Sequel: Romance & Revenge


The Sweet Escape

“Right,” Dean leaned over to turn on the heater. Once it kicked on, I was feeling more relaxed and comfortable. “The reason Sammy is asking you so many questions is because—“

“You don’t need to explain, my mom was a hunter too. I know of everything. Vampires, demons, witches, creepy things in the darkness,” I explained closing my eyes. “I just don’t want to leave my brother, if I do turn to a vampire—please find him and tell him that I’m really sorry that I left him too.”

“You know of hunters?” Dean asked, his shock was so very obvious as he looked into the rear view mirror. Sam nodded and said nothing of my request but Dean was stunned apparently.

“My mother was one, James Lee-Young,” I told him, letting my eyes open to stare back at him, just to notice his eyes widen even more.

“James Lee-Young was a woman?” he gave Sam a look, which Sam returned wide eyed as his brother. “Sam, dad talked about James, remember? I never knew he was really a she.”

“She died when I was sixteen,” I shrugged my shoulders carelessly. “Never could get her to wear a seat belt when she was chasing something. So what happens? She ends up in the hospital where the demon she was chasing caught her and finished her off. Who is your father, how’d he know my mom?”

“John Winchester, he was her partner for a few years,” Sam answered as Dean repeated the phrases Damn I can’t believe it and my favorite, crap over and over under his breath.

“Johnny? Uncle Johnny was your father? Right, Dean and Samuel, I get it now,” I smiled and glanced at both boys. “He spoke of you two often.”

“There, you can trust us now,” Dean looked at me through the rear view mirror again.

“Who said I didn’t before?” I asked looking straight into his oddly dark forest green eyes.


“Why can’t I go in?” I asked glaring at Sam with my arms crossed over my chest. A week has passed since meeting them and ever sense, they’ve hid me from civilization. I wasn’t even allowed to go buy clothes, I was stuck wearing Dean’s extras (Sam’s were to long) which smelt nice but were not very flattering. At the moment I stood arguing with Sam in front of a café. They thought telling me to stay in the car like a good little puppy would work but no, I’m not a damn dog.

“You can’t be around a large group of people. If you were turned into a vampire or—“

“I would have done chewed your arm off,” I finished for him and switched my gaze from Sam to Dean who stood by the door watching with a grin on his pretty face. “Dean please, I’m starving and I want to go inside. If I try to bite someone, you’re allowed to tackle me to the ground and stake my ass, I swear.”

“Come on,” he nodded and held the door open a minute or so later. I skipped a head with a smile of accomplishment on my face. Sam must have mouthed something or gave Dean a look because he grunted and told him off. “I couldn’t say no, she said please.”

“Such a jerk,” Sam pushed past him and sped up to reach me. I have him a what the hell look when he slipped his arm through mine, linking it like a hold on me. “Just a precaution…”

“Dean,” I called out taking a seat across from Sam, he was beginning to annoy me so I grabbed Dean’s arm and pulled him down in the booth beside me. “I need clothes…”

“Why? Mine look great on you,” he winked seconds after checking me out. Flattering as it is, I rolled my eyes and lifted my knee up.

“Holes are everywhere,” I complained sitting my knee back down. “I want my own clothes too.”

“She’s doing good,” Dean turned to Sam and nodded happily. “We can take her to a Wal-Mart or something.”

“Wal-Mart,” I grinned with a chuckle. “Sexy shit right there.”

“No,” Dean scolded grabbing my hand to faintly slap it. He motioned to himself and looked at me knowingly. “This is sexy, understand?”

“We’ll be in Georgia in a day or so,” I turned to Sam and smiled. My change of subject made Sam laugh and Dean grunt and start messing with the salt shakers. “Which means I‘m good to see my brother, right?”

“Not necessarily, we were informed earlier that there is a case in Carl, Georgia. That there is a creature that protects the area where supposed Indian Burial Grounds are,” Sam explained but was stopped to order his drink. We all ordered and waited for the waitress to leave for him to continue. “It’s scaring the tourist, the locals are protective of the creature but we need to find out what it is. Demon or what.”

“Are you talking about the Wog?” I asked playing with a napkin, wringing it out in my fingers. “Because if it is, that thing is harmless.”

“You know about it?” Dean asked and quieted like Sam had when the waitress returned with our drinks. When she walked off he turned back to me and let one eyebrow rise. “And…the Wog?”

“The Wog by the wiver,” I giggled at an old joke made by my family. “My cousin lived there for ten years, he seen the Wog a few times.”

“What is it?” Sam asked leaning forward to hear better.

“Demon but it has a soul or something,” I shrugged carelessly since I really didn’t know. “The Wog just protects what it’s supposed to.

“I say we skip that—“Dean stopped seeing the door open and a clown, yes a man in a suit walk in. “It has entered the building.”

“Get down, It has a gun!” I snapped grabbing Dean’s arm, I sat back and nearly gasped when he laid on me.

“I’m Bozo the clown and I am here for your souls,” the clown laughed or rather chuckled loudly.

“That’s so far past creepy it’s not even funny,” I whispered feeling Dean move to cover me a bit more, even as uncomfortable as it was.

“It, the move scared the shit out of me,” Dean commented before he ducked his head lower to my chest and stared across the underside of the table at Sam. “What do we do about a demented clown?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Is this better? Longer?

I hope it is, I'm really trying!

Your treat for reading this!