What Ifs and Whatnots

Chapter 7

Several days passed and I was moved back into that room. I was seemingly no longer such a dangerous prisoner. I had no idea what had happened but I was sure that I’d died. And something was niggling at my brain, yelling at me to remember something, but I simply couldn’t. Again, I spent most of my time with Luca, but often Mrs Hett came in and poured the most fantastic tea it was hard not to get better. Soon is seemed that I was on the road to recovery and the bruises left my face. The swelling died down and I was able to get out of bed without any pain as long as I kept my left arm in one position. With my new found strength it was decided that it was high time I had a bath.

After Mrs Hett helped me into a loose white slip we stood next to the tin bath that was situated by the fire to keep the water warm and Luca was called in. I could feel the presence of others but they didn’t show themselves to me. As Luca lowered me gently into the water I gasped and clung to him, trying to raise my unprotected flesh as high as I could to avoid it being in contact with the hot water. Luca merely chuckled and continued to lower me down. I forced Riann to stay back so I wouldn’t start fouling the good atmosphere in the room and all too soon I was laying in the tub with Mrs Hett pouring more hot water over me. Luca left and Mrs Hett and the invisible servants continued to wash me.

He looked down at the mirror where he could see Mrs Hett combing the girl’s wet hair as she sat in front of the dressing table. Her left arm was covered in a plain scarf but he knew the damage that had been caused. The bone had come out of its socket. She couldn’t move it without intense pain and Vermentino didn’t know what to do. He sighed; it was time to get rid of the girl.

Mrs Hett braided my hair and smiled at her handiwork. I stared at myself in the mirror hardly believing that I was looking back at my own reflection. I glanced at the white scarf that was supporting my left arm and slowly undid the knot at the back of my neck. I felt Mrs Hett’s hands go to stop me but I shook my head and she seemed to understand. My shoulder was the only wound I hadn’t seen. Undoing the tie around my waist I gently lowered the material off my left shoulder and stared in horror at the injury. My face went white as I saw the protruding bone and as I swallowed a scream the doors crashed open.

Mrs Hett and I jumped and span quickly, my right hand pulling up the fold of the robe to cover my left shoulder as a dark figure leered at us from the doorway. I watched as Mrs Hett bowed her head and scuttled away, closing the doors behind her. I watched in silent terror as my captor stepped forward, slowly, prolonging the promise of torment. I stood and backed away but all too soon I came to the bed. His movements increased in tempo and I fell back onto the bed as he neared it. This time he wasn’t blocking out any light, but still his face was cast in deep shadow under the cowl of his hood. I couldn’t look away and had to crane my neck to keep my eyes on that inky blackness.

“Take it off.” The voice jarred my teeth and made the hair on the back of my neck rise. It took me a while to realise what he had said even then I couldn’t help but voice my shock.


“Take it off.” He repeated in a low growl that reverberated around the room. Riann stepped forward as Arianna cowered behind her.

“No.” my defiance was met with a ferocious snarl and I thought I heard teeth gnashing together. But there was no way in hell that I was going to remove this robe.

“Do it or I will.” That got my attention, he wouldn’t…actually yes he probably would. He had killed those men that had chased me in the woods I was sure of it. Anybody who could kill could easily force others to do their bidding. I was slowly trying to acknowledge the defeat that Riann wasn’t used to. It would have been much better to have been Arianna right now but Riann was stubbornly in charge. And this stubbornness was making me far too slow for my captor’s liking. After letting out a low growl I saw a clawed hand thrust out and grab the left lapel of my robe. He tugged sharply and ripped the material away from my body. I cried out in shock and then pain as I instinctively tried to cover up my body. He threw the material to the floor as I raised my right hand to cover my exposed chest. I could almost imagine him berating me for being weak or pathetic but he said nothing, seemingly just interested with my shoulder. I tensed as his hand reached out and moved over the wound and he glanced at me, I caught the sight of wicked fangs as he sneered at me and softly pressed a claw into the wound.

