Sequel: Romance & Revenge


The Saints Are Coming

“A little,” he shrugged.

“That’s there father, mom was partners with their dad before she died. So basically we know them,” I shrugged back to him and smiled. “I’m sorry for not telling you their names; I forget you’re not a mind reader.”

“Its okay,” he smiled and kissed my forehead. “Can you come outside with me for a minute; I think I left something in the car.”

“Yeah,” I started towards the door but turned around and pointed at Sam and Dean both with each hand; they were in motion to follow. “I can go to the car on my own, boys.”

“Be careful,” Dean said softly as he lay back down but I knew once I was outside his face would be glued to the window like it was a second skin.

“You didn’t leave a thing in the car,” I murmured as we walked ten feet away from the door to Dean’s Impala. I leaned up against the hood as he opened the driver’s door and acted as if he was reaching in for something.

“That Dean guy likes you, I can tell,” he spoke softly and almost jealously as he sifted through stuff in the backseat. I wanted to smile and hug him but he would just roll his eyes in younger brother fashion. “I don’t know him, is he okay to trust?”

“Dean has saved my life plenty of times,” I bit my lip and thought back to all the times in the past week that he had in fact saved my life, whether I realized it or not. “He’s a bit of an asshole at times but he’s really a good guy. I like him a lot, Indio. I think I might be falling for him.”

He leaned up and put his forearms on the doors top. He stared at me blank faced for a good long minute before he smiled and shook his head. “It really is about time you found a guy. Dad and I were worried you swung the other way.”

“Thanks baby brother,” I rolled my eyes and threw my arm around his waist after he shut the car door and walked over to me with a silver chain in hand. “What’s that?”

“It’s the cross mom gave me for my twelfth birthday,” he smiled sadly as he held up his chain. It was a small silver cross, plain enough for a male to wear. I remembered it then, it was from mom, the very last time we seen her was on Indio’s birthday, two days before she died.

“I remember,” I rustled his hair and skipped to the door ahead of him so he couldn’t get me back. He laughed and followed trying to put his necklace on himself.

“I dropped it out of my bag,” he told me opening the door for me. I nodded and turned to run inside but something caught my attention from behind me, it was a low chuckle that hummed in my ears.

“Indio,” I whispered staring at the spiky haired man. He stood behind Indio but in front of me, he was beautiful but evil poured from him. His baby blue eyes and baby face was just a front for the demon or whatever he was. “Go inside now.”

“I’m not leaving you,” he grabbed my hand and stood his ground bravely. If I wasn’t so annoyed at him for not going in to get Dean and Sam I would have been extremely proud of his manliness.

“Go get Dean,” I told him specifically after a minute of eternal berating. “Now Indio.”

“Oh,” he grumbled before he took off to get Dean, to come out and help or protect me. I was hoping both would work.

“Very cute,” the pretty man spoke and it sounded like heaven, deep yet harmonic. It was creepy to be honest. “Your Remy Young, am I right?”

“It kind of depends, what’s it to you?” I tried to sound brave but when it’s not a creepy spider lady or some kind of mental case who thinks he’s Ronald McDonald, it’s kind of scary.

“Jim Young,” he spoke that name like he said Hugh Jackman, it was careless and nonchalant. “What’s that to you, sweetheart?”

“What’s going on?” Dean came running out of the hotel with a gun in hand; he stood in front of me protectively and stared angrily at the stranger. “Who are you?”

“I apologize for forgetting my manners. My name is Anthony Mathers, you can call me Tony though,” he smirked at me before he looked back at Dean. “You must be Dean Winchester, I’ve heard of you. Alora hated you with a passion and yet she loved you, that makes me hate you more than the beautiful woman behind you, its also going to make taking her away from you even more fun.”

“Alora? You've got to be freaking kidding me,” Dean murmured right before Tony snarled and leaped at him like a wild cat. He hissed, scratched and barred fangs at Dean the whole time I stared at him in shock. He knew my father, he probably had my father and he wanted me.

“Dean!” I screamed holding my hand out to catch his arm as he went by. “You can’t kill him yet, he has my father!”

“She’s right,” Tony scrunched up his nose with a laugh. “I offer a truce, the deal is I take Remy in exchange for Jim Young, I feel somewhat fond of Remy dear so I won’t kill her.”

“No way in hell,” Dean answered instantly with a harsh tone that made Tony frown like he had been insulted.

“My father is all Indio has left,” I whispered looking over at Dean. “If I go, my dad can be there for Indio finally. I can survive better than him.”

“Aw,” Tony covered his mouth dramatically to act like he was crying happy tears for me being brave and all that.

“You are not going with him, Remy,” Dean turned to me; his hand still pointing the gun at Tony like it would do something to him if it went off.

“You aren’t going,” Indio spoke from somewhere behind me. I closed my eyes hearing his voice. It didn’t help me think and it made my head buzz.

“You need your father,” I whispered loud enough for him to hear. I crossed my arms over my chest and opened my eyes. Tony was growing impatient with me, it was noticeable by the way he huffed and shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

“Eh! Times up, plan B!” Tony called out obnoxiously like a game show host and disappeared from view, his speed was amazing. I would have still been in awe had he not appeared again but with Indio in his arms. He held him still with one arm as the other grabbed Indio’s hair and pulled his head back to the side to allow access to his neck. “I didn’t want to harm the boy but you humans with your emotions take forever to decide. It’s really a bore.”

“Let him go, please,” I begged unable to move, I was stunned he had my Indio.
♠ ♠ ♠
There is a picture of Tony in the summary if you want to see what I invisioned him as.

Other than that, this is your treat: isn't it cute?

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