Tears can Blind you… Smiles can break you…

Chapter 8

You looked helplessly as Alice was being lifted from the ground and strangled to death. Strahd emerged from the shadows, glaring menacingly at Alice with red colored eyes. Seeing him like this frightened you a little. He had never been so angry and the next thing he said to her scared you even more.

"You think I'd let her be taken from me again?" He asked Alice who was to near to unconsciousness to answer. "Your death will be much more painful than this I can assure you."

You looked to Brent for help, but he only lowered his head, accepting Alice's death even though he was supposed to protect the clan. But how could he go up against the lord of the land? He couldn't... Alice would die and the others would understand. Even the other wolves cowered in fear to Strahd's power. You then got your resolve. You wouldn't let Strahd frighten you. And you definitely wouldn't let him kill Alice over it. Even if she did just try to kill you... It wasn't in you though to let something die over something like that so you ran at Strahd and jumped on him trying to pull his arms down or distract him or something. It worked as his angry gaze left Alice and her body hit the ground hard.

"Go!" You yelled to the wolves who were now gaining some courage and they dragged Alice's limp body out and away from the castle. Brent however didn't move... He as you did too, noticed that Strahd was now looking at you in a killing kind of way and you almost turned to flee from him, but something wouldn't let you. You looked into his eyes defiantly, as scary as it was to do so, and stood strange before him watching his blood lust cool and his stone grey eyes return to normal color. He was still angry though...

"Aiyana!" He said trying to remain calm in front of you. If there was one thing he didn't want to do, that was scare you. You could run from him... Just as she did... "What do you think you're doing? That must have been the stupidest thing I have ever seen you do!"

"I couldn't let you kill her," you said in an icy tone, meeting his gaze. "It is just jealously that drives her. I can hardly blame her for that." You looked back at Brent and smiled shyly.

Bad move...

Strahd felt like he was going to lose it. Hundreds of years of being a vampire and learning patience and understanding could do nothing for him now. You had looked at another guy the way he longed for you to look at him. It was happening all over again and that was something he could not allow. Before he did something he might regret he turned swiftly away from you and left, down the hallway. You could hear his angry steps echo down the hallway and finally turned to leave, yourself.

"Ai...yana...?" Brent called after you.

You froze in place, but did not turn to face him. "Your welcome..." And then continued to your room.

"knock, knock, knock"

You lifted yourself up as you heard someone softly knock on your door. It was probably Brent and you weren't so sure that you wanted to see him right now. You decided though that he was better than boredom so you opened your door to find him standing there looking solemn. "I was wondering..."

"Yes?" You asked curiously as he paused to look you over. You had only a lose fitting, white dress on that look like it might fall off of you at any moment. Realizing this, you decided not to panic and just act like he wasn't staring at your half naked body. "Brent...?"

"Oh umm...," he started again, blushing beat red now and turning from you. "I was only wondering if you might like to go for a walk, but it looks like you're sleeping so sorry for bothering you and goodnight."

He said it all so fast you could hardly understand what he was saying, but when he started to walk away you knew. "I'd love to," you said pulling on his arm so he would stop. "It's not as though Strahd spends all that much time with me anyway... He's always busy. Probably with another girl I suppose."

Brent went silent for many long moments as you walked down the hallways as if deciding whether to say something or not. "He must be crazed then," Brent said stiffly as you put your arm on his. "If I lived in the same place as such an alluring young woman as yourself does, then I would spend every moment I had with her. If that's not too bold of me to say..."

You smiled slyly to yourself. "Every waking moment with me correct?"

He seemed to stumble a bit at your last statement, but seeing the look you were giving him he smiled. "Waking or sleeping. I'd always be with you."

You laughed silently. "Now I think Strahd would consider that a little bold of you."

"Strahd isn't here," he said with an edge of confidence and doubt in his voice. "And even if he is I was speaking only of a woman with your likeness, my lady. Not you personally."

You nodded knowing the truth behind his words, but not wanting to embarrass him further kept your mouth shut and continued your walk. You wouldn't tell if it was night or day in this place, so you decided to show Brent the old abandoned temple that you had found and declared your sanctuary. He agreed that it had a very peacful feel to it.

"But I must admit something to you, my lady," he said his voice tightening slightly as he took your hand gently and gazed into your eyes. "I always seem to feel at peace when near you. I think you must be touched by the gods themselves."

You didn't know what to say so you decided to say nothing and accept the compliment with grace and silence.

You both spent some time in the temple before going back into the main castle.

"So what do you do for Strahd anyway?" You asked suddenly as it seemed that things were going all too silent.

"Nothing for a lady such as yourself to hear," he said nervously and then changed subjects before you could argue the fact. "How goes the search for your memories?"

You ignored that he had just switched subjects and went along with the conversation. "I've decided not to worry about it for now. Whatever I've forgotten was meant to stay forgotten. It was fate, and I have no intention of messing with that."

"Fate?" Brent echoed, sounding amused. "You believe in such things?"

"You know..." you said softly, stopping and thinking about it. "I've seen werewolves, vampires, and many things undead these past few days. Believing that we have no control over our lives... it just seems right."