Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 14


You turned around and smiled at Jason. "Yes, Jason?" For some reason he seemed really freaked out about what was happening. You didn't know why...

"He... was a wolf..." He looked at Brent who was surveying the forest as if deciding what to do next. "And now... he's a guy..."

"Yep," you answered cheerfully.

Jason looked at you like you had gone completely insane. "This is normal to you?"

"Well yeah..." you looked up into the air and thought about it. *Maybe they didn't have these kind of things where I used to live. I definitely shouldn't tell him about Strahd being a vampire and all. That would just make things worse.* You walked up to him and took his hand. "Don't worry. Brent won't hurt you. He's a good guy. K?"

Jason looked at Brent, and Brent looked back and sneered showing off his fangs. It was then that Jason decided that he couldn't be afraid of these things. He was a man... kind of... And he had a lady to protect. So he hardened his gaze and nodded to you. If nothing else then he trusted you and if you said it was safe then it was safe.

"Good," you smiled, relieved that he had calmed down. It was bad enough that you had to keep him from any harm. You didn't want to explain each and every little thing to him too. You barely understood something’s yourself...

"Well," Brent said walking back to the two of you. "It's not that far of a walk, but I think it would be better if you rode on me."

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" You screamed excitedly and waited for Brent to change back into a wolf. You remembered the first time you had gotten to ride on his back. How soft and warm and comfortable he was.

Brent quickly changed into that beautiful white wolf form that you remembered and stood before you. And stood... and stood...

"Ahem," you coughed, looking at him annoyed.

"What's the problem," he asked, almost laughing.

"I don't know if you've noticed this," you said calmly before yelling, "But you're almost as big as a horse when you turn into that. There's no way I can just leap merrily onto your back. You need to kneel down."

"Leap merrily onto my back?" He asked looking amused. "Can't you have him help you?" He shook his head towards Jason.

You looked angry towards him for a minute then shrugged. "Ok then. Hope he doesn't accidentally touch my butt."

Brent growled jealously and kneeled down beside you. It was still kind of a jump, but you managed to get onto his back and hug him around the neck. "Thank you, darling." You then noticed Jason standing there unmoving. "Come on. I'll help."

Jason blushed and took your hand. It took you a little bit of a heave, but you managed to get him up on the wolf. Though he really didn't need much help, being taller than you were. Not waiting for Jason to get settled Brent took off, speeding through the forest. To anyone watching the forest that day he seemed only a white blur. Fortunately for Jason though he got the chance to hold onto you tightly to keep himself balanced as you held onto Brent's fur. You didn't mind it at all though. It felt nice having his arms around you.

It didn't take long to get to the gypsy encampment, and once there all you could see were the caravans lined together. *Must be for protection* you thought as you hopped down onto the ground with Jason's help. After you both were off, Brent changed back into a human and walked into the camp. There were many people in this camp, sitting by a fire, talking amongst each other, washing clothes, or just walking around. You didn't expect it to be so.. alive. That was to be expected though since you had just spent so much time in a lifeless castle. As you got closer to them though everything went silent and the people turned their gazes to you in suspicion. Some of the men even grabbed their weapons and Brent stood in front of you protectively.

"We mean you no harm," Brent said cautiously watching everyone's moves. He knew these people well enough, but they were unpredictable and tricky. If he didn't speak fast then he would be forced to kill them all in your defense.

"Welcome wolf," an old woman said walking up to your small group. Everyone parted before her and you knew she was someone of great importance to the gypsies. "I see you have brought visitors..."

You looked past Brent and noticed something very odd with that statement. Her eyes were glossed over with white meaning that she was blind... *She must be some kind of seer...* You concluded and stepped to stand beside Brent now. "I'm Aiyana," You said politely and bowed slightly before her.

The old woman smiled and reached to take your arm in her own. But as soon as her fingers grazed you she shrieked in agony and her eyes turned completely black. Hey frail hand clinged to you and she screamed until finally she stepped back and away from you. Everyone in the encampment was at arms now, but the old woman held up her hand for peace. "Do not harm them..." She whispered standing up. "Follow me."

Obediently you, and the two others followed her to a big caravan somewhere near the center of the camp. You went inside and as Brent and Jason started to follow the old woman stopped them.

"Only the girl," she said forcefully and shut the door before them leaving you alone with her. She sat down at a small table on the floor and ushered you to follow her.

You sat down nervously, looking at all the odd things she had collected. Candles and bones were strewn around and the whole place smelled like fresh and dried herbs and flowers. Your nervousness vanished as she smiled kindly at you and brought out a deck of cards. "You have questions," she asked cutting the deck and laying them in two piles before you. "Only the cards can tell..."

Without instruction to do so you reached out and took a card with your left hand. Then another. And then another until they were arranged in order of a cross. You hadn't meant to do that, but you couldn't take your eyes from the old woman's. Maybe she was guiding your actions in some weird way...

She closed her eyes and took her hands, passing them over the cards while chanting something you didn't understand.

"You don't know who you are."

"I don't remember.." you said sadly hanging your head. "I've been trying to find out, but I can barely remember anything. All I know is that I woke up in the forest and there was the wolf and Brent..."

"She raised her hand in silence. "Be careful of the wolf."

You didn't understand. "But... why? He's never done anything to harm me..."

"You have not been near him on the night of the full moon," she answered and she was right.

You bit your lip, thinking of the implications. It was true enough, you had only been here for a couple weeks. But the next full moon was only a couple days away! "What do I do?"

She reached behind her and handed you a silver amulet shaped like the sun. "This is minimal protection against a wolf. But it will help when he begins to lose himself..."

Again she closed her eyes and began to chant. You looked down at the amulet mournfully. *I don't want to hurt Brent... He would never hurt me... would he...?" You quickly stuffed it into your pocket and waited.

She finally opened her eyes wide and hissed, "You are in league with the Devil Strahd."

"No!" You cried out, defending yourself. "I mean... I didn't mean to be. He seemed so nice at first. But then I found the women in the dungeon."

"A vampires habits are terrible in deed," she said softly closing her eyes again. "What has he told you."

"That he loved me very deeply. But his brother tried to steal me away from him... It doesn't sound right though..."

"He lies!" She whispered gripped your shoulders. "You must find the truth for yourself, child." Her body seemed to shudder and she fell back exhausted. "Go back to your friends now. You will find some peace here with us. But remember... the wolf..."

Your heart was in turmoil as you left the caravan. Brent had gone off by himself somewhere and Jason was sitting down where you had left him. He got to his feet and hugged you. "Are you ok? The old witch didn't do anything to you did she?"

You decided not to talk about what she had said. It would be better for everyone if you kept it to yourself for now and the situation about Brent... Well you would handle it when the time came. "She said we could stay," you answered giving him your best smile. "We'll be safe here. For a little while anyway..."

Jason bought it and you both walked over to the fire to warm yourself even though it wasn't the least bit cold outside. But in your heart a coldness creeped and a shadow now hung over your soul...