
Chapter Forty-Three

Joe’s POV

I hadn’t seen Pet all bloody day; her mates said she and Christine their drummer’d gone off shoppin’. Now, as it got close to showtime, I still hadn’t seen her, and for some reason, that made me even more nervous than I’d been since last night.
I dunno why I was so bloody crazy about seein’ her that night; I wanted to be alone with her, wanted to say what I needed to…so what could be wrong?
I sighed and looked at meself in the mirror in our tiny bus loo.
What the fuck are yeh thinkin’, son? the voice in me head wondered. What would she want with the likes of you?

Those pitiful thoughts were interrupted by Bryan, bashin’ on the bloody door.
“Oi! Mate! Time to give it up. If yer not ready by now, we’re leavin’ yeh behind!”
“Alright, alright!” I hollered back, and was answered by Bryan’s insane laugh.
I came out of the loo just as Glenn pitched a bloody football at the door, missin’ me head by centimetres.
“Lovely,” I growled, catchin’ the thing. “Get it the fuck outta here, or I swear you’ll be pissin’ through it next.”
“A bit testy, are we, Jordan?” Bryan drawled. He always fuckin’ called me Jordan to wind me up—his bloody idea of a joke.
“Not funny,” I growled back, advancin’ on him.
I was stopped by Tom’s hand on me shoulder. “That’s enough, you,” he hissed in me ear. “Don’t make me fuck you up, big brother. Yeh’ve got a date tonight. And I know you wanna live to make it.”

I took a deep breath while Bryan took off. I looked round at Tom; he was most serious.
“What’s wrong, brother?” he asked me.
I sagged down on the couch. “What would she want with me?” I blurted out.
Tom waved a hand. “Don’t start that shit with me,” he warned. “Else I might tell yeh summat embarrassin’.”
I smiled a bit. “No doubt ya could.”
He smiled back. “No doubt I would. And in front of Pet, if I could manage it.”
“Ah, now you don’t wanna start that, cos I’d have a few stories of me own to tell in front of Christine…” I moved in for the kill: “…Tyler.”
Tom threw up his hands in surrender. “Ugh, Jay-sus, I fucking hate that name!”
I sat back, satisfied. “Now you know how I feel.”
Me brother shook his head. “Who was it suggested we change our names to those?”
“I dunno, but I hope he’s far away, cos if not…”
“…He’ll have to deal with the Brothers McCullough!” Tom finished.
We proceeded to laugh our bloody arses off.

When we calmed down, Tom was serious again.
“Have a great time tonight,” he said.
I nodded. “I’m plannin’ on it.”
“She’s a gorgeous bird,” he carried on, “almost as much as Christine.”
“Thank God we have different tastes, or we’d’ve killed each other long ago,” I joked with him. “And how are things between you and the fair black-haired drummer?”
His smile got big again. “She’s just…lovely,” he answered. “I dunno what else to say. Dunno what she’s doin’ with me. But I’ll take it.”
I nodded again, then realized what time it was. “Shite!” I yelled, leapin’ up. “The ‘Bathers! I nearly forgot.”

Pet’s POV

I knew something was wrong with me when I found myself fussing with my hair.

Understand: I’m a girl, and I like looking nice, okay? It’s not a crime.
But hell, this was just stupid. It was beyond the realm of vanity and into sheer stupidity. There was no room, no time for this kinda shit, yet I was doing it anyway.
I mean, think about it: we’d be on stage shortly, playing and sweating in the terrible summer heat; then I’d leave with Joe and have to shower before I could even think about…other…things. So why bother with my hair, cos it would get ruined at least twice tonight?
See? no point.
But I was freaking out, so it was do my hair, or just kill myself….and that last part was so not an option.

