Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 3

*In the center room*

Brent sat down at the head table feeling things that had never yet experienced from a female before. It was odd how you made him feel... But he didn't mind that. *Maybe she's my one and true mate...* He thought, but immediately laughed at the notion. *Impossible... she's just a human...*

"Brent, dear. Can I speak to you a moment?" Alice asked sexily as she gracefully sat down in the chair next to him and placed her hand lightly on his leg.

"What do you want?" He growled pushing her hand away from her.

"Why Brent, I'm hurt by your actions," she pouted crossing her arms in front of her chest. "It couldn't be because of that pathetic human could it?"

Brent again growled deep and dangerously in his throat. "Better a pathetic human than a wolfen whore."

Alice began to retort to his crude comment, as true as it was, but by the look Brent gave her she calmed down. "Don't tell me you don't sense it. Or smell it..."

"What's that?" Brent asked looking over something Ben had given him.

"The smell of vampires!" She hissed in his ear. "The smell of Him... All over that... girl..."

"You must think I'm an idiot to not notice such a thing," he said angrily seeming to loom ten feet above her. "Of course I noticed. What's your point and make it quick before I have to kill you."

"Oh no point," she said playing with her, trying to tempt him. It didn't work and she sighed frustrated as he didn't even notice her. No human girl would come in and steal him away after her years of hard work... "Just that He will be here to claim her..."

Brent laughed loud and long about her trying to warn him. "I do not fear him if that's what you're implying. I swore to protect, Aiyana, and that's exactly what I intend to do."

"I knew it!" Alice screamed jumping up from the table and pointing an accusing finger in the face of her leader. "You have feelings for her... You have feelings for... a human!"

Brent stood up calmly before her and grabbed her hand instantly breaking it. She screamed in agony hearing her own bones pop out of place and go through her skin. "You will not insult me or Aiyana in any way ever again and if I hear of any betrayal from you I will personally make your life a torment filled nightmare before I kill you."

Alice turned into a wolf and limped off to her room whimpering and licking her broken paw.

Brent growled angrily, but he knew she was right. He was growing fond of you and he also knew that just the smell of a vampire on you meant you belonged to that vampire. He wanted to break something, anything in that moment, but calmed down enough to sit down and think. *I have to send her somewhere... away from the pack, but a place where she can be safe. He may not know that she is here yet...* He didn't want to do it... He would rather keep you there with him forever and take care of you and- *No! No!* He shook his head as the thoughts of being with you clouded his mind. As much as he may have wanted to he could not... It simply wouldn't work and he had to do what was best for the wolves... He had to send you away...

You opened your eyes as a soft rustling entered your room and you felt the presence of someone near you. You sat up only to find Brent on the edge of your bed again looking down at you sadly, lost in thought. You reached out to him, and he gathered you in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Aiyana..." he whispered breathing in your scent as if to memorize it and keep it in his mind forever. "After tonight I must take you somewhere where you will be safe. I can not keep you..."

You didn't understand at first... He was getting rid of you? But why...? What had you done wrong...? You nodded your head sadly as a tear ran down your face.

Brent lifted your chin and licked the tears falling down your cheek. He found himself wanting more thought and began kissing you from your cheek to your lips to your neck. You didn't stop him from doing this and let him lay you back onto the bed. It was too right... And you felt something burning inside you, ignited by his touch. You pulled his kisses back towards you lips letting his warm touch heat your very soul. You noticed too his eyes were changing. It was if they were glowing with a red tint to them, but you hardly had time to examine them as he again went down your neck and shoulder. He knew he couldn't stop himself now and he might regret it later, but his fangs grew out suddenly and plunged into your shoulder. You didn't fight him as he sucked the very blood from the wounds and enjoyed the feeling of your blood rushing out of you as if you had experienced it a thousand times before.

"No!" Brent suddenly cried out ripping himself from your body and leaving you laying on the bed confused. "I... can't... Aiyana don't you see? Don't you understand?"
You just looked at him with that confused and hurt look on your face only wanting him to be near you.

"You don't understand do you...?" He sat back down next to you, his bloodlust cooled. "You... aren't frightened or anything? Even after what I just did...?" *Of course not...* He thoughts remembering that you belonged to a vampire. *She must have done this before... why would she be frightened...* "Oh no..." He said looking at the fresh imprints of his fangs on your skin. "This is bad... if He ever finds out..."

You didn't know who he was talking about... So you just smiled up at him and took his hand, lovingly rubbing it against your cheek.

"You are very strange to me, little one," He said kissing your forehead and leaning his head against yours. "I wish I didn't have to give you up... But I need you to be safe... I'll take you to the temple in the village. He won't be able to sense you there... He won't find you..."

Again you smiled at him and patted his hand as if to reassure him that everything would be alright. He was glad you were so unknowing... Glad that you couldn't remember what horrors you must have went through before... You could start over and live happily at the temple... And the vampire who ruled the lands would never be able to find you...

You stood outside in the early morning mist waiting for Brent to return out of the cave. He was taking you away today... He promised you would be safer away from him and the rest of the wolves, so with sad good-byes to everyone, except for Alice, you were now waiting outside. Brent's figure appeared out of the mist and he ushered you to stay near him, for it was very easy to get lost in such a huge forest. Especially when the strange mist took over the land...

"Aiyana... I know you have thought something odd of me and I must show you before I take you," he said nervously and stepped back away from you.

You watched questioningly, until his body began to bend and reshape until it was in the form of a huge white wolf. You knew something was going on with this whole place! But instead of being frightened like Brent had expected you ran to him and hugged him around the neck since he was at least your height as he stood. You rubbed your face in his snowy white fur and he nudged you affectionately before bending down so you could get on his back. You hoped on and held on tightly to his fur as he raced through the forest to whatever unknown destination he could be taking you to. The cold morning air stung your eyes and lips so you buried your face into his fur and awaited your arrival.

After what seemed like an eternity of running Brent slowed down and stopped and you peered from his fur to see a village just beyond the trees. You jumped down from Brent's back and watched him shift back into his human form. He shook himself out a bit and walked up to you.

"I can't believe how amazing you are, little one," he said kissing your forehead and taking your hand to lead you into the village. You looked curiously at the locked buildings and wondered why no one was yet out of their homes. Why everything was so eerily silent. Why the mist still clung to everything you could see...

Brent walked up to a good sized building and knocked loudly on the double doors. An old man peered out a window and looked arkly down at the two of you, moments later opening the door a crack.

"What is it now, Lupus?" He asked silently looking nervously from him to you. "The lord can't be requiring anything else already."

"Nothing of the sort," Brent laughed and pushed you in front of him. "I found this girl. She was attacked by a wolf no more than two days ago. She can't speak so I have no way of knowing where she comes from. I was hoping you could take care of her for..."

The old man looked at you kindly and you smiled back at him. "Of course, Master Lupus. I thank you for bringing her to me instead of... Him..."

"I expect you to protect her with all the holiness you have in such a place as this." He looked at the old man seriously as if threatening him. "I will know if anything happens to her..."

"No harm will come to her, I assure you," he said opening the door for you.

"I will need a moment to say goodbye..." Brent said signaling that the old man should leave you alone. He silently went back inside and closed the door.

"Well, little one," he said embracing you for the last time. "This is goodbye... I will miss your warm smile and bright eyes that bring me happiness on even a day such as this." He kissed your lips softly and tears running down your face you ran into the temple closing your eyes and feeling your heart break. A few moments later you heard a wolfs lonely and saddened cry in the distance and knew it was for you... And for what could not be...