Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 6

You wandered around the castle slowly and aimlessly, having nothing else to do and no where else to go. It wasn't that you were bored though because things seemed to pop out at random times. Such as the immense number of undead that walked the halls ranging from skeletons to zombies. You met nothing with intelligance, even though each creature had a specific job like gaurding a certain room or artifact. They didn't notice you as you flitted through the hallways humming happily to yourself. Finally you came to the place where Strahd had taken you last night, his study. You didn't think he'd mind so you opened the door, which wasn't locked, and walked inside after peeking over the edge to see if he was inside. He wasn't... You hadn't seem him in hours actually, but you didn't think about it as you ran your fingers over the many books he had lining his walls.

"There are so many," you muttererd to yourself picking up a certain text on magic. "I wonder if he's really read them all..."

"Every one," Strahd said coming up behind you.

You snapped the book shut and turned around. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

Strahd smiled and took the book from you. "You have an interest in magic?"

You looked down at the floor and wrung your hands nervously in front of you. "I... don't know. I think I might."

"Here, give me your hands," he said taking your hands into his icy ones and gazing into your eyes as if searching for something. "Ahh I see. Shall we try something?"

You nodded, not sure why, but trusting him completely. You felt something warm running through your fingerstips and into you hands. You looked down to see bright fire running between the two of you, but didn't pull away. It didn't hurt or burn. It was warn and soothing and soon enough Strahd pulled away leaving your hands feeling cold.

"You have it, my dear," he said leading you to the table to sit down. "You have magic in your blood."

You couldn't believe it. That was freakin awesome!

Strahd sat the book you had picked in front of you. "I'd like you to study if that is your desire. I would love to have conversation about such things with someone. You are welcome to any book I own."

"I would love to!" You said excitedly taking the book. "Thank you..."

Strahd raised his hands, "That is not nessecary. I would give you anything if you only asked. I am your humble servant."

You gave him a weird look at first, but then smiled and got up and hugged him lightly. "You are far too kind to me, as I am a stranger to you."

"No," Strahd took your hand making you blush deeply. "You are a beautiful woman in need, and I have the entire land to aid you. Anything you have need of I will supply without question. I wish only for your happiness, my beautiful, Aiyana."

The sincerity in his voice chilled you. You weren't a stranger... You didn't know who you were to him, but it certainly was not a stranger. "Strahd....?"

"Yes, my dear?"

"Do..." you hesitated, chewing on your bottom lip for a minute. How could you ask him if he knew you? You just had to say it. "Do you know who I am?"

Strahd's eyes saddened as you asked that. He seemed to be thinking back over something. Obviously something painful... "I do... but I wanted you to figure it out for yourself."

You nodded picking up your book and leaving him to his memories. Something sad had happened between you... Maybe you were lovers and you had gotten lost... Maybe he was so sad because you couldn't remember him... You looked down at the book. "That's it!" You cried doing as little victory dance in the middle of the hallway as a thought hit you. "I can use magic to get my memroies back. If I study hard enough and learn enough then maybe there's a spell to help me." And with that you took off running to your room to