I finally emerged from the bunk area, having given up hope as to my appearance. Sal saw me coming and eyed me up and down.
“Going out with your little fuck buddy again tonight?” she asked casually.
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, as I’m sure you already knew.”
She grinned evilly. “Yeah, I did, I just wanted to see you make that face. It’s fucking priceless.” She grabbed her bass and slung it over her neck. Then she leaned down to me and spoke into my ear. “So, uh, got enough protection?”
I sighed. “I think you guys gave me like 100 the first time…and I’ve only been out with Joe about six times. So you do the math,” I told her.
For a second, she looked like she was calculating it in her head. “Yeah, whatever,” she said suddenly, impatiently. “Can’t be too careful.”
“Sure you can,” Mo said cheerfully. “C’mon, ladies, time to fucking rock this place!”

We made our way to the stage and started the show. I was kinda distracted because I was looking for Joe at first; it didn’t seem like the Madmen had shown up. But then I caught sight of him during our fourth song and relaxed.
I caught Mo’s eye towards the end of the song and nodded towards the side of the stage. She nodded back and signaled to Tia while I clued Sal in.
After we’d finished, Sal stepped up to the mic.
“Hello lovely Warped people, how you doing today?”
The crowd responded loudly to her.
“Well shit, hate to tell you this, we know you’ve been out in the sun for, like, hours, right? So of cooooursssse…” she drew the word out, “…we’re gonna make you feel better by singing a song about sunshine. Isn’t that special?”
Hands waved and liquids were sprayed into the air, briefly showering the crowd.
“Aw, isn’t that nice, trying to cool everybody off?” Sal wondered sarcastically, stepping back to take a long swig of her sports drink. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and continued.
“Too bad, babies, it’s just not enough! But there might be those little fans for sale out there…oh, I’m getting distracted, dudes. Anyways, here’s the song we promised you…with the amazing Mo Kinsella on guitar!”
I shook my head while Mo cracked up at Sal’s randomness. She collected herself and began the solo that opened the song I’d asked to play. She stretched it out a little, the way we usually liked to play it. Tia held back a little on the drums, gently following the guitar, but not giving away the beat of the song just yet. It was enough to quiet everyone down and get them watching us in anticipation of the start of the vocal.
I cut a quick glance at Joe; he was smiling, but had the same expression on his face that those kids closest in the crowd did: What the hell song is this?

I moved up to the mic, nervous during a show for the first time since I could remember. I mean, we all got a little crazy just beforehand, you know? But I’d never had nerves while I was playing; it all just seemed to disappear once we started. But this time was different. Yeah, the song was in a little lower register than what I’d normally use, and truthfully, any other time I would’ve asked Sal to sing it.
But she wouldn’t be singing it for someone. I was.
I looked over at Mo just as she gave me the cue to sing in three…two…one…and I closed my eyes:

A little space, a little time
See what it can do
A little faith, peace of mind
See what passes though

The sun will shine on you again
A bell will ring inside your head
And all will be brand new…

Tia laid into the unexpected rhythm and I hung back a little, waiting for the next verse. I cut a quick glance at Joe; he was talking to his brother and gesturing towards the stage with a beer in his hand.

Come alive, come on in
Something let you know
The world’s as wide as your life is thin
Entertain your goals

The sun will shine on you again
A bell will ring inside your head
And all will be brand new
And all will be brand new

The rest of the band joined me on harmonies for the last line; it was a little touch we’d added to the original that I’d always thought was the only thing wrong with Oasis’ recording. Another glance at Joe showed me he was smiling broadly.
Our eyes met for just a second; I almost missed the start of the bridge.

I can tell you what you wanna hear
I've been there once before
You brought me through the empty nights
Sleepless on your floor

Mo was soloing but I could hardly hear it; it was all I could do to keep playing. It was weird, like…like an electric current, almost like being kissed, that was making my heart race and everything seem unreal.
In the back of my mind was the thought, Does he know what I’m doing? Hell, doI know what I’m doing?
I didn’t have time to worry about it much longer; we were on to the final chorus.

The sun will shine on you again
A bell will ring inside your head
And all will be brand new
And all will be brand new
And all will be brand new….

My earlier nervousness was gone, dissolved in the beauty of a song I wished I could’ve written, and in the joy of performing for someone…whether he knew it or not.
But I think he did.