Maybe Fate Was Wrong


Jacob left not long after midday the next day, he had put Carlisle in a good mood and he felt ready to go home. As he stepped out of the cave Carlisle blinked into the sun and watched as his skin turned into diamonds.

He wasn’t a monster. He was simply stronger then humans. That is why he was a good doctor. He didn’t get ill. He couldn’t catch things off of them. He could work for longer. He may have been designed to help humans.

It was nice for him to think in a more positive manor again.

He smiled as he walked into his home. Alice greeted him with a hug, then Edward followed by Renesmee, which made Carlisle’s smile grow. She told him about her travelling, she had seen everything in a very different way to Jacob and he liked being able to compare the different sides of the stories.

Ben was in the spare room, formally Edwards room, and thinking over everything, he was staying out of the way until Carlisle had settled back into his family. He looked up as the door opened and smiled at Jasper, who had felt slightly awkward as Carlisle returned to the family.

“Hello, how are you?” Jasper said, his face was not as pinched as it had been the night before and Ben guessed it was because of the presence of the werewolf.

“I’m good, thank you. How are you?” Ben replied. Jasper was aware of how English their new friend sounded and smiled at the idea of a vampire delicately drinking tea like people did in the films.

“I’m good, but I want to ask you something. When you were at the hospital, was there anyone more tempting to you? More tempting then anyone else you have ever come across?” he asked, he was carefully inspecting the air in the room. Alice had seen this vampire finding his singer and Jasper wanted to talk to him anyway.

“No, however I was kept away from certain wards, from what I can figure out it was Carlisle’s way of keeping me away from certain people that may have been tempting.” Ben told him and he nodded. They carried on to talk of their pasts, they had never crossed paths before and it was interesting to talk about the things you have seen when you have had such a long life.

Meanwhile, the girl who had confused Carlisle so much held her baby, she was in a private room and her mother had not been allowed in, supposedly in case of infection, although it had been on Carlisle’s command. She played with her daughter, she felt peaceful for once in her short life, and happy, no one was planning on taking her baby.

She looked up and smiled warmly at the nurse who had helped her so much during the last few weeks.

“Anything I tell you, is it confidential?” she asked, the nurse frowned but nodded. The girl, Chloe, went on to tell the nurse that she had been raped by her mothers boyfriend, how her mother had beat her and starved her. The nurse frowned again after reassuring the girl that everything would be ok.

She walked away to her office and picked up the phone, dialling the number of the only person she knew who would help, Doctor Carlisle Cullen.
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