Maybe Fate Was Wrong


Edward stared at Ben and tried to understand what had happened but all he found was fear, he was scared he had upset the man in some way. Scared that no one would ever accept him. Edward ran after Carlisle, searching for his thoughts. Finally he found a scared voice and he was affected. He tried to locate him but struggled, he was the fastest but how can you get anywhere if you don’t know where your going?

He saw the image of a girl, a broken girl laying in a bed, a baby laying in her arms, she was weeping, no, she was screaming. He couldn’t understand what was so special about this girl but followed the image until he found Carlisle.

“What’s going on?” Edward asked. His voice was so quiet no human could have ever heard it. It was the ability of a monster and Carlisle’s thoughts had reminded him.

“I’ve never wanted to bite someone so much, not since Essme [sp]” he thought before mentally sighing. “I don’t know what is happening. There’s something weird about this girl. It makes me weak, weaker then I have been in years.” Edward watched his father as he beat himself up.

“Maybe you just need a break, stay away from the hospital, tell them your ill.” he used that voice again and picked up on Carlisle’s dislike.

“But I am ill, we are all ill and we shouldn’t keep pretending like we are not. We are monsters, designed to kill. To drain life away from the innocent. Just because we deny our desires does not mean they are not there Edward.” he screamed, or it would have been a scream if he was human.

“Carlisle. Come home. Cool off. We’re family. We can get through anything.” Edward spoke, spoke in a human voice. His father needed him to pretend and there was nothing he would not do for this man.

“Damn you smart arse.” he thought, he heard Edward laugh, it was a lions laugh. He had always preferred lions, he like the fight. “So what do you think of Ben?” he asked now there was no one around to listen.

“I think that both of you need faith in our kind.” was Edwards simple reply.