Life's a Bitch, But Love is Hell

The Day of Black Sun Pt. 2 - The Eclipse

The war was continuing as you and Sokka talked about what to do next with Haru’s father and Bato. You looked up and saw Katara walk in with Hakoda, “Dad!” Sokka smiled, you all walked over to him, “Your on your feet again.” Sokka smiled, “Thanks to your sister, I’m in no shape to fight but maybe there’s someway I can help?” Hakoda asked, “everything’s going smoothly, and the eclipse hasn’t even kicked in yet,” Sokka said, you stood up and looked at the sky but you noticed something along with Katara.

“Katara, Xia, you seem distracted. Is something wrong?” Hakoda asked, “Hell yea…” you replied, “Is that? Is that Aang?” Katara asked, as you saw him land in front of you, “Please tell me you’re here because the Fire Lord turned out to be a big wimp and you didn’t even need the eclipse to take him down.” Sokka said, “He wasn’t home. No one was, the entire palace city is abandoned,” Aang said, “They knew,” Sokka said, “Gee… I wonder what gave you that idea…” you said sarcastically, you were now annoyed.

“It’s over, the Fire Lord is probably long gone, far away on some remote island where he’ll be safe during the eclipse.” Aang said, “No, my instincts tell me he wouldn’t go to far, he would have a secret bunker somewhere he could go and be safe during a siege but still be close enough to lead his nation.” Sokka explained, “If its an underground secret bunker were looking for I’m just the girl to find it,” Toph smiled, “The mechanist gave me this timing device, it looks like we’ve got about ten minutes till the full eclipse, ten minutes to find the Fire Lord.” Sokka explained.

“We can still do this, we can still win the day,” Aang said, “Wait, if they knew we were coming it could all be a trap maybe we should use the time we have left to all get out safely,” Katara suggested, “Everyone who is here today came prepared to risk everything for this mission, they know what’s at stake, if there’s still a chance, and there’s still hope, I think they would want Aang to go for it,” Hakoda explained, “What do you think? You’re the one who has to face the Fire Lord, whatever you decide I’m with you.” Sokka said, “I’ve gotta try.” Aang said,

You, Aang, Sokka and Toph left to find the Fire Lord. You landed on the volcano, “Do you feel anything down there?” Aang asked, “Yep, there are natural tunnels crisscrossing inside the volcano,” Toph said, “Anything else? Is there a structure somewhere?” Sokka asked, Toph punched the floor, “There’s something big, dense and made of metal deep in the heart of the volcano,” Toph explained, “Big, dense and made of metal…” you said, “Sounds like a bunker to me.” Sokka smiled as Toph made a hole in the ground.

You all walked inside as Toph felt her way around, “This way, that ones a dead end,” Toph said, “What would we do without you?” Sokka asked, “Perish and burn in hot magma.” Toph replied, “Yea pretty much,” Sokka said.

You ran into a room with smoke appearing from the ground in quick shoots, “The tunnel continues on the other side, and it leads right to the bunker.” Toph said, “We’ll have to be fast, but careful,” Sokka said, as one exploded in front of him, Aang quickly blown it out, “How is that careful?” Aang asked, “Yea, you almost got your face melted off.” You pulled Sokka to his feet, “I was wrong, we need to be fast, careful and lucky.” Sokka added, “Let’s go!” you cheered and ran across first followed by Aang, Toph and Sokka.

You made it to the next obstacle, “Great” you bowed your head down, “There’s no floor, it’s just a river of lava.” Sokka said, Aang got his new glider ready, “Climb aboard and hold on tight.” He said, “Can you hold all of us?” you asked.

You all screamed as Aang took off above the lava, “I never want to do this again!” you yelled.

You ran down the corridors to a huge door, “That’s some door,” Sokka said, “You can say that again…” you said, Sokka was until you covered his mouth, “figure of speech…” you replied as Toph busted down the door. You all ran inside and down more corridors, “I am so glad we added you to the group.” Sokka smiled.

You stopped in front of an old man and confronted him, “The Fire Lords chamber is that way down the hall to the left up the stairs, you can’t miss it!” the man said, you all walked up to him, “thanks.” Aang smiled as you all ran down the corridor.

“Only 30 seconds until the total eclipse,” Sokka said, you all stopped at a door, Aang taken a breath, “I’m ready, I’m ready to face the Fire Lord.” Aang blasted the doors down.

You walked inside and saw Azula, “So, you are alive after all…” Azula spoke, “Azula” you yelled, “I had a hunch that you survived, but it doesn’t matter I’ve known about the invasion for months.” Azula said, “Where is the Fire Lord?” you asked, “Hm, you mean I’m not good enough for you, your hurting my feelings,” Azula said, “Stop wasting our time and give us the information, your powerless right now so your in no position to refuse,” Sokka explained, “And stick to the truth I’ll be able to tell if your lying.” Toph said, “Are you sure? I’m a pretty good liar. I am a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings.” Azula said, “Okay your good I admit it,” Toph said, and surrounded Azula with rocks, “But you really ought to consider telling the truth anyway.” Toph added.

The earth around Azula broken and shattered, “When I left Ba Sing Se I brought home some souvenirs, the Di Lee agents.” Azula said as two jumped down.

Aang made the first move, the earth benders put up a wall where Aang jumped over, Toph jumped through the wall, “Great… what can we do?” you asked, “Climb the wall…” Sokka suggested, “How about we go around…” you suggested, “No, it’s blocked off…” Sokka said, “Well then if they jump through I suggest we wait and then take them.” You readied your blades, “Good idea,” Sokka nodded.

