Chemistry of a Car Crash

A Smile For Your Scrapbook

The next few days passed and it was just like the old days, which meant including late night Taco Bell runs and renting every DVD from the movie store down the street. There were also a few late night band sessions, and days where they slept till four in the afternoon. Whipped cream fights were common as well.

Maddie sighed as she fell backwards onto her bed and closed her eyes.

“Hey Mads?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah?” She said staring up blankly at the ceiling.
“What’s this?” Taylor said holding a dark blue binded book.

“Oh my god!” Maddie said surprised, “That’s our book!”

“Let’s look at it!” Taylor said jumping on to the middle of Maddie’s bed and cracking open the cover of the book. Maddie rolled over on to her stomach and joined Taylor.

“I remember that day,” Maddie said pointing to the picture

“Alex looked like a freak!” Taylor laughed.

Taylor’s eyes continued to scan the pages.

“They all look so weird,” She said looking at another picture.

“That was junior year when they got the news that they could record and EP.”

“Wow Jack,” Taylor giggled.

“Look at Zack’s fucking hair!” Taylor exclaimed, nearly stabbing the page with her finger.

“Those were the mullet days,” Maddie sighed and turned the page.

“Wow,” Taylor breathed as Maddie looked at the picture
“First professional photo shoot for the first record,” Maddie smiled contently, “Alex was acting like a diva the whole day! He even asked for his ‘agent’ to be on hold once.”

“I wish I could’ve been there,” Taylor said and flipped the page.

“Awwww,” Taylor gushed at the photo.
“That’s not uncommon to see,” Maddie giggled.

“WOW ALEX!” Taylor said sarcastically.
“Hey! I.. Okay well I didn’t buy those for him!” Maddie said, “But I did bet him twenty bucks to wear them and take a picture!”

“Our first warped tour,” Maddie sighed as she looked at the page. Every memory from those months flooded into her mind. Including the time where her and Alex snuck off into the mosh pit of Chiodos. Her cheeks grew hot as she remembered that was the first time he admitted he wanted to kiss her, and he did just that. Right in the middle of people screaming the words to songs she didn’t know.

“That’s the end?” Taylor asked disappointedly, flipping to the last page.

“I stopped talking to them after that,” Maddie said trying not to bring those reasons back up, “So the pictures stopped there.”

“But all those ones in your basement,” Taylor asked confused.
“Those were part of the list Alex and I made,” Maddie said flipping the book shut, “No way in hell was I going to let his damn fucking ego ruin our list.”

“Oh,” Taylor said and stayed quiet.

“He broke my heart when he got so called famous. Everyone kept talking to me, but him. I was just a faded memory, but he was the most vibrant and beautiful image in my head. We met in eighth grade, but I didn’t realize how much he would change my life until freshman year,” Maddie explained to Taylor who looked a little interested, “He stole my heart with one line of a song.”

Taylor awed at Maddie’s story. She never heard about her past relationships with Alex and All Time Low until this week. Too bad it was going to end soon.

“I wish I knew you back then,” Taylor smiled.
“Those were the good ol’days,” Maddie sighed contently, “The days where love was just a word, and tag was the game we played.”
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soooo, how'd ya'll like all those pictures?
this is the kinda of idea i get at 11:30 at night XD