Withering Red

Withering Red Chapter 4

Schuler’s P.O.V.

The agony in my gut soon went away and I got up and saw Grayson. No I mean really saw him. His cheek bones, the very precise profile. His blue eyes cut into my soul and it didn’t stop there. His brown flowing hair danced as the wind passed through the windows and the breeze brushed passed my leg which caused me to shudder. His muscle progressed out of his shirt as he clenched his fists. What was he mad about? Then he realized I was awake. Instead of letting him have the benefit of finding me out I walked towards him and hugged him . I knew more things somehow and I’ve met Grayson before. He was like an anti-depressant for me he could always cheer me up no matter what mood I was in. “Ouch” is what I heard Grayson say in his mind so I loosened up and heard the question “Can she read my mind?” and answered yes. My outlook on life changed in mere minutes. What is happening to me? Grayson asked me if I would not read his mind and I said sure and made my way towards the bathroom. Then I remembered everything all my powers, loves, lifes, friends all that jazz. I had the power to control elements and read minds which are both very uncommon powers.My two best friends were Joanne and Christine which were both vampires so they stayed with me throughout all my lifes. I heard Grayson’s thought well mo re like saw his flashback. They were very meaningful and made me cherish him all the more.

CHERISH?!? What the hell am I turning into, Mommy dearest?!? I snapped back into the 21st century instead of being the up kept well mannered girl I used to be. There is a whole new Scarlett now. New name new rules same love but new life.

Grayson’s P.O.V.

She moved very daintily and gracefully. She walked with her head held high like the princess she was then it all suddenly changed. I think she realized her mother was nowhere near so she didn’t have to act like a complete snob. Though she never was a complete snob her mother just liked others to now her daughter was above them and forced Scarl- I mean Schuler to act like that. I detested the character she portrayed in public. She was mean and stuck up and thought way too high of herself. Though she was always my love and I knew that there was a good heart inside that evil character her mother made her. She was the sun in my life. Without her I couldn’t see my way. She guided me through rough times and for that she meant the world to me.

School starts tomorrow I wonder if I should tell Schuler now or later?

Schuler’s P.O.V.

School starts tomorrow I wonder if I should tell Schuler now or later. Grayson’s thoughts went though my head. Yea I could stop listening butt I chose not to. What can I say I’m a rebel. (note the sarcasm) I took a shower and felt the water dance across my skin. The vampire transformation hasn’t taken place yet fully. I change little by little and even when I’m fully changed I could pass as a human though I would be a very gorgeous human. My mother was so vain. I picked up a few things from her that I wish I could give back. No I’m not vain though I do care for my looks. Speaking of that what in the hell am I gonna wear tomorrow. My style is sort of sluttish. Though I’m not a slut I just like to tease. I grabbed a towel and stepped out of the shower. I opened the bathroom door and stepped into the bedroom. My eyes wander and to my surprise met Grayson’s eyes. “”No this I could get used to.” Looks like the pervertedness of this generation rubbed of on him. Two can play that game. I smirked at him wiggled my but and walked across the room leaving Grayson with his mouth opened. I was so close to falling on the floor laughing. I got to the pajamas. Fuck. They were all Victoria secret either see through or short. I chose a short black nightgown. I made my way to the room again. “Not a big step up from a towel.” Said Grayson.

“Haha, funny.” I said sarcastically.

“Ouchh” said Grayson touching his heart. I giggled then hopped under the covers. “Why are you going to bed so early?” asked Grayson.

“Well we have school tomorrow. Duh.” I said before I realized he never told me that. Oppsie.

“Listening to my thoughts again?” said Grayson

“You now me I’m stubborn.” I said. I closed my eyes for a second before feeling the bed shake. “Grayson don’t go pushing your luck.” I said then I opened my eyes to see Grayson being attacked. Before I even realized what was happening wind twirled all around us and pushed the men to the wall. My fire surrounded their feet and I walked over to them. “What in the hell are you doing here.” I asked.

Their brown eyes looked pleadingly at me. “I was sent here on orders from our king to capture you. You see the Queen passed away a few months ago and her son gained the throne. His fiancé departed and he wants you” the soldiers’ explained.

“Well you tell your king to leave me and this family alone or he will face the consequences, Trust me they are not consequences that will result in life.” I said and let my fire go. “GO!” I said and off they went.

“That was amazing.” Grayson said into my ear.

I was tired and wanted to sleep “Yea, yea let us just got to sleep.” I said. He chuckled and we both got under the covers and drifted off to sleep.
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Hey if you want to be in one of my stories gove me some feedback k? also u can create a character of ur own that you think will beinfti my sotyr who knows maybe next time you read youll see your character in this story :)