Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 2

You could feel yourself moving though you didn't know how. You're legs weren't moving... Your feet weren't even touching the ground. That's when you realized that someone was carrying you. You sleepily opened your eyes and found yourself on Brent's back as he ran through the forest amazingly fast.

He felt you stirring and waking up and stopped for a minute so you wouldn't fall or anything while you moved around. "Good morning, little one," He said happily looking over his shoulder at your sleepy face. It made him smile how cute you looked when you woke up. "I'm glad you're finally awake. I was afraid you'd never wake up. It's already midday."

You looked at him shocked. It had only felt like minutes of sleeping yet it was already in the middle of the day? You really must have been exhausted... But the best part was you couldn't remember having any dreams. For some reason the thought of dreaming made you shiver and you knew it would only bring painful things for you to try and remember why. So you smiled at Brent and hugged him as if to say thank you.

"Well, you're certainly welcome," he laughed understanding and beginning to walk now.

You looked around the forest curiously as he went slow, but didn't see many things of interest. Just a few wolves darting through the shadows every now and then, but other than that it seemed like an ordinary place. Except for the lack of noise... No tree swayed in the breeze and no birds sang songs of light. No there was no noise... Something that would have distressed you except for you were with Brent.

"I'm still wondering where you're from, little one," he said softly jumping over a fallen tree. "It seems like you would have fallen from the sky or something with the way you had just appeared. I- I mean none of my wolves noticed your smell before you got close. I wonder what else you could be running from..."

You hugged him around his neck and watched the forest pass by not even knowing the answers to his questions yourself. And deep in your heart you felt as though you didn't want those answers...

After a little while of Brent walking you suddenly came upon a cave hidden by moss and fallen leaves, but a cave all the same.

"This is where me and my... companions live." He said hesitating before he said the word companions. You didn't find it odd though and were slightly excited to see where he lived even if it was a damp and dirty cave.

But upon entering the place you found it to be no ordinary cave, but something like a house inside. It had doors leading to who knows where and a giant center room with tables, chairs and a roaring fire to keep away the cold at all hours.

Brent laughed as he put you down and saw your eyes wander around the place in wonder. "I see you're quite impressed. The facade of a cave just keeps wandering eyes away. You didn't think I honestly lived in the dirt did you?"

You blushed and nodded which only made him laugh again as he led you to the center room and helped you sit down at one of the table. There was one other thing you happened to notice about the place as well... There were wolves everywhere.

One of the wolves cautiously approached you, but began to growl menacingly making you frightened. A couple of the other wolves jumped up to your defense and Brent himself scolded the wolf harshly.

"Alice!" He yelled angrily making the wolf cringe and run into the safety of a darkened room.

You smiled gratefully up at him and scratched the other two wolves that had defended you behind the ears much to their enjoyment.

"They already like you," he smiled sitting down next to you. "I just don't know what's gotten into her..."

You knew he was talking about the one called Alice and you honestly couldn't think of what you had done to offend her. You decided not to think about it...

"And who is this lovely young vixen?" A loud, booming voice echoed through the halls of the cave making you jump slightly. You looked up to see a beast of a man who must have been at least 7 ft. tall and covered in hair. "Please tell me she's not yours, Brent, because I just might have to steal her away from you." He said bowing before you and kissing your hand.

You blushed and looked over to Brent who looked slightly annoyed at the man's gall. "This is Aiyana."

"THE Aiyana?" He asked amazed looking you over. "My lady, it is a pleasure to meet you. It is not easy to take down one of HIS wolves. The wolves here have told me much of what happened..."

Brent growled at the man as if telling him a warning and the man instantly changed the subject before you could think of what he had said. "My name is Benjamin. But you can call me Ben, my lovely Aiyana." And with that he left you to meet the next person.

"Hello..." A shy voice sounded stepping up to you. A girl looking no more than 16 looked at you blushing and her head slightly down. "I'm Ylva... Ben's daughter. It's so nice to have another female around here. Alice never was very nice to me..." She said the last part more to herself than to you and blushing still ran off after her father.

"I'm very glad to see you're alright," Phelan, the guy who found you, spoke up coming up to meet you. "You scared me when first I saw you... Covered in blood as you were." Without another word he too disappeared.

"And these are the twins," Brent said pointing to the last approaching people.

"Hi there," one of them said cheerfully. He was bigger than his twin and looked much stronger. "I'm Matt and this is my twin, Lucian. It's very nice to meet any girl who could catch the eye of the leader." He motioned towards Brent and you looked at him in wonder. He nodded letting you know that he was indeed the leader of this pack and you turned your eyes back to meet this other twin, Lucian. He didn't say anything, but had been staring at you the entire time in an eerie hungry kind of way.

"Do you have something to say Lucian?" Brent growled standing up in front of you. It was obvious that there was tension between them and without a word Lucian turned and left with his twin following behind him.

"You forgot to introduce me, dearest leader," a female voice came from the shadows of the room that Aice had disappeared into.

"Oh yes..." Brent glared at her angrily before introducing her. "Aiyana, this is Alice..."

Wait... what? Hadn't that been the name of the wolf who had seemed to hate you so much...? What was going on in this place...?

You looked at Brent confused, but he took your hand and rubbed it softly. "I will explain everything soon, I promise. But now let me show you to your room so you may rest. You are still wounded I'm afraid, and will need more time to recover.

He then led you to a room in the very back of the cave. You couldn't believe your eyes as he opened the door to reveal a real, actual bed with various other things a room might have. There were even new clothes for you to try on and you ran into the room dropping onto the bed feeling once again exhausted.

"I'm glad you like it," Brent laughed sitting on the bed next to you. "Now you must rest. I will wake you when it is time to eat. I know you will be hungry soon."
You nodded, silently yawning and hugging Brent tightly, feeling so glad to have him near you. Brent wrapped his arms around you, feeling strange emotions rush into his body and as soon as you had pulled away he felt your lips on his in a soft kiss.

You blushed pulling away from him, not quite knowing why you had done that, but it had just seemed like the right thing to do.

Brent sat there frozen for a moment, still feeling you on his lips and savoring the taste of you before it faded away. The smiling he gently kissed your forehead whispering, "Goodnight, little one," as you fell asleep...