Sequel: Romance & Revenge


So What

“No you don’t.”

“Yes I do or I’ll kill your lovely CD collection,” I threatened. “Ever heard of the sport that involves throwing a disk into the air while a person with a gun shoots it to smithereens?”

“I hate you,” he grunted and turned away from me. I smiled and went through his CD’s trying to find one worth a damn.

“Oh!” I giggled and took a disc out and put it in the player.

“What—what is it?” Dean asked as the guitar solo came on loud, making the speakers vibrate.

“Blue Oyster Cult, Burnin’ For You,” I started singing along to the song and soon enough Dean was singing with me, Sam was knocked out in the backseat, poor guy missed out on the fun.

“Yeah?” Dean spoke; I turned to find out if he was indeed crazy and talking to himself, instead of getting to call him insane I found he was on the phone. I reached over and turned the sound down on the stereo so he could hear. “Are you serious? Yeah I’m like ten miles from there. I’ll go back, just send us the stuff. ‘Kay, later Bobby.”

“What’s ten miles away?” I questioned turning the stereo even lower. After that I reached back and slapped Sam awake.

“Three cases have been reported of people being drugged and then being woken up with bite marks somewhere on them,” Dean explained looking in the rearview mirror at Sam.

“Like me,” I said softly, looking from Sam to Dean.

“Yeah, no memory of what happened either,” Dean spoke with a clearing of his throat. “But—“

“Always a but in there somewhere,” I grumbled making Sam nod his head at my statement. “But what, Dean?”

“They weren’t taken to a different state,” he cleared his throat again and turned the car around to go wherever Bobby told him to go. “I don’t know what the hell happened to you Remy but I don’t think it was a vampire attack.”

“Great, I’m going to turn into something worse. Radioactive spiders anyone?” I asked sarcastically before sighing in defeat.

“Do you have to be a smart-ass?” Dean asked, contradicting himself since he was always one.

“Its how I deal, alright,” I snapped looking away. “Just…should I be scared?”

“No, we’ll protect you,” Sam leaned forward and put a comforting hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze to show me meant it.

“Let’s just check this new place out. I won’t stay in the car,” I pointed at Sam accusingly and then turned to Dean. “Please?”

“You don’t have to now, just behave. I’d hate to have to spank you,” he smirked and unbelievably didn’t wink or speak anymore the whole ride to a place called Blue Ridge, Georgia. When the car stopped I hopped out like I was set aflame. Dean rolled his eyes jokingly as Sam laughed and collected what I called his Man Purse from the back of the car.

“Holy Moley,” I walked into the hotel room that literally reminded me of death. It was horribly broken down, smelled like crap and felt weird in the air. “We have to stay, here?”

“Afraid so,” Sam sneered and pushed me gently in further. I whined under my breath and stood closest to the door.

“So where are we going exactly?” I asked to detour my wayward thoughts. I put my hands in my pockets and watched Sam make his way across the room.

“I want a drink,” Dean strolled through the doorway and scared me half to death. He grinned seeing me scared and walked across the room to Sam; he watched over his shoulder as he researched something or checked his mail. “So I’m now a mind reader? Awesome!”

“What?” I asked about Dean’s random outburst. “What is he talking about?”

“Think of a number between ten and thirty,” Dean stepped in front of me, looking at me with a concentrated look on his face. I stepped around him and moved behind Sam, my hands propping up on both sides of his head on the chair. “Oh come on, Remy play with me.”

“Not now, shut up,” I waved him away like a fly and skimmed over the articles Sam had pulled up on the screen. “So each person last remembers being at this bar, Jared’s. I think my mom worked their when she became a hunter…”

“I wanted to go have a drink!” Dean yelled out happily, raising his arms in the air as if he was summoning something.

“Each victim was a woman, ages ranging from nineteen to twenty five, all have were connected, best friends. Alisha Yojan, Janie Fitz, Alana Rambers,” Sam read off the pages, his eyes never left the screen to even look at his insane brother. “And no Dean, you are not a mind reader. Its not even called that, its called being physic.”

“I knew that,” he shrugged simply and walked over to the door, he opened it and stood beside it waiting. “Are you guys coming or am I going bar hopping myself?”

“Yojan, Fitz and Rambers were all bartenders at my mom’s old bar, they traveled with her at the beginning until they all died out, those girls must be the daughters,” I murmured shaking my head. “I don’t understand what the whole bite and run issue is about, why not kill us.”

“Let’s go,” Sam stood and grabbed my arm; I nodded with a sigh and let Sam lead me to the car. “Here is the plan, since its daylight we go in and ask some questions, just me and Dean so—“

“Wait, I thought I made it clear that I wasn’t warming the seats anymore,” I said loudly, making Dean groan in annoyance and Sam grunt in what I like to believe as annoyance.

“Remy, I was going to say that later tonight you could be the bait, again,” he rolled his eyes at himself and then nodded at me. “We’ll be there in the background watching you.”

“Being all ninja and stuff,” Dean nodded his head with a smile so big that it showed his excitement, not hiding any of it.

“Men,” I mumbled. “How about Sam go in and ask questions and tonight Dean can be at my side so I don’t get bit again, he can be my gay best friend or date?”
♠ ♠ ♠
The guys.

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