Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 19

You opened your eyes to darkness and a pounding headache. There was no light to be found and you felt better actually keeping your eyes closed for the moment. You couldn't move you body either as you found out when you tried to rub your forehead with your hand. Your body was against you and you were lost in complete darkness. You couldn't even cry, not that that would really help anything, but it might have made you feel better to be able to do anything. Then you saw her above you, smiling and waving from where you should be.
"Hope you like darkness," she said laughing again. "Because when you're not being my reflection that's all you're going to see. It's like you won't even exist unless I'm looking at myself. Not a very promising existence is it?"
"Why?" You cried out now trying to reach out to her. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"I would think that it would be obvious," she yelled growing angry. "I was trapped in that awful place for 17 years. And now it's your turn."
"Listen," you cried out as she started to turn away. "I know it must be horrible to live like thisw, but why are you taking it out on me? It's not like I meant to trap you here."
"Whether you did or not doesn't really matter to me," she laughed again. Her laugh so hideous. It made your spine shiver and your ears hurt. Completely opposite from you. "Let's consider it like this. I'm the evil you. And now that I've escaped I'm going to use your body for just that purpose."
And with that she disappeared leaving you in darkness and silence. But at least you could move a little now. Not that you could see anything worth moving to. You didn't want to give up. It made you feel so useless... But there was nothing else you could do, so you sat down and hoped that the guys would find some way to rescue you...

"So how did she get Aiyana's body?" Jason asked Brent as he looked at the fake you. He felt bad thinking she was so pretty, but she did look exactly like you.
Brent looked extremely annoyed. Jason had been asking endless questions since they had tied up the fake you. "Listen. I'm just as clueless as you ok? I don't know what's going on or how we're going to get Aiyana back, so now we have to wait for her to wake up and I would appreciate silence until she does."
Jason looked sadly at the fake you. He desperately hoped you were ok and safe and not hurting. Brent yelling at him definitely wasn't helping so he sat down and kept his mouth closed.
A soft moaning came from the fake yous lips and her eyes opened slowly. At first she felt like she was back as the reflection not being able to move, but then as she became more aware of her surroundings she realized that she was just tied up. "Release me, you fools," she shouted in a demonic voice as she struggled against her bonds.
"Look at her eyes," Jason said in awe as her eyes glowed red. "That's definitely not Aiyana."
Brent looked at Jason like he was an idiot and slapped the fake you hard across the face sending her on her back.
She laid there, momentarily stunned.
"What did you do with Aiyana?" Brent growled pulling her up to his face.
"I deserve this body as much as she does!" The fake you screamed as she thrashed against Brent.
Brent dropped her. "What are you talking about?"
It was then a sad and strange thing, but she started to cry. And I mean really crying in pure agony. "I'll never go back! I was her reflection for 17 years. She owes me my own life and I'm not giving it back!"
"You mean..." he looked at the water and his face grew pale.
"Yes, wolf," she said in an eerie voice. "The rumors about the lake of red tears are correct. Anyone who looks in it long enough will be consumed in it and thei own reflection will take their place."
"That's a terrible thing to do!" Jason yelled running up to her. "You have to give her back to us."
"But Jason," she said softly, in an innocent voice. "Why do you want to hurt me? Why do you want me to disappear?"
Jason stood there, staring into her eyes, going under her spell.
"Don't be tricked!" Brent warned as he pushed Jason out of the way. "She has powers just like Aiyana’s. Powers that even Aiyana doesn't know about yet."
"Then what are we going to do?!" Jason asked frantically.
"I've heard a myth about this lake," Brent said thoughtfully. "That if you throw the reflection back into the water the real person will have a chance to escape. But they'll have to fight for it..."
The fake you smiled evilly. "Go ahead. Throw me in. I know I'm much more powerful than she is."
Jason shook his head. "I'm not risking Aiyana's life."
"If we don't then she won't have a life," Brent said calmly as he lifted the fake you into the air. "I know Aiyana can beat you." He said venomously as he threw her into the murky water.
She made a small shriek as the water consumed her, and she disappeared.

You sat in the darkness shivering though you felt no cold. You wrapped your arms around you and put your head on your knees praying for some kind of help. Then a light appeared before you. You looked at it curiously and crawled towards it until you saw it spit something wet out. You only saw her for a brief moment, but you cried anyway, "You!"
"And you," she answered calmly as she stood up and dusted herself off. "How do you like your new home?"
It made you even angrier that she was mocking you. "I'm not staying here! I'm taking my life back whether you like it or not. I'm sorry that you've been trapped here, but I don't like it anymore than you do."
"You weren't imprisoned here for 17 years!" She screamed launching herself at you. She clawed and scratched at your face making blood run warm down your cheeks. "You have no idea what I've felt so don't try to understand me!"
"I'm not going to let you take my life from me!" You cried and a bright purple light erupted from your hands sending both of you flying through the air.
"Aiyana!" Brent yelled as he ran towards you. You and the fake you had just burst through the top of the lake and landed close to the shore. "Aiyana!" he crashed down by your side and lifted your head onto his lap. "Say something please."
You opened your eyes to the bright sunlight, happier than you'd ever been to see the sun. "Brent..." You gasped spitting out water and sitting up. "Where did she go?"
You stood up and the three of you found her laying twisted against some rocks nearby.
You walked up to her and looked sadly down at her body, thinking that could have been you. You touched her hand gently feeling it cold and lifeless. She was, in fact, dead. Your eyes filled with tears. All she wanted was to be free. And you couldn't blame her after going through what she had for only a second. It really must have drove her insane to go through that a whole lifetime. You turned and hugged both Jason and Brent and requested that they dig a grave.
They made quick work of it and you all helped to cover her with the unearthed dirt saying prayers and writing her name on a large rock that you had found near the lake. And looking in the lake you found that you no longer had a reflection...