Chemistry of a Car Crash

Just Keep Breathing

“She doesn’t get it!” Rian huffed as he walked downstairs to the living room.
“You two were fighting like a married couple!” Jack laughed. Rian gave him a look and Jack stopped laughing.

“Go talk to her,” Taylor said nudging Alex’s shoulder.
“Take care of her,” Jack said pointing at Taylor and Jack pecked her cheek. Alex got up and walked upstairs. He stood in front of Maddie’s door, hesitating to knock, instead he just listened for a minute.

“I know it’s bad for me, but I don’t care. I’ve wanted him since I found out that boys were actually kind of cute. And now I’ve got my best friend mad at me. Fuck my life!” She said and covered her face with the pillow and she cried some more.

Alex sighed, “Maddie?”

“Go away!” She said and he heard a thump against the door. He twisted the knob and walked in anyway.

The room was dark with shadows, but the sun was rising in the sky.

Alex sat down on the bed and looked at Maddie who was laying face down into her pillows. He placed a hand on her back and moved it in small circles, trying to soothe her.

“He can’t tell me what to do,” She cried.
“He’s only trying to help you,” Alex defended.

“Why are you taking his side?”

“I’m not taking anyone’s side babe,” Alex sighed, “It’s just maybe he’s right this time.”

Maddie sat up and looked at him with a confused gaze in her bloodshot eyes.

“Maybe this was a bad idea after all,” Alex said moving his hand off of her and staring down at the ground.

“Just tell me and we’ll end it here,” She muttered.

Alex looked up at her and could tell she was feeling crushed already. He didn’t want to break her anymore, but what was he supposed to do?

“Mads,” He sighed, taking her hand his, “I—I don’t know what to say.”

“Then let me talk,” She said taking in a deep breath, “You’re a rock star, I know that. It’s been you’re dream since forever. And we know you have a partying life style, but that’s just the image you give off to people. I know that you are truly a down to earth guy. I know because I’ve met him and I fell in love with him. But don’t get me wrong, I still love this guy too, it’s just the other one wasn’t aiming to get into a girl’s pants unless he was at Old Navy trying them on.”

He smiled at her little joke.

“I know he’s in there Alex, other people don’t.”
“You’ve changed me so much in the last two days.”
“I didn’t change you; I brought you back to reality.”

“So,” She piped, “I’m willing to fight if you are.”

“I’ve been fighting for you since day one, you just never noticed,” He smiled.

“Shut up and kiss me already,” She said and he did just that. He kissed her hard, making up for everything that just went wrong.

“Alex,” She said pulling away, “I love you know matter what anyone says.”
♠ ♠ ♠
this is for you mehgan! :D
enjoy while i write more during our finals tomorrow!
hooray for the last day of school! :D