Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…


There wasn't much to do in the gypsies camp. you had to admit. Most of the people there kept to themselves and looked at you with suspicion and fear. Sighing you sat down outside of them next to a tree. *If they're not going to be friendly why should I...* You thought glumly as you rested your chin on your palms. *I guess I shouldn't be too harsh... I mean I am associated with Strahd and Brent...* "Speaking of Brent..." you said out loud looking around through the trees. "I wonder where he's gone to...?"
You stood up and rubbed your arms feeling a chill wind blow around you. Something didn't feel right... You had been thinking about Brent ever since the old women had told you to be careful of him. It had been a day since then and was now a day before the full moon. You sighed shaking the thoughts from you. You had bigger things to worry about now. You went back into camp to find Jason.
"Hey, Jason," you smiled as you sat down next to him.
He looked terrible, even though he tried to hide it. But the fear was all over him. You didn't know how else to comfort him so you put your arms gently around him, for yourself and for him. You needed comfort now too, even if he didn't know what was troubling you. It was just nice having someone there to hold onto.
"Aiyana...?" Jason asked confused feeling your arms around him. "Are.. you ok?"
"Yeah..." you lied trying to keep yourself from crying. "I'm just... worried about you. How do you feel?"
He turned and put his arms around you now. "I'm fine. Don't worry so much... You should get some sleep."
You shook your head no, but he picked you up. "Come on. I'll make sure nothing happens to you." He took you to the caravan that the gypsies had provided and laid you down in the small pallet.
"Jason?" You said as he turned to leave.
"Ye-" But he didn't have time to answer as you leaned up and gently kissed his cheek.
"Thank you..." You said sleepy and instantly fell asleep, letting your worries, for now, slip away...

You could feel the warm blankets being slowly taken from your body. You whimpered and tried to pull them back up, but they were completely gone. You tried to open your eyes, but found them heavily bound in sleep. You suddenly got a very urgent sense of unease and tried to sit up, but were pushed back down forcefully. Your eyes shot completely open now and you looked up at Brent in confusion. He was sitting on top of you, his eyes red and glowing and his teeth showing through a wicked smile.
"Brent..." you said calmly gently trying to push him away, but he growled as you touched him chest and pushed you back, hard. "Brent..." you whispered trying hard not to lose it, but you were really getting scared. *What's he going to do to me...?*
"Aiyana..." A dark voice whispered from his throat. But it wasn't his voice. He was possessed by the wolf inside of him now, and you had to find a way out. From what you knew about werewolves they ATE people. You didn't want to be afraid so you once again tried to push him off. Bad idea...
He pushed you back again, harder this time and leaned down close to you, breathing in your scent.
"You've always smelled so good, my love," he said, his mouth now wandering over your neck and shoulder. "I can still remember exactly how your blood tastes..."
You tried to wiggle away from him, "Uhh... thank you." You bit your lip not sure of what you should do. Something inside of you was really wanting to give into him. You didn't know what that side of you was thinking, but it was being insane. *Giving in means death* You tried to tell yourself. *Even if it does mean his lips all over me, slowly drinking my blood... It felt so good last time... No!* You shook your head and pushed against him hard as you felt his teeth scrape against your neck, but it was no use. He was so much stronger than you... There was nothing that could help you now. Except...
You gasped. *The amulet!* You reached into your pocket and felt the cold silver. Then you stopped as you began to pull it out. *I can't... I just... can't hurt him...* You felt tears now, running down your face, and you turned your head and gently kissed his cheek saying, "It's ok Brent. I don't blame you... You can have my blood..."
Brent stopped himself and looked up at you from your shoulder, blood smeared across his lips. His eyes began to go back and forth from blue to red and he leaned back holding his head in agony. "I... can't...." He screamed to himself, his nails digging deep into his skin. You sat up and reached out to him, but he tried to get away. "No, Aiyana!" He yelled backing away. "I... don't want to... kill you..." And with that last sentence he broke straight through the door and ran into the forest, leaving you safe.
You sat there in shock and sorrow, wondering what could have happened to bring back his human self.
"Aiyana!" Jason yelled coming to you and wrapping his arms tightly around you. "Brent... He didn't hurt you did he?"
You looked up at Jason, felling yourself crying, and didn't hesitate to bury your head in his chest and let him comfort you.
♠ ♠ ♠
"And one evening, in that realm of eternal spring, eternal twilight, I will look down the path and see you walking toward me. You will come to me. I will fold you in my arms. We will close our eyes and begin to dream our eternal dream..."

Random Tanis quote