Sequel: Romance & Revenge


Memory Lane

“Yeah, is it that bad?”

“No, he’s a good guy it’s just that—I like you and I don’t want him driving you away, he has a reputation of doing that,” Sam mumbled scratching the back of his neck. “Do you—uh—want me to talk to him?”

“No, no it’s not that I want that. I just wanted to know if it was wrong to take a liking to him. He’s just really sweet and a week with him, it’s been—fun,” I smiled up at Sam before leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Don’t get me wrong, your just as sweet, even more so but you to much like a best friend.”

“That’s fine, I think you’re beautiful but I’m not into you that way,” he smiled back down at me with a low chuckle. “I’ll tell you a secret. Dean has never been this caring towards a woman he thinks is hot or sexy or whatever it is he thinks. I honestly think my brother has feelings for you.”

“Really?” I asked gazing into Sam’s eyes, hope built in me.

“Yeah,” he said softly, smiling as he gazed back into mine. We sat there staring, both of us deep in our own thoughts when we heard Dean clear his throat from behind us.

I turned and felt my body stiffen and my eyes widen with the sight before me. Dean was just in a towel, his body damp and shining with moisture that dripped down his six pack and he was glaring at both Sam and I. “Dean,” I called out, trying to distract myself from drooling over him. “I um—“

“Sam are you taking a shower or should we just leave when I get dressed?” Dean asked Sam boredly, not even glancing at me as he spoke. I took that as a bad sign.

What did I do? Let’s see…

1.) I did take control of his music, but that seemed to amuse him more than piss him off. No, that’s not it.

2.) I have cussed him out in the past, jokingly of course. Nope, not it either.

3.) I’m sitting really close to his brother, gazing into his eyes and barely inches away from his face. Oh hell.

“Dean it’s not what it—“Sam started but Dean shook his head and grabbed his clothes from on top of his bag, on the dresser.

“Don’t bother,” Dean murmured before locking himself in the bathroom again.

“Son of a bitch,” I whispered throwing myself back against the bed sheets. Sam groaned and followed suit, just barely above my head. “We screwed that up, Sam.”

“Yes we did,” he huffed staring at the gross ceiling.


“I’ll be right over here, if you need me just wave me over,” Sam told Dean and I as we stood by the front door, he was motioning to the back of the bar. Dean was ignoring him while looking around the place, I was listening intensely. I needed to know in case I got bit again or killed. “Be careful.”

“Thanks Sam,” I said softly as I grabbed Dean’s arm to walk with him but he pulled away and walked ahead without glancing over at me. I glared at the back of his head and sighed under my breath, it would be a long night for one of us.

“What can I get you?” the bartender walked over to the counter where Dean had propped against, I upped my speed and hurried to his side to order and kind of protect my man—well, Dean. The bartender was beautiful; she was blond with straight layered hair down to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. No way could I compete with that.

“I’ll take a Ninja Turtle,” I spoke before Dean had a chance, he glanced over at me with both eyebrows furrowed and tilted his head to the side. “What? It tastes like kool-aid, so sue me.”

“I’ll just have a shot of bourbon,” Dean nodded and spoke quietly. He grinned at the bartender with that bad boy cocky smile.

“What is your problem?” I asked after about five minutes of him ignoring me. I had downed half the light blue drink in my hand and was feeling a little brave. “You haven’t even said a word to me since we’ve been here, if you’re supposed to act like my date, do it and stop acting like a dick.”

“Why didn’t you ask Sam to be?” he turned to me and smiled sarcastically. “I’m sure he’d love that.”

“You’re such an idiot, Dean,” I snapped slapping his chest hard, he stared in shock and held the spot I hit. “I don’t like Sam! I like you, I wasn’t going to do anything with Sam when you seen us in the hotel room, I was telling him I had feelings for you!”

“You were?” he asked quietly, bending his head to hear me.

“Yes I was,” I admitted with a sigh. “Dean—“

His lips covered mine before I could finish my sentence, not that I minded. When his lips touched mine, those words flew from my head and left it scrambled like scrapple. Unfortunately it ended rather abruptly when he pulled away and glanced towards his right, there standing by Dean’s left was a woman with long brown hair with blond streaks and with near black eyes. She was gorgeous but she was pissed. “Shit,” Dean stated before he was punched in the face by the gorgeous pissed off woman.

“Hey!” I shouted stepping forward to the woman; she turned to me and hissed, literally hissed. “Whoa, calm down cat lady. No need for hissing.”

“Should have figured,” Dean exclaimed rubbing his jaw gently. “Remy meet the woman who bit you, Alora. Alora, I’m sure you know Remy Young.”

“What?” I turned to Dean and stared at him wide eyes. “How the hell do you know she’s the one who did it?”

“Alora is a shape shifter, get this—she shifts into a giant spider,” Dean nodded looking at me and then Alora; he glanced back at me and laughed. “Not kidding, seriously.”

“When I said I hoped I wasn’t turning into a radio-active spider, I wasn’t actually considering that happening,” I said softly, turning back to Alora who was still as a statue, glaring at Dean. “Why did you take me?”

“I’m just getting every woman who was involved in James Lee-Young's life, she killed my mother,” Alora got straight to it as she turned to me. “But for Dean, I’m just pissed off because he left me after we had sex.”

“Dean,” I turned to Dean once again and stared wide eyed at his guilty face. “Ew…”

“I hate bugs too,” Dean admitted with a sigh.

“I’m not a bug,” Alora growled.