Sequel: Romance & Revenge


Don't Cry Out

“I’ll trade,” he smiled childishly at Dean and me before running a finger over Indio’s main artery. “Though I am rather hungry.”

“Please Tony!” I begged again as my eyes trailed down to Indio’s terrified face. “Take me instead of him, now.”

“Oh really?” he smiled happily when he looked up from Indio’s neck. “Fantastic, my last mate died recently, it must be luck to come up with another so quickly that I actually like.”

“Don’t,” Dean whispered as I stepped forward towards Tony. “Please don’t leave me now, I just found you.”

“I can’t lose him,” I whispered feeling my eyes starting to blur with tears. I glanced back at Tony and bit my lip. “Can I just say goodbye to Dean?”

“Just hurry,” Tony flicked his wrist at me impatiently and glanced towards his nails a second later. “Well damn—hang nail.”

“Why does he even want you? He’s clearly gay,” Dean complained of Tony loudly as I walked over and stared at him silently. I wondered in the back of my mind the same thing but it wasn’t my main problem, I’d worry about my vampire mate’s sexual orientation later.

“I heard that, asshole,” Tony gave Dean a very deathly glare with his piercing blue eyes.

“I meant for you to, dumbass,” Dean rolled his eyes at Tony’s comment and glanced down at me. “I can save him, just give me time. Don’t go with him.”

“Indio and my father don’t have time,” I answered putting my hands on each side of his head; I pulled him down to my lips and kissed him until we had to pull away for air. It still wasn’t enough but it had to end there or I’d surely die. “Thank you for everything Dean. You have no idea how much you mean to me and what you’ve done. Watch over Indy for me, please. Goodbye.”

“Farewell new friends,” Tony winked at Dean a second before he dropped Indio roughly to the concrete parking lot ground and raced to grab me from in front of Dean where I stood. I can thankfully say I passed out from fear and stress combined without actually being embarrassed about it.


“I really do wish you’d stop looking at me like that,” Tony grumbled crossing his arms over his chest. He had been standing by the only door to the building we were in, guarding it, he kept watching me and all I could do was glare and it made him angry. I didn’t actually care, he said he’d trade me for my father but I hadn’t seen hide or hair of my father since waking. “I haven’t harmed you…yet.”

“Where is my father?” I finally spoke, he had been trying to make me since I woke up and I would ignore him. That probably added to his annoyance a bit.

“You passed out for awhile, I took him back to your buddy Dean,” Tony smirked and walked over from the door. “Well, I didn’t exactly but Janie did.”

My stomach started to twist with realization. “Janie Fitz?” I questioned watching him walk over to me. He stopped at my feet and kneeled down in front of me, his face inches from mine.

“Yes, Janie Fitz,” he said softly as he looked into my eyes. Up close he looked harmless but I knew differently, I just had to keep that in mind. “You really are more beautiful than Alora gave you credit for.”

“Thank you,” I murmured staring back into his pretty blue eyes. I wasn’t going to give in. “Now can you get out of my face?”

“It won’t take long,” he smiled then before he reached out and stroked my cheek softly. “You’ll give in soon.”

“I doubt that,” I told him with a frown. “You don’t have very long because I’m getting out of here soon, so if your going to sway me with your fantastic wooing ways, you better do it now.”

“Oh well,” he shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. “You’ve swayed me.”

I wanted to ask him what he meant by that but he showed me before I could speak. He kissed me quickly on the mouth and before I could stop myself, I gasped and my mouth opened. He reacted to that and soon my mind swam. I wanted to push him away, run away screaming and spitting but his kiss was hypnotic for some reason and it made me a little dizzy. I didn’t feel him bite me but I tasted blood some time later and seconds before he pulled away. “You bastard,” I gasped out.

“You like my wooing ways,” he winked and stood. He made a refreshing noise and stretched out. “You taste like blood and kool-aid, how strange.”

“Ninja Turtle,” I whispered disappointedly to myself. The drink taste like kool-aid and I had a few sips before I fought Alora in the parking lot. “Tony what did you do to me?”

“Just tasted you for now,” he assured me with a false smile. “Tonight though, it will be a lot better. I know of plenty main arteries on the body that are in—private places, very erotic.”

“You won’t touch me again,” I spoke after glancing out the window. “I can promise you that.”

“Sure you can,” he winked and disappeared from view. I sighed at myself and looked off to the direction Tony disappeared in. I stood from the cement ground and ran towards the door; I had it opened before something grabbed my shoulders and threw me through the air backwards. I landed against the wall, making it crack under my weight and slid to the ground. The air that was in my lungs seeped away as I lay on the floor paralyzed for a minute. “Oh what the hell happened now? Alana I said don’t hurt her!”

“I’m sorry father,” I glanced up weakly to see a brunette woman with olive skin; she was beautiful and thin, model like. She looked at Tony with despair, she was in trouble. “She tried to escape; I knew you’d be mad.”

“She’s your new mother, Alana. You can’t harm your mother, can you?” Tony scolded her with one hand on his hip and the other against the wall as he leaned coolly against it. He switched his view from her to me and smirked. “Next time, check your surroundings sweetheart. You might have found Alana in the corner if you did.”

“I hate you,” I managed to whisper before everything faded.
♠ ♠ ♠
So super cute.

The boys together.

I really wish I'd get more comments, its really not that hard.