A strange sound filled the room and then I realised it was my voice yelling loudly in protest against the pain. My shoulder burned and throbbed where he’d touched it and tears sprang to my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I gritted my teeth as he clamped his hand around my upper arm. He placed another hand that was decorated with four talons that glinted maliciously in the waning dusk, on my other shoulder and forced me to lie back on the bed. The only warning I was given was a faint tensing of the muscles in his hands before he pulled and pushed harshly. I screamed as he forced my injured shoulder into positions that didn’t seem right. My body writhed as I tried to escape but after a low growl he leant heavily on my right shoulder, easily pinning me down with one hand.

I lost track of how many times he moved my shoulder, I was floating on a sea of never ending pain, the torture was almost unbearable and tears flowed freely from my eyes as I screamed and begged him to stop. Eventually he did. He pulled back and returned a moment later. I shrank away from him but he pulled me roughly back and bent my left elbow before placing it in some material which he also forced over my head. My eyes were screwed tightly shut as tears continued to pour slowly down my cheeks. I couldn’t move save for the uncontrollable shaking, whether it was from fear or pain I had no idea but figured it was a combination of both. I heard a soft grunt and instantly winced expecting more pain.

“You’d better prove yourself to me girl.” He snarled into my ear. I wanted to stay strong but a tiny whimper escaped and more tears drifted down my cheeks I could have sworn I flinched but nothing seemed real anymore. The pain was lessening but I couldn’t stop crying and part of me didn’t understand why. “Downstairs. Seven o’clock. Don’t be late.” the message was snarled into my ear again and then I suddenly felt cold, as if a bucket of ice had been thrown over me. There was a soft click and then a terrifying silence in which the whole world seemed dead.

Mrs Hett gingerly opened the door, several hand maidens were hovering behind her, they all had no idea what they would find inside but they were quite certain that the master hadn’t killed her. Mrs Hett’s gasp had the maids twittering nervously, was she dead? Had he left her corpse there? Was she mutilated or was there no trace of the girl except for her blood all over the carpet? They stared as Mrs Hett ran in and after a brief hesitation they followed suit. They watched as Mrs Hett ran to the lone figure on the bed and stared at the material that lay useless on the floor.

“Are you okay darling? What hap- Okay its okay, don’t worry pet we’re here now.” Mrs Hett spoke gently, as if soothing a small child. The handmaidens stared as she saw the girl’s arm around the shadow of their boss. But they remained silent as they started to prepare the dressing table. The master had given them their orders and they would carry them out. They pretended not to listen to Mrs Hett’s conversation for they knew that the older woman was harsh with anyone if found gossiping, especially about guests.

“Alright love, its okay, now come on, we can’t have you in that tatty old thing any more. Come on, it’s half past five and we need to get you ready for the master- yes I’m afraid you’re going to have to go- now no arguing. I won’t stand for it. I don’t know what went on but believe you me; it won’t be half as bad as what will happen if you don’t go downstairs for dinner at seven o’clock. The master’s not all that bad; he just needs a chance to prove himself. Let him show you his better nature.” Mrs Hett implored the girl, talking softly but firmly as she led her over to the dressing table once again. The girl was peeled out of the robe and a new one was draped over her shoulders. Nobody mentioned anything about the expensive fabric that had been ruined. The girl sat quiet as her hair was brushed and pinned away from her face. They didn’t have enough time to curl her hair so they left it hanging loose down her back.

The girl, who had let Arianna take over for now, duly allowed herself to be made pretty and followed silently to step on a pouffe. She didn’t complain as the corset was tightened and the underskirts added. The soft material of the dress was added and then it was time for the slippers. One of the maids gently patted the girl’s face with a fine powder before lining her eyes and colouring her lips. Then she was brought to face Mrs Hett who beamed.

“You look beautiful Arianna. Truly beautiful.” She whispered, lacing snowdrops and small white roses through the twists and pins in the girl’s hair. There was a soft knock at the door and Vermentino stepped through, opening the door for Oswald.

“Dinner is ready.” Oswald announced as Vermentino stepped forward and offered Arianna his arm. Glancing briefly at Mrs Hett who nodded kindly Arianna placed a gloved hand through the shadow of Vermentino’s arm.

