Sequel: Romance & Revenge


Don't Let Me Get Me

“Wake up Remy,” Tony’s voice woke me from a dreamless sleep. I first saw him when my eyes opened and it felt extremely odd seeing him when I first woke up instead of Dean’s sleeping (and snoring) face. “Ah, there are those beautiful eyes.”

“Go fall in a fire pit,” I grumbled as I strained to push myself off the floor, he tried to grab me and help but I slapped his hands away frantically and got up myself. “Why are you waking me up?”

“It'll be day soon, I’m waking you up so I can move you to my bedroom underground and maybe tie you up,” he smiled happily. “I am feeling a bit frisky.”

“I’ll go find you some cat nip then,” I groaned and leaned back against the wall. “I don’t want to move.”

“To bad, sweetheart,” he stated before he reached down and lifted me in his arms. Everything ached but it hurt less than my pride did, I wanted to walk myself if I was made to at all.

“Put me down,” I struggled to get away from him but my struggles were a waste of time because he didn’t even budge, his arms were still firmly holding me against him as he walked down the stairs to the basement and through a hole in the wall to a series of tunnels.

“Now, now love,” he cooed me to stunned stupidity, where I was just staring at him wondering: When you get turned into a vampire, is you’re mind the first to go? “If you don’t stop this foolishness, I’ll put you in a coffin instead of a nice comfy bed.”

“Great,” I murmured and found that he had actually meant we when he said you earlier. He lay in the bed with me, snuggling against me on his side as I lay on my back, stiff as a board staring at the ceiling. He could have at least slept in the coffin.

“Goodnight my new love,” he kissed my lips softly without any reply on my behalf before he fell into his death sleep. I stayed there for a good minute before I climbed out of bed without much difficulty and walked around his room looking for something sharp to use as a weapon. I finally managed to grab a chair and break off the leg to use as a stake; I walked back to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. I was prepared for Alana or whoever else that could and probably would jump out at me. I made it all the way upstairs before getting spotted by Alana the super strength bodyguard who probably weighs ninety eight pounds.

“You should be sleeping downstairs with father,” she said softly, walking closer to the edge of the room where I stood. “You’re trying to escape again.”

“No Alana,” I made sure to hide the stake made of the chair leg behind my back. “I came up here to check on you. Your father sure loves you; he’s worried you may be tired.”

“I am but I’m half vampire, the other half allows me in the sun so I don’t have to sleep in the day. I can protect father,” she smiled blindly at me before she took another step forward.

“Oh,” I stepped back again with disappointment mirrored on my face and voice. If sun didn’t kill her, I’d be screwed running through town with a ten foot spider running after me because I tried to stake her, yeah not smart. “Out of pure curiosity, does stakes, silver or garlic kill you?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t tried lately,” she shrugged carelessly and started walking fast towards me. She unexpectedly pulled me into her strong thin arms and hugged me tight. “I just want you to know I accept you as my new mother, I’m very sorry for hurting you earlier.”

“I’m sorry too,” I put my arms around her and aimed the stake above her heart, “I’m sorry again, for having to do this,” before she could speak I stabbed her with the stake and watched as she fell to the floor. I didn’t stick around to watch her swivel and die, or whatever they do. I grabbed my stake out of her back and ran for the door, hell-bent on getting out of there and away from whatever here is. It took a long time for me to run to the nearest town to find a phone, which was in a convenience store. I dialed the number by heart and it rung twice before the line picked up. I didn’t even wait for him to speak, I had to first. “I’m so sorry I left you, I was scared to death to go but I had to for my dad and brother. I don’t know where I am but I want you right now, I’m so sorry for leaving—I can’t tell you enough, please come and get me Dean.”

“Its okay, is there anyone near you that can tell you where you are?” Dean instructed and waited as I surveyed the isle for someone until I found a guy stocking up on Doritos.

“Hey could you come here and explain where we are and give directions to my boyfriend, please sir,” I asked and waited as he stood and came over to the phone. He told Dean where we were and give him directions, turns out we weren’t actually far from my house. I sat outside on the curb and waited until the familiar shiny black Impala barreled into the parking lot. Dean basically grew wings and flew out of the driver’s seat and surprisingly my father jumped out of the passenger’s side. Sam and Indio followed just a few paces behind them. I was first engulfed in Dean’s arms; he gave me a quick kiss and let me go so I could be hugged by my dad. “Its go great to see you dad.”

“My baby,” he cried silently as he hugged me tightly to his chest. He’s honestly not a giant but he’s tall and stocky so I felt swallowed by his arms. He almost didn’t let go when Indio went to hug me, he had to coax dad to loosen his grip on me.

“Don’t you ever do that again,” Indio scolded me when he got done squeezing the living daylights out of me. He pulled back and smiled as he looked me over. “You want to go home?”

“Tony isn’t dead, I just escaped because his daughter, the half bred spider-vamp sucked at guarding me,” I told him with a scared look around me. “We can’t go home, Indy. He knows where we live.”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” Dean walked up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. “He won’t touch you ever again.”

“He said I was his new mate, he told his spider-vamps that I was their new mother. He made me sleep in the bed with him and he kissed me,” I closed my eyes as I confessed with disgust with him and myself. “The bitch that threw me against the wall got staked before I left though.”

“Don’t worry to much about it,” Sam spoke finally and brought me from my mental berating of myself. “He’ll get what’s coming to him, Remy.”

“Don’t you dare go back and get yourself hurt trying to get him back for me,” I pointed at Dean instead of Sam, who actually had spoken. “Let’s just go, I don’t want to get anyone hurt, especially you.”

“I’ve missed something, haven’t I?” my dad asked Sam who was to his right. Sam just grinned and looked back at Dean and me like we were a movie.

“I’ll do what I have to, to protect you. I won’t let him hurt anyone I love,” Dean told me looking straight into my eyes. His ever changing ones showed nothing but pure raw passion and promises. I knew right then he wouldn’t forget about Tony Mathers, not even for a minute.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end....for now.

I am making a sequel so be happy!

I will need banners though, the name of it will be Romance & Revenge. Maybe...I need help on the sequel's name actually so if you have any tips or ideas, tell me them.

Your prize.