Chemistry of a Car Crash

Mother Knows Best

Just as the silence began to set in, Maddie’s phone began ringing again and it was still pretty loud. Mrs. Gaskarth leaned over and answered it.

“Mom?” Alex answered confused.

“Why are you sitting under a table?” Rian asked as he walked by.

“Where’s Maddie?” Alex asked sounding panicky.
“She’s right here,” Mrs. Gaskarth said removing the phone from her ear and placing it on her shoulder, “He wants to talk to you.”

Maddie groaned and took the phone, pressing it up against her ear, “MADDIE!”

“Ow,” She moaned.
“What’s wrong babe?”
“Hang over,” Maddie said quietly and Mrs. Gaskarth went downstairs, “And thanks for calling your mom for me.”

“Well you weren’t answering, and usually you answer the second time I call if you miss the first one,” He let out a small sigh of relief, “I needed to make sure you were still there and you didn’t run away.”

“Runaway?” Maddie choked.
He stayed silent, “Yeah, like all those times when we left for tour, you’d run away.”

“I’m older now!” Maddie protested.
“I know,” He said, “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“How are you feeling?” Mrs. Gaskarth said standing at the foot of Maddie’s bed with a tray full of food.

“Can we talk about this later?” Maddie asked.
“Mom’s there?” Alex questioned.

He sighed in defeat, “Okay.”

“Bye,” Maddie said hurriedly.

“Wait Maddie!”
“I love you,” He said like a little kid.

“Bye,” She said and hung up.

“Alex?” Mrs. Gaskarth smiled at Maddie as she placed the tray on the bed beside her.

“Yeah,” Maddie said innocently.
“You know he loves you right?” She said raising her eyebrows and giving an all knowing motherly look.

“He does?” Maddie said hopefully.
“He’s not very good at showing it,” She said picking up the tray and handing it to Maddie, “But he really does care about you.”

Maddie grinned like an idiot when she heard his mother say this, “That’s good, because I think I love him too.”

“I knew you two would end up together again,” Mrs. Gaskarth said standing up and smoothing out the folds on her shirt, “Now eat up and I’ll be back in two hours.”

“I wish you were my real mother.”
“You’re always welcome at our house dear,” She said and exited the room.
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alright, here's the news you will all be dreading to hear.

i have summer camp for the next two weeks,
no im not actually participating in camp,
i have to help out with it. It's horsey camp!

then most likely after camp, i will have to help work horses every day.

this means updates will be slow,
but I PROMISE i will not forget about them! :D