Chemistry of a Car Crash

White Horse

He smiled and leaned back on the bed. She pulled herself up and resting her head on his chest while his arms wrapped around her. His fingers ran through her hair and no words were spoken. They just laid there, watching the sun rise up from the sky. Alex glanced down at Maddie a few times, noticing her chest beginning to find a steady rhythm and her eyes slowly closing.

“Hey,” Jack said opening the door to Maddie’s room.
“Yeah?” Alex whispered.
“We’re gonna go spend the night at my mom’s house. She said it was alright.”
“What about the rest of today?” Alex asked.
“I dunno,” Jack shrugged, “We’ll find something to do.”

Maddie stirred a bit, but stayed asleep. Or at least she was pretending to be.

“You and her have a lot of ground to cover,” Jack said and Alex looked back up at him.
“I think we’ve gone through hell and came back,” Alex smiled.

Jack looked at his best friend. He knew.

“You love her, don’t you?”

Alex took a deep breath, “Yeah.”

“I’ve loved her since I met her.”

“Awhz!” Jack said in a mushy gushy voice. Alex’s cheeks turned a slight crimson shade.
“Shut up,” Alex scolded.
“It’s okay! I think I love Taylor,” Jack said leaning up against the door frame and folding his arms over his chest.

“Dude, you just met her!”
“And you just met Maddie.”
“No I didn’t!”
“Whatever,” He said and closed his eyes.

Alex looked down at Maddie again; her chest still rising and falling. The sunlight reflecting off her hair and making it shine.

“I’ve got an idea,” Alex said turning his attention towards Jack.
“Alright captain planet,” Jack said opening his eyes.
“We have to keep the girls away for a while though.”

Jack sighed, “Okay…”

“Go get Rian and Zack, and I’ll meet you guys down in the basement in a few minutes,” Alex instructed.
♠ ♠ ♠

that means late night writing again!
yay! :D

which means more chapters for you! :D