Life's a Bitch, But Love is Hell

The Western Airtemple

You were all walking in the heat towards the Western Air Temple, you were getting tired and bowed your head forward, and “This is humiliating” Katara said, “Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple,” Sokka asked, “Both…” Katara replied, “Sorry guys but Appa gets tired carrying all these people,” Aang said, you felt a little dizzy as you wobbled, “Wow their Xia,” Haru caught you, you leaned against him, “Thanks…” you said, “Let me carry you,” Haru said, “I’ll be fine…” you pushed yourself away but fell on your knees, “Don’t be stubborn,” Haru picked you up and carried you on his back.

“I wonder how the rest of the troops are,” Teo said, “there probably on their way to a prison, seems like my dad just got out now he’s going back in,” Haru said, you leaned your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his neck loosely, as he was holding your thighs, “Wearing black is a bad idea in this heat…” you muttered, Haru smirked.

“I miss Pipsqueak,” The Duke said, “I miss not having blisters on my feet.” Sokka complained.

“Hey were here. I can feel it!” Toph smiled, you looked up from Haru’s shoulder, “Toph, are you kidding me?” you asked, “I think your feet need your eyes checked,” Katara said, “No she’s right we are here.” Aang said, you looked around, “Wow, it’s amazing,” Toph said.

You all flew on Appa under the cliff edge, you got off Appa and sat by the fountain, “Its so different from the Northern Air temple, I wonder if there are any secret rooms,” Teo smiled, “Let’s go check it out,” Haru smiled.

You splashed cold water on your face and stood up, “The heat was too much back there…” you sighed and relaxed. “I’m going with Haru and that lot okay!” you smiled and ran with them, “Wait up guys!” you called, Haru smiled at you as you caught up with them.

You all started to look around, “This place is so cool!” you smiled and ran down the corridor, Teo tried to catch up with you but failed, “Not that quick enough!” you stuck your tongue out and ran backwards, the back of your foot kicked something and you lost your balance, “Whoa!” you spun your hands in the air to regain your balance but it didn’t work until Haru grabbed your hand and pulled you up, you fell on him, “Thanks…” you smiled and looked at him, “Your welcome,” Haru replied, “Kissy, kissy!” The Duke smirked, your cheeks tinged red as you pushed Haru away, “Go away… duke!” you smirked, “It’s The Duke! The Duke!” The Duke ran up to you, “I know, I just like to tease.” You smiled and kissed his forehead, “I’m going back to the fountain, I’ll see you all later,” you waved and ran back.

Once you were back at the fountain you saw Aang and the others land down with Appa, “Hey guys! Where did you go?” you asked, “We’re going to look at the all day echo chamber!” Aang smiled, “Wicked!” you cheered, “I think that will have to wait,” Toph said, you all looked around from behind Appa and saw someone you were hoping to never see again.


You were all shocked as he stood there, “Hello Zuko here,” Zuko waved, the others readied to fight but you just stayed behind them and bowed your head down hiding your pain, “Hey I heard you guys flying around down there so I just thought I’d wait for you here,” Zuko explained, Appa roared at Zuko then licked him, you were confused but then remembered that you two saved Appa from the Dia Li in Ba Sing Se.

Zuko wiped his face, “I know you must be surprised to see me here,” Zuko said, “Not really? Since you’ve followed us all over the world,” Sokka replied, “Right, well uh… anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I’ve changed, and I uh, I’m good now and well I think I should join your group, oh and I can help Xia teach Fire bending, to you, you see I-” “You wanna what now?” Toph interrupted Zuko, “You can’t possibly think that any of us would trust you can you? I mean how stupid do you think we are?” Katara asked, “Yea, all you’ve ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang,” Sokka said, “I’ve done some good things, I mean I could of stolen your Bison in Ba Sing Se but I set him free, that’s something,” Zuko explained, Appa licked him again.

