Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 5

You leaned back in the surprisingly comfortable seat of the carriage and closed your eyes trying to steady your breathing and relax for what was to come. *The rumors can't be true... that's why they're rumors...* you thought about all the things you had heard about the lord of the lands, but it didn't bring you any comfort. Neither did the lack of noise and bumps on this ride to Castle Ravenloft. It was like the carriage wasn't even touching the ground and when you looked out the window all you could see was mist below you. Whether there was a road there or not you didn't want to find out... This whole place had a magic about it and you wondered if it might have been from Strahd or something even more powerful that was beyond even him...

Suddenly the entire carriage jolted, as if hitting solid ground for the first time since you started this trip. You peaked out the window and noticed that you were on an old bridge. You knew it would old because of all the wholes that filled it and wondered how the heavy carriage didn't fall through.

The carriage stopped and the door slowly opened to a huge courtyard before you. It was exactly how you imagined it though... Filled with skeletons of trees and devoid of all life. It was depressing so you smiled up at the driver who only pointed to the double doors of the castle's entrance and you shuddered as you saw the white of bone that the mysterious driver had for a finger. You ran quickly to the doors and stared up at them as they were so big, you didn't know how you'd open them. But upon touching them softly with your hands they silently swung open to reveal a long and narrow hallway which you walked down with caution never knowing what you would find. The only thing you noticed in the corridor were stone statues bearing the names of the Von Zarovich family. Some statues were whole and in good condition while others seemed purposely disfigured. You didn't want to put too much thought into it as it seemed like some of the statues would move and watch you so you walked quickly down the hallway without looking back.

Finally you reached the end of that hallway to find an opening that led to trhe entry room which held many doors to other portions of the castle and a huge stairs case.

"Hello, my dear," A loud voice echoed through the bleakness of the castle and you looked to the top of the stairs to find a figure slowly walking down to you. "I hope you are enjoying my castle..."

You watched with awe as he got closer and closer. He was very handsome with black hair and saddened brown eyes. He seemed to waver as he got nearer to you, but regained his composer and smiled, a thing which almost made your skin crawl. There was something about him... something wrong. And from the paleness of his skin you were tempted to believe he really was a vampire.

You nodded and bowed slightly as he finally got before you and he took your hand and pressed it to his lips, gently. "I am very glad that you decided to join me... I understand you are having some... problems?"

You nodded again touching your throat to show him that you could not speak and he smiled taking your arm and leading you up the stairs. "Come... Let us go to my study where I may examine you more clearly."

You allowed him to pull you through the darkened castle. A thing which seemed all too strange to you. The windows showed no sunlight... Like an unreal darkness swallowed the sunlight before it could reach you. Just being in this caslte made you long to see the sun and you wondered if you would ever see it again... If maybe Strahd had some horrible plans for you...

"Here we are," he said softly, leading you into a big room filled with books, a table and chairs with a fireplace that already burned brightly. You sat down next to the fire trying to get that unnatural cold out of your system, but to no effect. You looked over at Strahd who seemed to be looking at you with longing and wondered what he might be thinking of. He seemed to be studying you for some reason... and he came closer to you reaching out his hand and gently stroking your cheek. "You are so like her..." he whispered to himself more than you. "Save for the black hair you could be her double... Tatyana..."

Tatyana... the name seemed all too familiar as everything else did in this god forsaken place. It was starting to annoy you how you felt so familiar with everything yet could remember nothing.

Strahd sensed your frustration and took your hands in his. "If you don't mind... I would like to give you your voice back..."

You nodded and he put his hand gently around your throat muttering a few words that you couldn't understand. Magic words... Your throat began to feel very warm and a soft glow emitted from his hands into your neck. He let go and you began to cough uncontrollably and you suddenly felt very weak and began to tip forward.

Strahd quickly caught you in his arms and held you as the dizziness passed and you breathed deeply trying to form words. "Thank... you..." You managed to whisper and Strahd set you upright again.

He smiled taking leaning back in his chair. "Good, now maybe we can enjoy some conversation. You have another problem?"

"Yes," you admitted never letting your eyes fall from his. "I... don't know who I am..."

Strahd examined you for a minute as if deciding whether or not he should tell you something. Finally he sighed and shook his head. "I'm not so sure I can assist you with that... When people forget things it is usually better that they don't remember. But I would like you to stay with me in my castle, to maybe spark some kind of memory in you."

You thought about it for a second. "Everything is so familiar... Even looking at you..." You looked him over having strange feelings over take you and then wanting to scream as your heart felt like it was breaking. "I must be from here... I will stay until I learned my answers..."

Strahd smiled again, something in his smile making you shiver for it seemed very evil...

"This will be your room," he said opening a door with a small creak, and allowing you to step in. It was a beautiful room filled with colors of gold and white and flowers, the first living thing you'd seen since you arrived.

"Where did you get the flowers?" You asked, only curious since you hadn't really seen any in any part of the land.

"I couldn't very well have a beautiful young lady roaming my castle without some beauty in it," he said giving you a rad rose with blackened tips. "I do apologize for the bleakness of my castle though. I will not make you stay in it. You are free to leave as you wish."

You nodded and Strahd closed the door as he left. You went to the bed and layed down sighing in comfort because it seemed like ages since you had slept in a comfortable bed.

But curiousity got the better of you and you siletly crept out of the room into the blackness of the corridors that only had torchlight to lead you. It was so big and yet so empty... Every room you passed held no one. Every corridor was silent...

You then saw a glint of light coming from under a door. Examining it you wondered why the light shown so brightly and with much force managed to push it open. You stared in amazment as sunlight enveloped you and closed your eyes taking in the wamth before continueing into the room.

Broken bits of wood and cloth lay strewn everywhere and a holy symbol smashed upon the floor. A temple... ot the remains of a temple anyway. What was left of it was destroyed and you wondered who might have done such a thing. You jumped slightly as birds flew off through the hole in the ceiling and sat down on the floor feeling an almost divine prescense even though the place was badly damaged. You knew if you ever needed peace this would be the place to get it. This would be your sanctuary...