You heard some of the fighting going on until Sokka climbed up the hole, you saw Azula jump through, you pulled your blades out as she landed down, “You know Zuko’s gotten over you and moved on to another girl,” Azula smirked, you glared at her and attacked, Azula jumped over you and ran back, “Your lying!” you screamed and ran after you, A Di Lee agent was behind you as Toph trapped him in a metal bar.

“Wait, Aang, Toph, Xia, stop attacking don’t you see what she’s doing, she’s just playing with us she’s not even trying to win this fight.” Sokka explained, “Not true, I’m giving it my all,” Azula said, “You’re trying to keep us here and waste all our time.” Toph said, “Um, right I think your friend just said that genius, and since you can’t see I should tell you I’m rolling my eyes.” Azula said, “I’ll roll your whole head!” Toph snapped, “She’s just baiting you again,” Sokka calmed Toph, “Okay, so what do we do? Just ignore her?” Aang asked, “We don’t have a choice, we just have to get out of here and find the Fire Lord on our own somehow.” Sokka explained.

You all turned around to leave Azula, “It’s a trap, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Azula said, “Ignore!” Sokka yelled, “So, Sokka’s your name right? My favourite prisoner use to mention you all the time she was convince you were going to come rescue her of course you never came and she gave up on you,” Azula smirked, Sokka had tears appear in his eyes then he ran at Azula, Toph trapped her hand against the wall as Sokka pushed her shoulder up, “Where is Suki?” he asked.

-Zuko’s POV-
I had confronted my father and he was listening to what I was saying, “After I leave here today I’m going to free uncle Iroh from his prison and I’m going to beg for his forgiveness, he’s the one who’s been a real father to me,” I explained “That’s just beautiful, maybe he can pass down to you the ways of tea and failure,” My father laughed, “But I’ve come to an even more important decision, I’m going to join the Avatar, and I’m going to help him defeat you,” I explained, “Really? Since you’re a full blown traitor now and you want me gone why wait, I’m powerless, you’ve got your swords why don’t you just do it now?” My father asked, “Because I know my own destiny taking you down is the Avatar’s destiny…” I said and put my swords away.

“Good bye.” I said and turned around, “Coward, you think your brave enough to face me but you only do it during the eclipse, if you have any real courage you’ll stick around until the sun come out, don’t you want to know what happened to your mother?” My father asked, I stopped and looked back.

~Xia’s POV~
“Where’s Suki?” Sokka asked, “Answer me!” Sokka yelled, “Sokka she won’t talk,” Aang said, “Where are you keeping her?” Sokka asked, Azula smirked, “Sokka please, we have to go find the Fire Lord.” You said.

You suddenly heard an explosion further away, “Oh it sounds like the Fire bendings back on.” Azula smirked and kicked the air, you pushed Sokka out of the way as Azula jumped off the wall, “Dad’s all the way at the end of the hall, down a secret stairway on the left. I’m sure he’ll be more then happy to see you now.” Azula smirked then ran off, “I fell for it, I used up all our time,” Sokka said, “It’s not your fault Sokka, Azula was ready for us, she had every move panned out,” Toph explained, “And now its too late,” Sokka said, “Maybe its not too late, the eclipse is over but I can face the Fire Lord anyway,” Aang said, “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Sokka said, “But I’m ready, I came here with a job to do and everyone’s counting on me,” Aang said, “The Fire Lord knew we were coming, we thought we had surprise on our side but we didn’t, we need to go help our friends,” you explained, “I guess you guys are right,” Aang said, “you’ll have another chance, I know you will,” Sokka said.

You all returned on Appa, you jumped on the ground, as you saw loads of air ships, “It was all a trap Azula knew we were coming and she plotted out ever move, we just gotta get to the beach as fast as we can, if we can make it to the submarines maybe we can get away safely,” Sokka explained, “They’ve got airpower but so do I, I’m going to do what I can to slow them down.” Aang said, he jumped off on his glider and towards the air ships. “Appa you and I can help too.” Katara jumped up, “Katara!” you called, “What?” she looked back at you as your thrown the two pouches of water you had left, “Kick some ass! And I’ll help from the ground with these lot.” you cheered, Katara nodded, and took off.

“Everyone let’s get back to the subs!” Sokka called, you all ran back and climbed up the hill, you started to go back down the hill, the air ships were over head, “Try and find cover I think we’re about to see some bombs!” Sokka said, Toph made a shield over head on the others as you ran under it with Haru. Bombs landed on top and Toph secured the rock up in the air.

“Why aren’t they turning around to attack us again?” Katara asked, “They’re heading for the beach…” Aang said, “They’re aiming for our subs…” you said, “How are we going to escape?” Sokka asked, “We’re not,” Hakoda stepped forward, leaning on Bato, “then our only choice is to stand and fight, we have the Avatar, we could still win,” Sokka said, “Yes, with the Avatar we could still win on another day, you kids have to leave, you have to escape on Appa together,” Hakoda explained, “What? We can’t leave you behind, we won’t leave anyone behind,” Katara said, “Your our only chance in the long run, you and Sokka have to go with Aang somewhere safe, it’s the only way to keep hope alive.” Hakoda said, “The youngest of our group should go with you, the adults will stay behind and surrender, we’ll be prisoners but we’ll all survive this battle” Bato said, “I’ve got some experience with the Fire Nation prisons its not going to be easy but we’ll get by,” Tyro spoke.

“There at the beach already,” Sokka said, you saw the bomb go off, and destroy the subs.

You got ready to leave everyone you helped Haru onto Appa and sat down waiting for Katara and Sokka. Aang stood up on Appa’s head, “Thank you all for being so brave and so strong, I’m going to make this up to you,” Aang said, as you got ready to leave, Appa took off and you left them all behind.

“I know just the place for us to go where we will be safe for a while, the Western Air temple!” Aang explained. You hugged your knees and leaned back. “I had such a good feeling about today also…” you muttered.