I walked through the halls with Vermentino behind Oswald. Both seemed to be walking straighter, with pride and a hint of smugness. Arianna was in charge, mainly because Riann was refusing to be paraded around in the frothy, white fluff-ball as she called it, and she was very very nervous. The soft rose blush silk of the skirt was beautifully set against the white satin brocade on the bust of the dress. I felt like a kind of princess and the gentle scent of the flowers in my hair filled my world in a peaceful air that did nothing to calm my nerves. Soon Vermentino had slowly stopped; again I had completely missed everything around me as I walked through my prison. Oswald went in and announced me before Vermentino stepped in front to open both of the doors fully.

I saw that I stood at the top of a grand staircase looking down upon a vast hall. Half shrouded by shadow, I could not see how big the castle was but there was a faint round of applause and a murmur of voices to accompany the chink of glasses and soft music that drifted lazily over to me. I didn’t understand any of this but by the looks Oswald was giving me I was obviously expected to go down the steps without breaking my neck. I longed for my comfy leather boots; I could tell that the elegant slippers that adorned my feet would be no match against the smooth white marble. I felt Vermentino’s hand push slightly at the small of my back and I took an involuntary step forward. Riann snorted as I felt myself twinkle while I descended the stairs.

I crossed to the centre of the room as shadows bowed and swished out of my way. To my surprise I came face to face with a gleaming oak table that looked like it should be groaning under the weight of all the food that was laid upon it. I heard a faint cough to my right and saw Oswald standing behind an ornate chair. I crossed quickly to him and sat as he pulled the chair out for me. I stared at the silver plates and cutlery. They gleamed in the flickering light of the candles and suddenly the rest of the shadow guests had disappeared. The music was still playing but it was even quieter and I realised it was loud enough to be heard, but quiet enough for a conversation to be carried out. A chill ran through the room and instinctively I glanced up to the double doors that I had entered through.

There he was. Standing straight and seemingly glaring at me from underneath that dark hood of his I watched as he slowly stepped down the staircase. I expected the walls to tremble and a heavy clumping sound but there was only the soft, hypnotic swish of his cloak as it dragged on the steps behind him. It was still long enough to completely encompass its owner as he glided towards the other end of the table and sat. I never felt his gaze lift from me; likewise I could not tear my eyes away.

A bowl of steaming soup was placed before me and I panicked slightly as I stared at the many spoons. I watched Oswald out of the corner of my eye as he placed a bowl in front of his master and I saw a spoon on my left rattle slightly. I felt Vermentino’s hand lay gently on my arm and gladly I took his hint and picked the spoon up. It was rounder than the others and seemed to hold more of the soup. I had never seen a spoon in this shape before…hardly ever used a spoon in my life. Most broths or soups were drunk or soaked up with bread. I concentrated on my eating and tried to ignore the heavy gaze of my dining partner and captor.

It was in between the main course and dessert that he started to speak.

“You do not understand what is going on and no one is going to explain it to you. You cannot leave under any circumstances, you are my prisoner and only when I release you will you be allowed to step out of my gates. You will not venture into the North wing of the castle and I suggest you do not wander into the woods at night. You will want for nothing and I will expect you to be polite and punctual to every meal. My servants will attend you.” He recited as if he’d been practicing this and I wondered if he had with other prisoners. What if he was just telling me this and planning on killing me later on?

“Did you hear me or are you truly incompetent?” His words had an angry bite that made me jump slightly.

“I understand.” Arianna replied with her head bowed. But as the dessert was placed in front of us Riann laughed scornfully and I knew that I had to get out as soon as I could. Arianna took delicate bites of the delicious cake as Riann started plotting ways of escape. The first thing to do was find every single exit and entry point of the castle. Then it wouldn’t be too hard. We broke out of prisons quite a lot.

As I said before, girls are trouble.
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Okay this is a long one, i tried to get it up before but i went away and it wasn't done so it's extra long just for that reason. Plus it just kinda ended up that way as i was writing it. ^_^

Don't you just love Mrs Hett? Yes the one-way conversation between her and Riann is quite hard to understand but i'm sure you're fantabulouso minds can imagine what she's saying to Mrs Hett ^_^

Comments are love and if i dun get no comment that will make me very sad indeed. Do you really want to a prisoner in this castle? Risking death and pain? I think not.

So comment and you won't even be considered! You'll even be invited to a party! YAY party!!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed! ^_^