“Appa does seem to like him,” Toph said, “He probably just covered himself in honey or something so that Appa would lick him, I’m not buying it,” Sokka said, “Xia was there when I set Appa free, Xia tell them,” Zuko looked at you, you nodded but kept your head down, “And I can see why you wouldn’t trust me and I know I’ve made some mistakes in the past,” Zuko started, “Like when you attack our village,” Sokka said, “Or when you stole my mothers necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?” Katara added.

“Look, I admit I’ve done some awful things, I was wrong to try to capture you, and I’m sorry that I attacked the water tribe, and I never should have sent that Fire Nation assassin after you, I’m going to try to-” “Wait, you sent Combustion Man after us?” Sokka asked, you were shocked also and glared a little at Zuko, “Well, that’s not his name but-” “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to insult your friend,” Sokka said, “He’s not my friend,” Zuko said, “That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried blow us all up!” Toph said, “Why aren’t you saying anything?” Zuko looked at Aang, “You once said that you thought we could be friends, like Xia has joined your group, you know I have good in me,” Zuko said, “There’s no way we can trust you after everything you’ve done, we’ll never let you join us,” Aang said, Zuko was shocked.

You had tears in the corner of your eyes, “You need to get out of here now,” Katara said, “I’m trying to explain I’m not that person any more,” Zuko walked forward, “Either you leave or we attack,” Sokka stepped forward, “If you won’t accept me as a friend, then maybe you’ll take me as a prisoner,” Zuko got down on his knees and put his hands up, you clenched your fists and all your anger released in one go as you beaten Katara to bending water at Zuko.

You pushed him backwards, the others were shocked that you sent the first blow, “Just get out of here Zuko, you’ve caused enough pain between all of us,” tears slipped down your cheeks, “please, just go,” you said and turned around and walked away from Zuko.

-Zuko’s POV-
“Just get out of here Zuko, you’ve caused enough pain between all of us,” Xia said, tears fell down her face, it was my fault she was crying, “please, just go,” Xia said and turned around and left, her friends glared at me as I stood up and left not saying anything to them.

~Xia’s POV~
You leaned against the wall and started crying, “Why would he fool us like that?” Katara asked, “Obviously he wants to lead us into some kind of trap,” Sokka said, “This is just like when we were in prison together in Ba Sing Se, he starts talking about his mother and making it seem like he is an actual human being with feelings,” Katara said, you stood up and shot her a glare, “That’s because he is a human being with feelings,” you snapped, “Yea but look what he did to you Xia, he said some things and you trusted him then so you let your guard down then he strikes!” Sokka explained, you fell on your knees, “The thing is it worked, I did feel sorry for him I felt like he was really confused and hurt, but obviously when the time came he made his choice and we paid the price, we can’t trust him,” Katara said, you looked at them all as tears fell down your cheeks.

“I kinda have a confession to make, remember when you two got sick and I got captured by Zhao?” Aang asked, “And you made us suck frozen frogs, how could I forget I had a wart on the flap that hangs down from the back of my throat for a month,” Sokka explained, “Sokka I looked at it and told you there was nothing there,” Katara replied, “I could feel it, it’s my throat flap,” Sokka replied, “Anyway, when Zhao had me chained up it was Zuko and Xia who came in and got me out, they risked their lives to save me,” Aang said, Katara looked at you then turned to Aang, “No way, I’m sure he only did it so he could capture you himself,” Katara said, “Yea, face it Aang, your nothing but a big prize to him,” Sokka stepped forward, “Your probably right,” Aang replied.

“And what was all that crazy stuff about setting Appa free?” Katara asked, “He wasn’t lying,” Toph said, “That’s because I was there.” You stood up, “Oh, hurray in a lifetime of evil at least he didn’t add animal cruelty to the list,” Sokka said, “I’m just saying that considering his messed up family and how he was raised he could of turned out a lot worse,” Toph explained, “Your right, Toph, let’s go find him and give him a medal the not as much as a jerk as you could have been award,” Katara said, “All I’m saying is that while he was talking to us he was sincere maybe your all just letting your hurt feelings keeping you from thinking clearly,” Toph said, “Easy for you to say, you weren’t there when he had us attacked by Pirates,” Katara stepped forward, “Or when he burned down Kyoshi Island,” Sokka added, “Or when he tried to capture me at the Fire temple,” Aang asked, you walked over towards Toph and stopped by her side, you hated hearing all the abuse about Zuko but you knew it was right.

