Sequel: Romance & Revenge



“I like that name,” the Dean guy grinned at the Sam guy before Sam rolled his eyes and focused his attention directly on me.

“That thing in the corner was—well I have no clue. Your in New York City though and I actually do believe that, that is your blood,” oddly enough he dropped to his knees and grabbed my legs to study them. I looked at Dean wide eyed and he sighed rolling his eyes.

“Dude, you’re scaring the crap out of her,” Dean told Sam before he was pulled down beside Sam. “Dude, what the hell is your—“

“She’s been bit,” Sam said the words like he was dreading it. “She’s either going to turn into something or someone turned cannibal on her.”

“Oh hell,” Dean grumbled and glared at Sam. “She’s hot too.”

“Okay so—“Sam popped up beside Dean with a smile on his face. “If this is a vampire attack, you have to stay with us because they’ll come back after you to add you into their coven.”

“I want to go home,” I cried out softly, it sounded like a whimper though, even to my own ears. “I have to go home, my brother only has me. My dad works all the time, he’ll be alone.”

“I wish there was a way,” Sam said sadly. “But if you turn into a vampire or something, you’ll kill everyone your around, you have to be here so we can keep an eye on you.”

“I don’t feel any different,” I whispered walking behind Dean, in front of Sam though. “I’m just scared.”

“It’ll be okay,” Dean’s voice was soft sounding as I stumbled up the alley way to the main street where a black Impala was sitting. “If you want us to, Sam and I can call and check up on your brother. We can head to where you live while we watch you.”

“I’d really appreciate that,” I whispered hugging myself around the waist, now that the panic of the moment was gone, I felt the night’s air and it wasn’t comforting. Dean must have noticed the shivering and took off his leather jacket.

“Here, you need it more than me,” he put it over my shoulders and grinned at me.

“Thank you,” I wrapped the warm material closer around me and waited as Sam opened the passenger side door and let the seat up. He held his hand out and helped me in the backseat. “Did you say we were in New York, back there?”

“Slow much?” Dean joked with a lopsided grin, which earned him a slap in the stomach from Sam, a hard slap too that sounded through the car. “Yeah—we’re in New York, why?”

“I was in Georgia when I went to sleep,” I answered slowly and watched as they exchanged amazed looks before they turned to look at me. “Savannah, Georgia actually.”

“Damn,” Dean murmured a moment after I spoke; he turned to Sam and let his eyebrows rise. “Georgia is a very nice state.”

“You’ve never been there,” Sam mumbled unsurely as he pulled out a dairy looking book and started writing in it. “Why do you say it’s a nice state?”

“Two words, brother,” Dean paused to start the car. “Southern Belles.”

“Should have figured,” Sam shook his head before bowing it to read from the book. “Remy are you feeling an unbelievable craving for food?”

“No,” I shook my head, I felt the complete opposite. I felt so full I was getting nauseous.

“Could that have been more than just her blood on her?” Dean asked Sam. He didn’t turn to Sam; he kept his eyes on the road.

“It could be,” Sam sounded honestly disheartened to say that. “Remy are you feeling an overwhelming urge to hurt either Dean or I?”

“Its me. Me, Sam.”

“No, I.”


“No,” I shook my head, ignoring their arguing. I couldn’t pinpoint my exact feelings, they were in shambles. “I just feel cold.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Mother's Day

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