My New Life As A Vampire

My New Life As A Vampire Chapter 3

The dorm advisor gave me my dorm room key and my list of classes and handeme the freshman and senior classes. As I walked through the hall all heads turned and everyone stopped talking I wore my hair up in a ponytail and everyone saw my glowing blue mark and just completely stared at me. Then I saw Alexandra who waved to me and started walking my way. When she was next to me we started chit chatting as we were walking to my classes I didn't have any classes with her since she was a freshman (for a vampire) and I was on the senior level because of my mark. When I got to class I said bye to Alexandra and walked in to find everyone staring at me once again. Even the teacher was staring when he was out of his daze from my mark. He announced to the class that there was a new student and that her name was Scarlett. "Scarlett you can go sit next to Darren." The Professor said pointing to the empty chair next to the cutest guy I have ever seen. "Oh and I am Professor Dominic and welcome to blood lust mixed with physics. (You take human and vampireclasses) I made my way to the chair and sat down.

I decided to be brave and say hi and formally introduce myself. "Hi," I said "My name is Scarlett Jenovive."I offered my hand. He shook it and said

"Hello, I'm Darren Winthrop." When he said this I realized he had a British accent. Adorable. "So, I see you have a Goddess mark." Darren said.

"Is that what this is called?" I said pointing to my neck. He chuckled.

"Yes that what this is called" he said touching my mark. Oh my. I swear he is flirting with me.

"Darren. Do you want to go to Bitola's tonight for our 6 month anniversary?" said a red haired girl. She looked sort of sluty if you ask me. Good why did all vampires have to be gorgeous?

"Uh Melanie I don't think tonight is the best night. I have to study for AP Calculus and Powers." said Darren. I have those classes too. I jumped for joy inside.

"Oh it's okay we have eternity." Melanie said smiling and when Darren turned away she gave me a BACK-OFF-HE-IS-MY-MAN-YOU-SLUT-OR-I-WILL-HURT-YOU look so I turned away from her andstarted to pay attention.

I learned that if you drink blood from a human and stop in the middle the human will turn into a vampire and that is strictly forbidden to any student. I also learned about that if they do change and you live you have a special bond. You can hear each others thoughts and transport to where the other one is. I learned that when you develop blood lust it is when you are so hungry for blood you'll drink anyone anywhere at anytime. Though that can only happen if you're really hungry and you are a full vampire. I wonder what I am considered.

God I'm hungry. I got in the lunch line turns out you get free lunch because vampires live forever this school has money out the butt. I got a cup of fruit punch and I never knew fruit punch could smell this good. When I got my plate together I looked to see if I could findAlexandra . Then a cheerleader got a hold of me. (Turns out there is more than one vampire school so they compete against each other.) She dragged me over to their table andstarted complimenting me. "I have never seen a prettier vampire. I mean were you gorgeous before you were changed?" asked Carmen.

"Ummm." Is all I said before she started talking again. "Hey do you want to join the squad? Well it's not really a question..." after that all I heard was babbling because I saw Melanie with a death look on her face coming this way. "Oh. Hey Melanie this is Scarlett the newest edition to our squad."

I cut in "Carmen, sorry I play soccer, volleyball, softball, track, and I swim. I don't cheerlead."

"Are you turning me down?" Carmen asked with a oh-no-you-didn't look on her face.

"I guess I am. See ya." I said and then I picked up my plate and walked towards where Alexandra was sitting. "Hey." I said to Alexandra.

"Did you just turn down Carmen?" she asked in utter disbelief.

"Um, yea. What's the big deal it's just cheerleading?" I said thinking nothing of it. I mean I never really cared what other people thought of me.

"What's the big deal," screamed Alexandra, "To be a cheerleader is like saying I'm the best of the vampires so yea deal with it and you just turn down the leader of them! She is gonna make your life hell."

"Okay. I wanna see her try." I said laughing.

"Hey Scarlett" Darren said waving. I smiled and waved back.

"You know Darren?" Alexandra asked.

"Yea he is who I sit next to in physics." I said taking a drink of my fruit punch. Oh my God I couldn't put the drink down. I finished it then looked at Alexandra.

"Wow. You really like blood don't you?" Alexandra said smiling. My smile turned into a oh-my-god-that-is-what-it-is look.

"You didn't know it was blood?" Alexandra asked. "I would've told you I just didn't know you didn't know. Sorry."

"It's okay at Me and Alexandra made our way to our dorm and got least it tastes good." I said trying to make the best of it. The rest of the day went by and soon enough I was in my dorm room getting ready for bed.

I put my hair in a ponytail to keep it from being all over the place the next morning. I kicked of my piggy slippers and went to sleep. My eye lids shut and my mind went blank till' i started to dream.
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Please give feed back and I would lovee some banners thnx guys for reading I hope you enjoy\
- Love Brooke