“Why would you even try to defend him anyway?” Katara asked, “Because, Katara your all ignoring one crucial fact, Aang needs a Fire bending teacher, and Xia has lost her bending so she can’t teach Aang, we can’t think of another person in the world to do the job, now one show up on a sliver platter and you won’t even think about it?” Toph explained, “I’m not having Zuko as my teacher,” Aang said, “Your darn right your not buddy.” Sokka joined Aang and Katara, “Well I guess that settled,” Katara said, “I’m beginning to wonder who’s really the blind one around here…” Toph said.

Toph walked off and you glared back at the others, “You are wrong about Zuko, I know he broke my heart and I should hate him but I can’t, I still love him, but he is a good man, and Toph is right, your all just too blind to accept the fact that Zuko has changed!” you snapped, “Then why don’t you go join your boyfriend then?” Sokka snapped, you screamed at them and turned around and sat at the edge of the temple. “So stupid!” you screamed.

You didn’t say anything to the as it was the next day, Katara gave you a bowl of rice as you walked off and sat by the edge again. A few moments later you heard a break in the rocks and Toph came tumbling through, you saw them carry Toph to the fountain. You walked over, “Are you okay?” you asked, “She’s fine.” Katara snapped, “I was asking Toph not you!” you snapped, back, “Did something happen when I was gone?” Toph asked, you and Katara glared at each other as an explosion went off.

You looked up and saw Zuko was confronting Combustion Man, “Stop! I don’t want you hunting the Avatar any more! The mission is off!” Zuko yelled, you were shocked as he got pushed out the way, you looked up as Combustion Man stopped shooting at you, and he aimed at Zuko. After the smoke disappeared you saw Zuko was gone, “Zuko!” you screamed but Sokka dragged you along with the others to a better hiding spot.

Katara and Aang fought Combustion Man for a while until they both ran around the corner towards all of you, “He’s going to blast this whole place right off the cliff side!” Toph said, Katara looked around the corner as Combustion Man attacked again, “I can’t step out to water bend at him without getting blown up, and I can’t get a good enough angel from him from down here,” Katara explained, “I know how to get an angel on him,” Sokka pulled his boomerang out and readied it.

Sokka aimed and pulled his arm back, “Alright buddy don’t fail me now!” Sokka said and thrown the boomerang out, you listened then heard a thud; Sokka ran out, “Yea boomerang!” Sokka cheered as he caught it, you all saw Combustion Man stand up, “Aw, boomerang!” Sokka complained as Combustion Man taken another shot but it blown up in his face.

Later on Zuko come back to see you all, you were glad he was still alive but weren’t ready to accept him back, “I can’t believe I’m saying this but, thanks Zuko.” Aang said, “Hey, but what about me, I did the boomerang thing,” Sokka pulled a pose you smiled and hugged Sokka from behind. “You did great!” you smiled, Sokka smiled, “Why thank you!” Sokka returned the smile.

You noticed Zuko was glaring a little but shook it off, “Listen, I know I didn’t explain myself very well yesterday I’ve been through a lot in the past through years and its been hard, but I’m realizing that I had to go through all those things to learn the truth, I thought I had lost my honor, and that somehow my father could return it to me, but I know now, that no one can give you your honor, its something you earn for yourself by choosing to do what’s right, all I want now is to play my part in ending this war. And I know my destiny is to help you restore balance to the world,” Zuko explained, “I’m sorry for what I did to you it was an accident, fire can be dangerous and wild, so as a Fire bender I need to be more careful and control my bending so I don’t hurt people unintentionally,” Zuko bowed towards Toph, “I think you are suppose to be my fire bending teacher, when I first tried to learn fire bending I burned Katara, and after that I never wanted to fire bend again, but now I know you understand how easy it is to hurt the people you love, I’d like you to teach me,” Aang bowed towards Zuko, “Thank you,” Zuko bowed in return.

