‹ Prequel: Never Let This Go

My Heart

I am finding out that maybe I was wrong

It’s been 5 years since Paramore got big. They have 3 number 1 albums now including All We Know Is Falling. They have been touring all over the world for the past 3 years. Us girls have kinda gotten use to them being away for long periods. Me, Kacey and Sarah haven’t seen them in over a year so we decided to go and surprise them by going to see them at one of their concerts. It was also Josh’s 23rd birthday the day of the concert, so it makes it extra special for him. Yes me and Josh are still together, so are Jeremy and Sarah, and Kacey and Taylor, sadly Zac and Hayley broke up a year ago, it was a mutual decision, they said that the feeling they had for each other has slowly disappeared. So they were the only ones that knew we was coming. I met up with Sarah after my last lesson in college, yeah we are both in college. I’m studying child care and Sarah is doing a fashion course. I bet your all wondering what Kacey has been up to for the past 5 years. Well, she has been writing music of her own and has been trying to get into the music industry aswell. Anyways back to the present day, Me and Sarah met up with Kacey after spending hours getting ready and packing a few clothes. Hayley mentioned something about us spending a few days with them on tour which I was so excited about.

It took us 3 hours to drive to where the concert was held and when we arrived there, there was a huge line full of teenagers waiting to go into the venue, some of them looked freezing, they must have been lining up for hours. This is how much people want to be at the front, they will line up for hours in all kinds of weather. This is how big the band has gotten. Kids would also travel like we have but further then where we came from just to see them. We quickly parked the car and took our place in the line. The idea was that we was going to mingle in with everyone else and try and not to get to close to the front. After a hour of waiting the line was moving, it was time to go in yay. We was all getting more and more excited by the minute, we really sounded like teenagers again. Me and Kacey turned 21 and Sarah turned 24 last month so we haven’t really matured a lot. We finally got inside now, it was really packed, we tried to make our way to the front as much as we could but not too near. We only had to wait another half an hour till the show started, they only had one surporting act. They was great, the name of the band was Conditions, they toured with them a few years back. After they was finished we didn’t have to wait long for Paramore, which was a good thing, we was getting impatience, we have never waited this long to see them before. Finally the lights dimmed and the crowd went wild, including me Kacey and Sarah. When you think about it, we are like there fans too because we love their music. The band opened up on For a Pessimist. I loved this song. I sang along to every word to that song and danced my heart out. Me Sarah and Kacey pretty much danced the whole time aswell as sing along to every song. During Miracle I saw Hayley looking straight in our direction and smiled. She had spotted us, she was about to wave at us, but she stopped. I think she remembered that we wasn’t meant to be here. I looked at Josh and saw him glance in our direction. Shit. I ducked down and turned around. Kacey gave me a funny look as if to say what the fuck are you doing? I grabbed hold of her and shouted in her ear that Josh could have spotted us. She then quickly ducked down, we told Sarah and she turned around and told us to follow her. It was almost the end of the concert so we need to make our way back stage, to be ready for them when they come off stage.

We was finally out of the crowd and stood near the backstage area. Two big security guards stopped us and asked where we was going. So we told them that we knew the band, they didn’t believe us so we pulled out our backstage passes that Hayley had sent us. They still wouldn’t let us in, then we saw Ronnie, the sound check guy, we shouted him over and to explain to the stupid security guards how we know the band. They soon let us pass. As we walked passed them, me and Sarah gave them the ‘I told you so look’

“Knobheads” I whispered. It was loud enough for Kacey and Sarah to hear though coz they started laughing. “What? They were really getting on my nerves” We walked for about 2 minutes before getting to their dressing room. We walked in and sat down on the sofas planning how to surprise the lads. We decided that we was just gonna sat here and let them walk in and see us. I know its not the greatest plan but we didn’t have much time to think as we could hear them playing their final song. When the song had finished I was starting to get nervous, I mean what if he doesn’t want me here. Time to find out, we could hear Zac’s voice getting closer and closer. I watched the door open and as it opened I waited eagerly to see who was coming in first. It was Taylor, his eyes lit up when he saw Kacey. She immediately stood up and ran into his arms. Next was Jeremy, he ran up to Sarah on the couch, he didn’t give her a chance to get up, he pulled her into a hug and kissed her. By this point Hayley was in the room she was followed by Zac and last but not least Josh. He walked in looking at the ground his eyes shot up to see what the fuss was about, then he glanced in my direction. His eyes grew big and a smile appeared on his face. A big smile grew on my face, I got up, ran and jumped into his arms. I gave him the biggest kiss ever. As I pulled away he whispered in my ear “I have missed you so much” I could hear his voice crack up a lil. The smile I had grew even bigger.
“I missed you too”
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