Sequel: Romance & Revenge


I Don't Care.

“I’ll be fine,” he leaned up to kiss my lips but I dodged the attack by leaning back, the horn went off from my weight and made me instantly sit back up. “What?”

“You lips are all messed up, Dean. Wait until they heal,” I told him softly. “At least for tonight, then you can cause pain to yourself however you like tomorrow.”

“Damn it,” he grimaced again as he spoke. “I guess your right but damn that sucks.”

“I’ll think of other ways,” I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead before I slid out of his lap into the back seat.

“Damn,” he groaned and rested his forehead against the steering wheel for a minute. When he collected his thoughts that had wondered astray, he started the engine and took off for our hotel hell.


“This is home,” I said softly as I walked up to the door, Sam was to my right and Dean was on my left, clutching my hand firmly for my comfort. I rang the doorbell, out of nervousness and waited beside the two who were at the moment my lifesavers.

The door opened and my breathing hitched, I stared at my baby brother with wide eyes as he glanced back behind him, his mind elsewhere. “Yeah?” he slowly turned around to see me.

“Happy Birthday Indio,” I said softly as I held out a small box, inside was a convenience store gift that cost a dollar. He ignored the gift and so did I, the tears that were blurring my vision fell over my lids and slid down my cheeks as he stared at me, wide eyed and mouth gapped open. His eyes didn’t hesitate to show his emotions, they turned red and glossy as tears fell down his face. He stepped forward and embraced me in such a tight hug it hurt to breathe, but really I didn’t need to at the minute. I just needed him. I dug my face into his blue sweater and cried like a baby, of course he was my younger brother but he was much taller than me so when he hugged me, I felt like I was hugging someone stronger, older and wiser. Not someone who I’ve sheltered, loved and knew was still a child at heart. I forgot how softhearted he really was, until now.

“I thought you were dead,” he whispered into my ear, his voice was basically gone and all was left was straining of what had been. His whole face had gone red, thanks to him being so fair skinned. “I thought I’d lost you…”

“I called dad and told him that I was alive,” I said rubbing his back; my voice wasn’t any stronger than his. I felt almost dead from the energy draining. “I told him I was on my way home…”

“Remy—“ he pulled back to stare down at me, his face once again turning bright red as he tried to stop the tears from sprouting from his eyes. “Dad went missing two days after you disappeared, they still haven’t found him.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered. I couldn’t look away from Indio. It was bad enough that he thought I was dead but having both his father and sister, his only close family believed dead. It was horrible to think of the possibilities that could have occurred. “Do they know what happened?”

“No,” he whispered. He never let go of my arms, he held me tightly against him as if afraid to let go. I couldn’t blame him, I’d be just as scared to let go of him if he’d disappeared. “He just never came home.”

“I’m so sorry, Indio,” I whispered holding him close. Dean walked up behind me and nudged my lower back. “What Dean?”

“Let’s go inside,” Dean said softly as he nodded his head towards the house. I agreed and grabbed hold of Indio’s arm, making sure not to let go as we walked inside my home. It felt foreign, the atmosphere surrounding the usually homey interior felt cold and lonesome.

“Indio, has anyone come to live with you?” I whispered seeing that no one was inside; no one was there to wish my baby brother a happy birthday.

“Janice, the waitress that dad hired about two weeks ago stopped by to wish me a happy birthday. She’s the only one that’s come to see me besides the cops,” he bit his lip and looked up at the ceiling, making himself stop tearing up in front of me. He hated doing that, for some reason. “I had to lie to the cops and tell them that you were still here, they come by every two days and I have to make up a lie saying that you’re at work or with your boyfriend. They wanted to take me away, because I’m not eighteen. They wanted to put me in the foster system so I wouldn’t be alone.”

“I’m here now, no one will take you away from me,” I whispered grabbing both sides of his head so that I could make him look me in the eyes. “I’ll never leave you again.”

He hugged me again, not saying a word as he cried into my shoulder, silently but it still broke my heart. He was strong though, to have gone through all of this hardship and come out still sane, he was definitely James Lee-Young’s son. He glanced up from my shoulder sniffling a bit and ran a hand under each eye to wipe the tears away before he spoke. “What happened to you? You were laying in my lap for an hour before I had to get up and help dad unload a truck that had just come in, I left you with Tate and when I got back, you were gone. Tate said you walked off towards the bathroom, we checked and you were no where in sight.”

“You know all those stories I used to tell you about mom being a superhero that fought the world’s evil?” I asked him softly as I held his hands in mine.

“You said that she was a mother by day and hero by night. You said she used to slay vampires and kill demons,” he smiled sadly at their hands and shrugged. “What about it?”

“Those were true stories, Indy. There is a world out there that has meshed with ours, evil is hidden but right there in front of us always. This shape shifter, Alora was mad at mom for killing her mother so she set out to turn every woman who touched mom’s life into what she shifted into,” I paused since I knew he hated spiders. “A spider, a giant spider. She kidnapped me, bit me and tried to turn me into a creepy crawly.”

“A spider?” he glanced up into my eyes and twitched a little. “I hate spiders.”

“Yeah bud,” I said softly as I looked up towards Dean and Sam who had seated themselves on the opposite couch, looking oddly at home. “I hate spiders too.”

“Do you think she got dad?” Indio’s question was a good one but it made the blood in my veins turn cold. If Alora had my father, we’d never find him if he was still alive because Alora, was dead. If my father dies or is dead, Indio and I have nothing left in the world but each other. “Remy?”

“Indio, we have to go. Go pack you a bag, pack me one too,” I said softly as I let go of his hand, reluctantly and stood from the couch. I walked towards the front door and opened it just in time to see two men in black suits about to knock. “May I help you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Your usual.

I really would like more comments, not just from my loyal and lovely reader Melissa Way, she can't do all the work guys.