“I’m so happy you’ve accepted me into your group,” Zuko smiled, “Not so fast, I still have to ask my friends if it’s okay with them.” Aang said, “Toph, you’re the one that Zuko burned, what do you think?” Aang asked, “Go ahead and let him join, it will give me plenty of time for getting back at him for burning my feet,” Toph punched her other hand, “Sokka?” Aang looked at Sokka, “Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord, if you think this is the way to do it then I’m all for it,” Sokka replied, “Katara?” Aang looked at her, “I’ll go along with whatever you think is right,” Katara said, Aang looked at you, “Xia?” Aang looked at you, you looked at Aang then at Zuko, you turned around, “Sure… I don’t care either way…” you replied, and folded your arms.

“I won’t let you down, I promise,” Zuko said, you walked off with the others.

You sat in your room that night and leaned against the wall while hugging your knees. You heard your door open, you looked up at Zuko, “Get out.” You said, “I want to talk to you,” Zuko said, you stood up, “Get out!” you yelled, “Please Xia listen to me,” Zuko walked forward, “No! You broke my heart Zuko! I can never forgive you! I hate you! I… just leave me alone!” you yelled, Zuko stood a few steps away from you, you had tears streaming down your face.

“I hate that you left me
I hate that I fell for you
I hate that your smile haunts
I hate that you died
I hate that I can't be angry
I hate that I'm upset
I hate that you wanted this
I hate that I wasn't enough
I hate that I couldn't make you happy
I hate that you’re gone
I hate that I don't hate you
I hate that your laugh is gone
I hate your gentle kisses
I hate that I can't stop crying
I hate that life goes on
I hate that you’re not actually dead
I hate your choices
I hate the honor that you love
I hate I feel that your dead
I hate you're no longer mine
I hate the people you now call friends
I hate your dad for what he's done
I hate seeing you so unhappy
I hate so many things but the one
I hate that I love you
I hate I would die for you
I hate I'll never get over you
I hate this new you
I hate myself for not hating you” you finished the poem that you once said to Katara and fell on your knees, “Why did you leave me?” you whimpered, Zuko knelt down in front of you, he put his hand on your shoulder and you knocked it off, “You promised you wouldn’t leave me!” you snapped at him, “I was confused, you know how I felt at the time! If I could change it I would have chosen to help the Avatar but I think this is how it was meant to be, Xia, all that time I was away from you I was going crazy, I never stopped thinking about how stupid I was to let you go, please Xia, I love you with all my heart,” Zuko lifted your chin, you looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes.

You wrapped your arms around Zuko’s neck and held onto him, “I’m sorry for attacking you last night,” you whispered, “I deserved it,” Zuko replied, you moved in and kissed Zuko, Zuko returned the kiss and he pulled you closer to him as you pushed him down to the ground. You kept the kiss going as Zuko’s hands wondered down your back and held your ass, you moaned as he gently squeezed and you pulled away from Zuko’s lips, “I missed you so much over the last few months Zuko,” you whispered, “I missed you even more,” Zuko replied, you smiled as Zuko pushed you over and kissed you again.

Zuko’s tongue slipped along your lip you moaned as you let him enter, you missed this side of Zuko, and now he was back. You messed up Zuko’s hair more as Zuko’s hand grabbed your breast, you moaned deeply and gasped for air as Zuko kissed down your neck, you gasped a little as he nibbled at your neck, you smiled as Zuko pulled away and looked down at you, “I love you,” you smiled, “I love you too,” Zuko replied.

Zuko took you to his room where you both fell asleep in each other’s arms for the night.