My New Life As A Vampire

My New Life As A Vampire Chapter 1

I was walking home from work right around 11:30. I worked at a fitness center where I was a personal trainer. My name is Scarlett and I have black hair very pail skin and bright purple eyes. People always stop and ask me if I wear contacts but I don't purple is my natural eye color. Though my eyes clash next to my pail skin just like my straight black hair does. My house was only a block away so what's the point of wasting gas. Even though I knew it was dangerous I thought what are the odds . Well I jinxed it. Great Scarlett, nice going! I saw something from the corner of my vision and turned around to see about 3 of the most graceful and gorgeous people I have ever seen in my life. I heard one of the guys call the girl Georgia. Seems like a nice name but for some reason I am guessing it doesn't match her personality. They were headed right for me. Why were they headed for me? They got closer and closer and I bolted trying to reach my apartment I got to the parking lot and that was when I was thrown on the ground. "Hello." One of the guys said. He seemed like the leader. Oh God what was I gonna do.

"Mark you don't have to get to know food." said another one. Food! I thought. I am a human being not food! I was so scared I couldn't move.

"I know. It's just seems like such a waste such a pretty girl getting eaten. Why don't we change her and allow her to become your mate Joshua?" Mark asked. Change me? Change me into what? I just wanted to go home.

"Because I'm hungry," said Joshua lunging for my throat. I swallowed my fear and shut my eyes ready for pain.

"Your loss." said Mark as he got closer to me too. I was telling my body to push him away but it wouldn't respond all I got out was.

"Wh...What do you want?" I screamed frantically.

"You haven't figured that out yet?" said Georgia. "Well sweetie we want food" Georgia added to her previous question and barred her fangs. I jumped back trying to run again. Mark grabbed my leg and threw it down on the pavement breaking my leg. That answers my question her name doesn't match her personality. Oh no I'm gonna die!

"Ahhhhh. Why are you doing this to me? Please let me go." I said begging and pleading for my life. I tried my hardest to convince them to let me go. Apparently I didn't do so well.

"Sorry. No can do." said Joshua who then bit my neck. It burned as if i was touching the sun.

"UGHHHHHHH" I screamed out in agony hoping somebody would here me. It started getting darker ad darker and right before I was about passed out I heard fighting and Joshua was pulled off of my neck. Then it all went black.

I was sleeping and all I could feel was the burning. It felt like i was ran over by a bulldozer. Then thrown from a 100 ft building then stabbed 400 times then hit by a train all at the same time. I just wanted it to end I would rather die then go through what I felt at that moment. It wouldn't end the burning feeling. It was a sensation all over my body. Finally after what felt like years the burning started to die down. A little while later it was all over and I opened my eyes and found myself in the most beautiful room I have ever seen.
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