Maybe Fate Was Wrong


Alice stared at Carlisle, both of them were scared, she had told him about her vision of Edward killing a women, they paced back and forth, Jasper had attempted to calm the atmosphere down but it hadn’t worked, he had wondered whether Bella had stopped him on purpose, she did that sometimes, just to see how far she could push her power. They heard the roar of a fast car in the distance, it was one of theirs, the engine was tuned perfectly.

The two of them stopped pacing and stared at each other, counting the moments until the door opened. Edward had already read their minds, he knew what they were scared of and why they were so scared.

“I didn’t do it.” He said, pushing them out of the way and looking for Bella, wanting the peacefulness of her silence, he didn’t have to listen to her minds drabble because he couldn’t hear it.

“I think she may die. She is bleeding heavily and there isn’t much chance of her being found, I’m sorry.” Ben said to Carlisle who pulled him into a hug, he looked like he needed a hug.

“You knew there was a risk of her dying, no one can trace her to you?” he asked, this was cruel but he also knew that there was nothing they could do to stop this now, the ball had started rolling.

“No, they wont, it will look like an animal attack to a human.” He said, wiping his face with his hand, as if trying to push the memory of what had just happened out of his mind. “I will leave, I just want to see her, in a real life, before I do.” He said, pulling his own hair slightly as he pushed his hand through it.

“We will come with you.” They nodded at each other.

It was dark out, Carlisle wore his doctor’s outfit, and he was taking his step children to the hospital, helping them understand medicine. Truthfully he was taking them to make sure everyone would be safe.

Edward was on strict instructions to listen to his thoughts he was fast enough to stop any trouble. Alice could see if anything would happen, and she could get Jasper too calm everything down, they were so in tune to each other. Emmet was strong enough to battle pretty much everyone. Together they were a good team.

“She’s beautiful.” Ben whispered, she was asleep, her daughter was in a small cot at the end of the bed, smiling and waving her arms around, they could hear the faint gurgling sound that she was making.

Ben looked at the floor, he knew he had to leave, and if he didn’t go now, he never would, he turned to look at the Cullen’s and smiled.

“Thank you.” He said, walking away. They smiled as he walked away, they knew they would see him again.

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this took ages to get up.