Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 18

Brent was right of course. You all needed rest after the hard ride away from the wolves so you found the building at the center of the ruins that was even slightly covered with a roof that was only half crumbles down and made camp. There would be no fire since you could never be sure who would pursue you, but the day was warm and sunny and sleep came easy to Brent and Jason.
But not for you. You didn't like not having someone on watch, but Brent was tired and if you ever got attacked you would need his strength. So once they had fallen asleep you quietly got up and left them behind to explore. It wasn't as interesting as you might think... Just a bunch of slimy stone walls that were molding or falling apart. Broken bits of wood lye here and there, but other than that nothing.
"Maybe I can climb a wall," you said out loud to yourself looking around. "I might be able to see what lay ahead for tomorrow. For a little way at least..." You found the highest wall that you could and stopped before you started to climb. *This might be dangerous* you though considering it. *The guys are sleeping and I could fall.* You looked up at the wall again and shook your head. *I'm going to try at least*
You put your feet firmly in two blocks that were slightly out of place and pulled your self up with your hands. "It's not that hard," you said shakily, but as soon as you tried to raise your foot to another block you nearly slipped and fell off. You clinged to the side and closed your eyes taking in deep breaths. *Come on Aiyana/ Pull it together. You're not even that high.* You nodded with your own thoughts and strengthened your resolve. *I will do this* An d set off for the top. You slipped a few times, but other than that it was easy work and you soon found yourself peeking over the top of the wall. You lifted yourself up and sat down on the top to look the place over. It wasn't a great place to be in you admitted. All you could see for miles around were dead trees and the beautiful red lake reflecting the cliffs color. Again you found yourself looking down at the dark water wondering what could be living in it, if anything.
"Nothing could possibly live in that," you decided laughing to yourself. "Brent's just being over protective as usual." Seeing nothing of any interest on top of the wall you slowly climbed back down and walked outside to the lake. "It's so pretty..." you murmured to yourself looking at your own reflection in the red darkness. You watched as your own image looked equally mesmerized back at you and then began to smile. But you weren't smiling... You shook your head to check yourself and looked back down. There you were in the water, smiling and dancing and singing. You didn't know what was going on, but it was starting to get creepy so you backed away from the reflection and the singing stopped. Slowly you walked back to the water and there you were again, just a simple reflection of yourself looking confused back at you. You reached out a trembling hand as if you didn't have control of it. Slowly... Slowly... Slowly until the tips of your fingers brushed the waters edge. You sighed in relief and laughed at yourself as nothing happened. "I'm getting as bad as Jason," you said about to remove your hand, but then another hand came from the water and grabbed yours!
You were frozen for just a moment until your senses kicked back in and you began to pull back. But the hand was so much stronger than you and it was trying to pull you into the water. You used your other hand to claw and scratch at the one holding you and pulled with all your might and more than an arm started to immerge from the red depths. Soon you could see the top of a head covered in dark black hair and eyes that shone like bright molten lava.. And as the bloody water cleared from the pale white skin you gasped in horror seeing that it was an exact replica of you! Except for the eyes she was your twin and you looked in horror. "What are you?" You whispered as she walked onto shore with you, still clutching your hand.
The image of you laughed mockingly, a hideous rendition of your own. "I'm your reflection. And I've finally broken free of that damned prison. And now, you're going to be my reflection."
With that she pulled you toward her with all her might and moved out of the way so you could fall into the blood red lake. You screamed as the water seemed to consume you and drag you under purposely. Your lungs tightened as you gasped for breath and only found water. Your eyes closed and the darkness consumed you....

Brent opened his eyes drowsily. He thought he had just heard a scream in the distance, but there was nothing now. He closed his eyes again and readied himself to go back to sleep. Then there it was again. A high pitched wail of agony and suffering. Coming from you! He jumped up and began to run towards the lake. "Why did you not listen, Aiyana? Why?" He asked out loud as he ran as fast as he could to get to you. But when he got there he was surprised to see you standing beside the water admiring your own reflection.
The fake you looked up at him and smiled in a very innocent way as you often did and waved at him. "Hey Brent," your own voice betrayed you as it came from her throat.
"Hey..." he said looking around confused as though something might jump out at him at any moment. "I thought... you screamed."
"Oh!" The fake you said and laughed softly. "I just saw the biggest spider. I thought it was going to eat me!"
Brent smiled and put his arm around you. "You know you shouldn't run off."
"I know," she said looking up at him with innocence in her eyes. "But I just had to see this lake again. Isn't it beautiful?"
Brent thought he saw your eyes flash red for a minute, but they were back to grey again as soon as he blinked. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "Yes. But you are far more lovely than any lake could ever be."
The fake you smiled and hugged him close. "I just want to be close to you, Brent," she said as she snuggled her face close to his neck.
"Of course, Aiyana," he breathed into your hair and gently kissed the top of your head. "I'll do anything for you..."
"Really?" She asked him seductively as she pulled a silver knife from the inside of her sleeve. "Will you even... die?!"
Brent pushed her and caught her hand just as she tried to bury it in his back. Without thinking he pulled back and punched her right in the face, temporarily knocking her out. He breathed heavily as he looked down at the imposter.
Jason was just now walking up to the two of them and looked in horror as Brent knocked you out. "What... do you think you're doing?!"
"Go and get some rope from our packs," Brent ordered him. "We have to tie her up."
"I'm not letting you tie Aiyana up with anything!" Jason argued going to the fake you’s aid.
"It's an imposter," Brent yelled and pushed Jason back.
"Then... where's Aiyana?" Jason asked looking from the fake you to Brent then to the water.
Brent shook his head as he looked dismally at the water. You were lost...