Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 12

You ran through the halls, tears falling freely down your face. *No... don't cry... everything's fine...* you tried to reassure yourself, but when you reached your room you soon found yourself on the floor, your back against the door. *This can't be true... How could I ever love him...? I don't feel it now. This can't be true. Something just doesn't seem right...* You sat there for a long time with your head resting on your knees going through your thoughts. His story was missing something... I had holes in it that still needed to be filled, but you were too afraid to ask. Something inside of you suddenly made you very cautious of Strahd. Then you remembered something very disturbing... He had said you were from a completely different world. And.. that you had once had a family of some kind. The thought of it alone angered you. *What right did he have to take me away from anyone? He's probably lieing about the whole thing... Someone must have cared about me... Some must be worried that I've disappeared...

*back in the real world...*

Jason put his head in his hands wearily. He hadn't been able to sleep in two weeks now. Ever since the night you disappeared... *I'm going insane...* He thought as tears fell down his face for the millionth time that day. *She... was never real... Someone can't just disappear... She was just in my imagination...* He tried desperately to reason your disappearance, but to no use. He hit his hands down on the desk that he was sitting at. "I know she was real!" He cried out to no one, but wishing that someone was listening. Someone that could help him find you. "I'll find her... No matter what I have to do or how far I have to go. I'll find her... I promised that I'd protect her... I promised..." His head fell to the desk this time, not wanting to give up, but also not sure what else he could he just laid there.

Something was listening to him though...We'll say it's some "unknown force" for now ok? It was listening to him and watching as he gave in to the despair. And seeing him in so much pain and agony, IT laughed... Whatever this thing was it had a plan. A very evil plan...

Jason then noticed something softly glowing. Maybe it was his eyes betraying him, but the picture that you had drawn of the castle now seemed to be faintly glowing. He rubbed his eyes trying to make sense of it all, but the glow remained. *I really am going insane* He finally declared in his mind and got up. deciding to try and get some sleep. On his way to his bed though he didn't notice the mist that was slowly creeping through his open window. He laid down and closed his eyes, imagining your face and eyes and how beautiful you were. And how he had never gotten to tell you he loved you...

"But you do love me, don't you Jason?"

Jason's eyes opened wide, and he sat straight up in bed. "Aiyana...?" He called out softly, not believing his ears.

"You love me?" Asked your voice again. But it wasn’t really your voice. Something copying your voice to trick poor Jason.

"Yes..." He answered, not caring whether this was real. He could hear you. He could smell your perfume. He could feel your presence, or something close to it next to him. "I always have. I just... never thought I could tell you... I-"
He choked on his words, as his emotions overwhelmed him.

"Jason," He heard your voice again after a few moments, but now it sounded frightened. "I need you... I'm so scared... Please help me..."

Jason stood up, and looked desperately around for you. "Where are you?! I'll help you. Just please tell me where you are..."

"In the castle..." Your voice said in barely a whisper, but your words echoed around him, until his eyes met with the drawing. He stepped closer to it, the mist now swirling around him. He didn't know what to do, but pray that something could get him to you. And after only a minute the only thing he could see was the mist and the darkness...

*back to you*

You couldn't move. All you wanted was the truth, and no one could give you even that. You wanted to know who you were, where you came from. Did you have parents? Brothers? Sisters? Where you in love...? What did your house look like? Who were your friends?

Suddenly, on the other side of your room, a bright light began to glow, and a dark shape started to form. You were positively mesmerized, until the shape came into complete view and it turned out to be... a guy?

You stood up, but were already backed away as far as you could from him, so you just stood there, wondering what to do next. The guy looked up at you through tearfilled eyes reaching out for you until he collapsed onto the hard floor, barely whispering, "Aiyana," before passing out.

"He... knows my name..." You said out loud, and kneeled down beside him. *He's cute...* you thought as you gently pushed the hair from his face and examined him. You didn't sense anything bad coming from him. You actually felt very... safe when you got close to him and you were reluctant to move away. "Who are you?" you asked softly.
You jumped back as he moved in his sleep and muttered your name again and again.

*Well* you thought standing up and biting your lip. *He definitely knows me. Maybe he's from where Strahd took me from! Then I can't let Strahd find him...* There was no way you could move him though, so covering him with a blanket and putting a pillow under his head you sat beside him and watched him sleep, waiting for him to wake up. You knew in your heart that if anyone could give you the truth about who you were it would be him...