Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 13

Jason could still see the mists though his eyes were closed. His body was numb and his mind in a fog. *What happened to me...?* He thought trying to open his eyes. Then he remember. "Aiyana!"

You were started as he sat up and yelled your name. You hadn't moved from his side the entire time he had been asleep, which was a few hours at the very least. You watched him curiously as he searched the opposite side for you until his head turned and he finally saw you.

"Hi," you smiled brightly and gave him a small wave, but soon found yourself wrapped in his arms. It didn't feel uncomfortable though, even if he was a stranger to you. And this was probably making him feel better so you let him hold you.

"Aiyana..." he whispered brokenly, stroking your hair. "Aiyana... don't even disappear again."

You sat there and examined the situation. He was saying to never leave you again... So therefore he must have once known you! You were for sure now and you asked him excitedly, "Do you know me? Who am I? Were do I come from?"

Jason sat back and looked you over, confused. "Aiyana... what are you talking about? It's me... Jason. Don't you remember me?"

You almost laughed, but seeing his serious expression kept yourself from it. "No... I don't. I've lost all my memories. But... being near you feels right. It feels good, like we were close or something."

Jason however, did laugh. He laughed like he was going insane. "Of course you've lost your memories. Of course you don’t remember me. I've searched all this time and when I finally find you. When I can finally hold you," he looked down at his arms in despair, "You don't even know who I am."

"Please tell me," you begged, grabbing onto the sleeve of his shirt like he might disappear before you. "I have to know who I was."

Jason looked down at you, looking so confused and desperate. He couldn't deny you anything. And even if you couldn't remember him, he still could see you again. And that was enough for him.

"Alright," he agreed standing up and pulling you with him. "But can you tell me something first?"

"Sure!" You answered smiling again.

God, he loved when you smiled. The entire room lit up with just that. You had never smiled much when you were at home.

"Where exactly are we?"

"Oh, I can tell you that, easy," you said and ran over to the table in your room, dragging him behind you. You opened a book that was filled with maps and showed him a very old looking one with the name "Ravenloft" written across the top. "See, Ravenloft. That's the name of this place. And the castle," you flipped to another page that had a huge drawing of a castle on it, "Is Castle Ravenloft."

Jason's blood grew cold when he looked at the castle drawing. It was the exact same one that you had drawn back at home. "But, where are these places?"

You looked down at the maps confused. "I just told you, silly. Ravenloft."

He sighed, remembering that with your lost memories, you wouldn't have any memory of this place either. "So... who lives in this castle?"

Your face grew dark and saddened at the mention of the owner of the castle. "Just one person... His name is Strahd and he's very evil. And speaking of which, we have to leave this place, now."

You grabbed his arm to pull him to the door, but he stopped you. "Why? What's going on?"

You pulled on his arm and looked at him pleadingly. "I'll explain later. Just follow me. Your life is in serious danger."

Jason obeyed and followed you, as you flitted through shadows. All that was on your mind was that Strahd probably already knew Jason was there, but you didn't know what he intended to do about it. The very thought worried you that he could pop out at any time and kill Jason with even a thought. It made your skin crawl, the thoughts of what he could do. And it also made you run all the more faster until you were clear of the castle and in the forest. Where to go from there though? You didn't want to go back to the temple and risk harming the children you had saved. What to do... What to-

"Aiyana, you shouldn't be out here," Brent's voice echoed from behind you. You turned around, thankfully, to see him in wolf form looking between you and Jason.

"Aiyana get behind me, a wolf!" Jason said pushing you behind him as though to protect you. Even if he really had to it would be no use. There's no way he could take on Brent in a fight.

Brent growled low and looked like he was ready to pounce on Jason.

"Stop it!" You yelled and both of the boys stopped what they were doing to look at you. "Jason this is my friend, Brent. Brent, this is my new friend Jason. NO FIGHTING!!!"
They looked at you, shocked that such a loud sound could come from someone so small.

"But he's a- a wolf! And he can talk!" Jason looked at Brent amazed and before his eyes, adding even more to Jason's amazement, Brent turned from a wolf into a human and walked up to Aiyana, hugging her gently.

"I'm glad to see you're ok," Brent said to you holding you tight. "I had feared he would kill you.."

"Gee, thanks for staying to rescue me..." You said sarcastically.

Suddenly, and very loudly, Jason's voice yelled, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?!?"

You looked back at Jason and Brent laughed. You shook your head sadly, and turned back to Brent. "We need help. If Strahd finds out about him..."

Brent growled again. "Aiyana, you're always getting me in trouble."

"You didn't expect me to stay with him anyway did you?" Then you remembered that you had been angry with Brent for hiding things from you so you decided to use it to your advantage. "You owe me!"

"I owe you?!" Brent asked in anger. "For what?! Saving your life so many times?"

"For lying to me," you poked him hard in the chest and used your most accusing voice. "AND for abandoning me to that jerk! Now take us someplace safe or I'll never speak to you again!"

"You're so childish," Brent scoffed.

You "hmphed" and turned your back to him, refusing to talk to him.

"Hey..." he tried to get you to look at him, but each time you turned. "Aiyana," he tried to turn you towards him, but you were unmovable. "Talk to me please?" You stood silent and unmoving and finally, "Oh ok!" Brent shouted.

You smiled and hugged him around the neck. "Thank you. So where are we going?"

"Well there's only one place I can think of for right now..." He said looked through the forest as if seeing something you couldn't. "The gypsies..."