What Ifs and Whatnots

Chapter 3

For several days this strange feeding act happened. The trap door would open, the rope would tumble down and Luca would follow with the same silver tray bearing food and drink, Luca would feed me and then when I was finished he would pull himself back up and wave to me before closing the trap door. He normally came twice a day and my body soon welcomed the routinely feeds. Sometimes Luca would produce a warm bread roll from somewhere or some kind of fruit and slowly my strength and confidence grew once again. When alone I would try speaking, often just after Luca had left, I would wish him farewell a few seconds after he had closed the trap door. I could think clearly once again and slowly I became accustomed to Luca’s shadowy appearance. While it was slightly unnerving hearing him speak and not seeing his mouth move but I got used to it, you could always tell exactly how he felt with his words and he seemed completely honest.

One morning I woke up knowing that something was wrong. As I tried to understand what was wrong I heard the trap door open and Luca’s soft voice calling down to me. I looked up as he dropped the rope down but my stomach rolled in a small protest against the food that was coming. Luca had perfected his descent and slid down the rope with ease, he landed softly and sat beside me.

“Not a drop spilt this time; also Mrs Hett’s given you some nuts, handpicked yesterday. Can you hold the spoon again today?” he asked, holding out the familiar silver spoon. I nodded and took the spoon in my hand as he held up the bowl and I ate. I felt the spoon wobble in my hand and then Luca’s hand on my wrist. I could tell he was puzzled but I just didn’t have the energy to make a small smile to reassure him.

“Luca…s-something’s wrong…” I murmured as my eyelids became far too heavy to keep open. I could sense Luca’s worry and confusion. The spoon was removed from my hand and the smell of the food and wine made my stomach roll and heave. I pushed away from Luca’s comforting presence and turned my back to him as my stomach emptied onto the floor. Those movements had cost me my strength that I’d built up so eagerly over the past few days and I would have fallen into my own vomit if Luca hadn’t reached out and pulled me back towards him.

“Don’t worry Miss; you’ll be okay, just stay quiet okay? I’ll...I’ll go and get Mrs Hett she’ll know what to do.” He whispered, laying me down gently and grabbing the tray, shimmying up the rope faster than I’d ever seen him go. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the putrid odour behind me and waited for Luca to come back.

“She’s just not right Mrs Hett, she seemed fine but halfway through eating it was as if she couldn’t hold the spoon. Then she threw everything back up, I don’t know what kind of state she’s in now I had to leave her to get you. I just lay her down…was that the right thing? Should I have sat her up?” Luca’s panicked voice sounded so far away it was amazing that I could hear him.

“Vermentino go down there with Luca, the poor girl’s sick…but how? Luca she was eating fine wasn’t she? Not refusing anything?” Mrs Hett’s voice was worried but also far away. Why were they all so far away? There was a soft whistle of people coming down the rope that Luca had left, forgetting his duties in his panic.

“Disgusting place. Ze gel probably just vants to get out of ‘ere.” Vermentino’s voice was closer than the others but he was speaking so quietly it was amazing that I even heard him. I felt cool fingers on my forehead. “She ‘as a fever…it is probably an infection from vun of ‘er injuries, Oswald you ‘ads better go and get ze master.” He sighed and stood as I opened my eyes. Vermentino glanced up at the trap door before looking back down at me. I could see how he was different to Luca; Vermentino’s shadow was thinner, more refined. Luca shimmied back up the rope and pulled Vermentino up as Oswald ran back and I closed my eyes once again.

“The master’s coming now.” he announced breathlessly and I could feel it. The walls had started to shake ever so slightly; I could hear heavy footfalls coming closer and closer. There was a sudden whoosh of wind and a loud thud that made the floor beneath me shake violently. I was almost too weak, too afraid to look but I couldn’t stop myself from opening my eyes and looking at my captor properly for the first time.

He was ridiculously tall; his thickset figure loomed over me as I tried to make out any discernible features in the dark gloom. But he blocked out any light which made my attempts futile. A dark cloak covered him from head to toe; I could see the cowl of his hood silhouetted against the light.

“You are more trouble than you’re worth girl.” He growled at me s the manacles around my wrists and ankles fell off. A large hand came forward and I flinched back, remembering the claws that had pierced my neck before. The master let out a growling chuckle seemingly pleased with my reaction and curled his hand around my waist. It was shocking that he could reach from my stomach to my spin with just one hand and I wondered just how big my captor was. I was pulled against his body, the warmth that radiated off him was almost too much to bear but I couldn’t escape it. His arm was a band of iron around my waist, immovable, dangerous but secure. His other hand covered the side of my head, pressing it close to his body, before he suddenly jumped. My hands grabbed at his cloak instinctively, and as he landed on the stonework of the floor above I was shaking uncontrollably. Riann fervently hoped that it was because of the infection and not fear. I expected him to drop me there and then, leaving me to his servants as he had done so before. Instead he simply walked on, as his servants followed him in silent shock.

He removed his hand from my head but my eyes were already refusing to open so I didn’t see the beauty of the halls that I was being carried down. I lost count of all the twists and turns when he paused before continuing on a few paces before stopping again. There was the sound of material being moved and I was laid down on softness that I had never felt before in my life. I sank into the soft material under me and felt hands trace over my skin.

“Vermentino find where the infection is and get rid of it. Oswald, inform me the instant she is no longer a burden in this room.” The master ordered quietly and there was a soft click and then silence.

“Vell, I did not expect zat.” Vermentino muttered as I felt his fine fingers running over all of my injuries.
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okay so this one is a little shorter than the others but I still love it anyway and hope you did too.

Dedicated to Bethanito for not grumbling as I pestered her to read this story, thanks for the comment hun! ^_^ (at least she didn't really grumble to me...=/)

More comments more updates me lovelies ^_^