Withering Red

Withering Red Chapter 2

“Well looks like everything is packed.” I said looking at the eight bags that sat on my closet floor. “Can you help me carry them down?” I asked Grayson giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Fine.” said Grayson as he picked up three bags in each hand. God he was strong. It was almost inhuman. We headed downstairs and in the process I tripped. Shocker I know. When we got downstairs I sat down the bags and opened the front door to see a limo parked in front of the house. How rich were these people? I bet they could even out bid Donald Trump.
“So umm do you want me to put these in the trunk” I said pointing to my bags. I mean I kind of wanted him to do it but I wasn’t that lazy.
“No it’s okay. I got it.”Grayson said picking up the other two bags which make 4 bags in each hand. This guy must be macho man or something! The driver stepped and held open the door for me and Grayson. Wow. I thought I was being pampered but I wouldn’t show it. I was still angry and I didn’t feel like giving anyone the satisfaction. We drove for hours. I reached in my bag and pulled out my purple Ipod and turned on Fences by Paramore. “I’m sitting in a room made up of only big white walls and in the halls there are people looking through the window and I know exactly what they’re here for.” Was all I heard and I drifted off to sleep. I awoke to find my head lying on Grayson’s chest. Mmmm he smelled good. Then I realized who I was thinking about and sat up hitting my head on the car roof.
“Ouch.” I said putting my hand over my head. Dang could I be any more embarrassing?
“Are you okay?”Grayson said sincerely putting his arm around my shoulder. I’m fine now was what I thought but what came out was harsh and short.
“I’m fine.” I said as I pushed away from him leaning my head against the window to watch the trees go by. Silence engulfed the car the rest of the ride to his house.
“We’re here.” Grayson said as we pulled up in front of a mansion. It was raining, wet, and dark. I couldn’t wait to get inside. I got to the front steps when the door opened and I found my self looking into a beautiful all white room with everything gold and red. I stood there with my mouth open taking in my new place.
“Schuler, could you come over here please?” said John who was sitting next to Kate on the red sofa. I walked over and sat down across from them not ready for what was coming for me. “You are not only staying here but after you finish out you’re senior year you and my son Grayson are going to get married.” I stood there for about ten seconds with my heart frozen in shock.
“You mean like an arranged marriage?” I asked barely able to get out my words. “I didn’t think that this would ever happen to me.” I said practically in tears. Why? What did I do to deserve this?
“Your parents and us have planned this since the day you were born.” said John
“I don’t know why it’s just right when I held you I knew you were the girl that was going to marry our boy.” Kate said with a smile remembering the day.
“I want to find true love DAMN IT!”I practically ripped their heads off
“I am sure you and Grayson will make an adorable couple once you get to know each other.” Kate said trying to cheer me up. It didn’t work.
“We thought it would be best since you two are getting married that you and Grayson share a room. Anita will show you where it is. Do not protest because it is not your choice to make.” John said with a DON’T –DEFY-ME-LOOK. So all I could do was follow Anita to my room crying wanting my old life back.
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I promiisseeeeee it will get bettterrr. Its only my first story please keep reading and message me feedback.