Sequel: Romance & Revenge


I Will Always Love You

“Good plan, I’ll be the date,” Dean commented glancing at me with pride. “Smart little cookie, aren’t ya?”

“I guess,” Sam shrugged helplessly seeing as my plan had the majority vote. “While I talk with management, Dean take her to get some clothes for tonight and the week.”

“Can do,” Dean held a thumb up and grinned impishly at Sam. “Do you need to get out the suit?”

“Being an undercover agent doesn’t require a suit and tie,” Sam smiled genuinely; he sat his man purse in the seat beside him and pointed off to the left. “Jared’s is that way, I need to get the FBI badge before we get there so why don’t you drive to a clothing store and I’ll drive to the bar and come back to pick you guys up?”

“Sounds good,” I nodded to Sam and turned to Dean, he was on the verge of commenting when I reached over and pinched the inside of his thigh. “Doesn’t it, Dean?”

“If you’d stop pinching me, it’d seem much better,” he grimaced and turned to me with a glare. “Seriously…ow.”

“See ya Sam!” I waved to Sam as he drove away, leaving Dean and I in front of a small strip mall. "Don’t worry, Dean. I don’t take long.”

“That’s what they all say,” he grumbled under his breath. I followed him inside the first store, I heard him whine and saw his face, pure horror. “This is worse than hell.”

“Dean,” I called out to him, since he was speaking to himself like a lunatic. “I’m not trying on anything, we won’t be long. Help me and we’ll get out sooner.”

“Freaking sweet,” he sighed in delight, a smile replacing his grimace as he practically skipped over to me and grabbed my hand. He pulled me along to each rack of clothes and commented on every shirt and pair of jeans I picked up. “This matches your eyes.”

“It does?” I looked down at the light blue shirt and then into Dean’s eyes, a smile on my face. “I like it.”

“Wear it tonight,” he grinned and moved on to the next rack of clothes. I stood still smiling, Dean was cute, hell he’s a damn knock-out. I feel a little something for him, I won’t lie but I don’t think he’s interested. He’s naturally a very big flirt with a serious eye twitch. “Remy…”

“Sorry,” I shook my head and followed Dean to the next rack. It really didn’t take that long to find seven outfits for me to have for the whole week, two other outfits for going out and three pairs of shoes. Sandals, sneakers and flats for the dressy outfits. “I think were done.”

“Sam’s back,” Dean nodded towards the parking lot. He held half of the bags in his hands; I held the door open and let him out first. “About damn time, Sam.”

“We need to go get dressed,” I commented as I stuffed the bags in the back of the car, Sam filled Dean in with what he found out, which honestly wasn’t much, just that each victim left with the same guy, who no one knew or even seen. “I call first shower.”

“Second,” Sam smiled happily as Dean threw a fit, flinging his arms and calling out nonexistent words. “Wow Dean, you’ve lost it.”

“Bitch,” Dean called Sam, which sparked a name calling war. I ended it by calling them both shitfucks and fucktards; it kind of threw them for a loop. They hadn’t expected it. By the time we got back to our roach motel, I had done picked out my outfit for the night. Blue jeans, blue shirt that Dean picked out and a white over shirt, plus the sneakers, I’d wear flats but I need running shoes to be honest.

“Get out of my way, moron,” I pushed past Dean and jogged straight for the bathroom.

“She can be such a spaz at times,” Dean commented bringing in the other bags, he set them on the bed and collapsed beside them. “I’m friggin tired.”

“You drove for two days straight,” Sam raised his eyebrows and grinned at his brother, taking the time to realize something he hadn’t thought of before. “You don’t like leaving me alone with Remy, do you?”

“No, I mean—what?” Dean pulled a confused look on his face; Sam just leaned back in his chair and smirked as Dean leaned back on the bed. “I’m going to take a nap.”

“Sure,” Sam shook his head smiling. He unloaded his laptop and some of the clothes from the bags. He pulled out a shirt from the last bag and frowned seeing something small and bundled up attached to it. He pulled at the string and slowly realized what it was, his eyes widened. “Wow…”

“Yes, it’s a thong Sam,” I walked out of the bathroom with a towel over my head and another around my body. I grabbed the thong from his outstretched hand and outfit I had laid out on the other bed. “Thanks Sammy.”

“No problem,” he murmured watching me until the door closed to the bathroom. He watched it for a good two seconds before a pillow made contact with his face. “What the hell, Dean?”

“I didn’t do it,” Dean called out innocently, smiling mischievously at his brother before he laid back and closed his eyes again.

“How do I look?” I walked out of the bathroom nearly an hour later fully clothed and all dolled up. Sam looked up from his book and eyed me up and down before nodding, sticking both thumbs up in the air to signal I looked good. Dean rolled over on the bed and eyed me slower than Sam did before and winked with a sexy growl or purr, whatever it was, it was sure sexy.

“You look beautiful,” Sam cleared his throat and smiled at me sweetly. I smiled back and looked down at myself, admiring the work that I’d done to myself in such a rush.

“I think I did well for rushing,” I commented sitting down on the opposite bed.

“You wearing that thong—“

“Dean, go soak your head,” I gave him a look and pointed in the direction of the bathroom. He held his hands up in a defensive motion and trailed in the bathroom. Sam was about to comment on him being second in line but I caught him before he could. “Sam—can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Sam walked over to me and sat on the bed beside me. “What is it?”

“Would it be completely wrong to have a crush on your brother?” I whispered biting my lip; he paused after a moment, letting my words soak in before he turned to me with wide eyes.

“Are you serious?” he questioned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys, I need some comments!

Dean and Sam

Dean on the bed ;)