yes, welcome to our life,” Sam mumbled as he got out of the car and helped me out of the back. Indio got out on Dean’s side and stood by the car as he looked around. “We’re still in Georgia; we’ve come to the decision to look for your father.”

“Thank you,” I said softly, looking from Sam to Dean who smirked and winked before he grabbed my bags from the back, he grabbed hold of Indio’s and threw them at him before shutting the door. “How do we find him though?”

“We’re going to start by talking to all his employees and friends,” Sam answered standing beside me as Dean opened up a hotel room door. “Can you and Indio write down everyone you can think of that is close to your dad?”

“Dad doesn’t have many friends,” Indio spoke after he sat his bags on the floor and walked over to stand beside me. “He’s kind of wrapped up in his work, ever since mom. The only people that could be called friends are his employees and the regulars.”

“Write them down?” Sam nodded towards a notepad lying on the table that he had thrown out with an ink pen. I sat down in the only chair as Indio stood beside me. It took two hours to think of everyone, I would say a first name and he would think of the last name so I could write it down. I handed it over to Sam after I was done and sat on the end of his and Dean’s bed, a minute after looking over it he glanced up. “There aren’t many people at all in his life, is there?”

“He liked it that way,” I answered him quietly. I scratched my neck and turned to look over at Dean, he was laid out at the top of the bed, staring at me. “How long have you been doing that?”

“Two hours,” he said without moving a muscle, his face was blank and looked bored, his arm rest over his chest and the other rest behind his head against the pillow. “You bite your lip when you’re thinking.”

“Remy,” Indio called me before I could say something back to Dean. I glanced over my shoulder and looked right at my brother. “You didn’t introduce me; I have no clue who they are.”

“Oh crap,” I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity and bolted off the bed’s edge to stand beside Indio. “Indio this is Sam and Dean Winchester, do you remember Uncle Johnny?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Detective Gerald

Detective Spoons

Sam and Dean, our men.

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